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Started by Zenotheweno, January 12, 2008, 09:49:05 AM

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I just started with the CAM

Started a new region, as i do normally i start one medium sized city full industrial wich now has about 35.000 jobs.

I then start a residential (combined with small commercial) city, mostly low residential and a few medium residential areas.

My population is round 35.000

and i have a combined total: 35.000(industry) + 17.000 (commercial) = 53.000

But still i have a bit of unemployment, i used to do this without the CAM and never came accross this. Is it Normal with the CAM that your workpopulation is much bigger than the actual residential one?
Or am i forgetting about something?

Oh yeah there are just the 2 cities, with a few connections to each other thats about it, they are both medium sized, i only have road transport no rail or anything yet.

Thank you :)


The combined total of 53,000 is not he workforce, that's the capacity.
Your workforce is never bigger than your population, it's in the range of 40%-60% of the actual poopulation.

It is quite normal that some (often a lot) of the industrial or commercial capacity is unused.
If you route-query a commercial or industrial buidling you will see the actual workforce in it.

You might also find some useful information in this recent thread:

Recent finds have shown that the regional workforce is too high (doubled) in CAM though.
And that will be corrected with CAM version 1.1, once the testing phase is over.


The Unemployment has gone thank you!

But i am just wondering i now have about 120.000 low residentials (in total) in 4 cities, but no cam buildings are appearing, they all have water, parks and fire coverage. When does the next stage come or do i still need more population for some highrises (i only have small houses not one appartment or anything)


Did you download the CAMelot Counters as well? They show you each level for Stage Growth, and can be placed as soon as you start getting your first CAMelots growing. All you have to do is hover your mouse over the RCI Wealth Stage tally, and the needed Regional Capacity pops up.

And the CAMelot Counter thread is here:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=2103.0



I already have the CAM counter i have loads of industrial CAMS but so far no low residential ones

and i looked it up you need a total regional population og 86.000 (and a few hundred) and i HAVE a regional population of 117.000

for it to appear does it matter that the population is only low residential or do you need some r$$ and r$$$ as well??


there's agood reason for that.. farm cam starts at 3, indus starts at .. umm 4? I forget but its lowish, and residential/commercial starts at 9.


ok nevermind the CAM stages then

how come i still have only small houses, i zone pretty big 3*4 and bigger, but still i only get small housing.

Would this make things better if i raise the taxes of r$$ and r$$$ and zone medium and dense.
would low residential appartment block grow??


You won't see any CAMelot growth in Low Density zones. For skyscrapers, you need High Density. And yes, Industrial will probably be the first CAMelots to grow, since they start at Stage 4, Agricultural (IR) included.
For some of the larger lots, you have to zone specifically for them, by holding down the Ctrl button as you zone. I keep a cheat sheet handy with all of the buildings, and what size lot they need.
If you need one, I'd suggest printing out the list in the Linking all available Lots thread found here: http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=2039.0


I have no problem getting skyscrapers.. at least around stage 11 with med density.. dunno where the crossover is


thank you i was using LOW density zoning.

Thats where the problem was i now have some appartment blocks, so my cities can continue growing and reach a further level.

Thank you for the help much appreciated!!


SC4Boy - If that's the case, then that lot needs to be rechecked. For Res&Com Low Density allows for up to some Stage 5s. Medium Density is stages 5,6 & 7. Anything over Stage 8 should require High Denisity.
For Industrial, Medium Density allows up to Stage 5, and High Density is required for Stages 6 and up.
Which Stage 11's are growing in Med Density?


just curious though

say i want a low residential stage 7 or whatever the highest is, just a high stage  :)

You would say i'd zone high dense residential right? but doesnt high residential attract r$$$? Or is this not the right case, because i zone like that

low density = r$
medium density = r$$
high density = r$$$

Also to keep the higher wealth groups out, im zoning near industrial and i want low wealth for realisme no beautiful towering blocks appearing.
I believe i read that for higher wealth you need a good education water coverage etc etc.
But these are also needed to get to the next stage, so isnt contradictory? So basically the only way to keep those richies out is to raise the taxes to the max?


Density has nothing to do with Wealth levels. And there are plenty of ways to only have your R$ develop. The best way is with no parks in the area. R$$$ won't grow past Stage 3, and R$$ tops out at Stage 9. R$ maxes out at Stage 12 without parks though.
You can also go with no fire coverage, as R$ can grow to Stage 15, while R$$ tops out at Stage 12, and R$$$ Stage 9. Careful with that though, as all buildings are flammable at some point.
If you click on your Start button in Windows, click All Programs, you'll find BSC. Click on that, then Colossus Addon Mod, and you'll find the CAM Manual in pdf format. It might not be a bad idea to check out the rather thick book that came with the game itself, or the Prima Strategy Guide.


guess that was pretty basic stuff and i feel like a bit of a fool  :)

anyway thank you xxdita for all your help!


Quote from: xxdita on January 15, 2008, 06:20:22 AM
SC4Boy - If that's the case, then that lot needs to be rechecked. For Res&Com Low Density allows for up to some Stage 5s. Medium Density is stages 5,6 & 7. Anything over Stage 8 should require High Denisity.
For Industrial, Medium Density allows up to Stage 5, and High Density is required for Stages 6 and up.
Which Stage 11's are growing in Med Density?

Could be I didn't design em I just use em.. they are all CAM though. Guess I should start making a list to unload back to the designers


If there's a problem with any of the CAMelots, you can just post it on the CAMeLots - Linking all available lots and bats thread here: http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=2039.0
And someone will certainly check it out.