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Zappeion Megaron

Started by swi21, January 12, 2007, 10:50:14 AM

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I'm sure he would, not only spanish speaking members where I include myself but real spanish members. The founder of this site, for instance, as Jeronij is spanish, Fukuda as well, and I'm sure there is maybe another one that I can't remember right now.


There is a board in the Forums called International Support.....just in case you didn't see it  ;D

I agree with you ( I can understand a bit of french) about the english limitations for the non english members  , I am one of them ¡¡¡, but the english should be keeped as the main language for the other forums, so everybody can understand everything.

I dont mean a non english post is a problem, but it may become a problem if the topic becomes unreadable for other members.

Thanks for your understanding.

Back to topic:  Impatiently waiting for some more development pics.... ;)
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

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Just to end this subject out of place, here is the forum for french speakers: http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=293.0

In a few days i will post a new update of the Zappeion!


Today's update: the internal court is  done....

Still not tried a new roof texture...


 &apls Wonderful progress! And I like the roof texture as it is, matches the Kapod University. But the center doesn't look that good though.

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excellent work, i love the columns.
"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"


nice...I agree that the roof texture doesn't look that bad from here.


Some good progress.

I have to agee. Maybe work a little with the uvw-map on the round part of the roof.


Yeah i will but once i will get the goodone! For the moment another question came and i don't know what to decide...


or tiles?


First off, great to see an update of this! Your modelling is just great.

And I agree with Vester, Yoder and Debussyman, that roof texture isn't bad actually and would fit other work of you very well.

On the other hand, metal would give it a more renewed/rebuilt look, which would fit this building very well also IMO.

It's really hard to tell which is better, but for the moment, I'd go for the metal one.


here is the central part, done (of course, the tiles of the roof will certenly change, i'm trying a new texture making program now...)

EDIT: Previous image too big  :-[


Looking really good! I rather like the tiled roof texture, but that's just me!

Looking forward to the final! Keep up the good work, and good luck!  :thumbsup:

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My wife (yes, I called her in the room, just to ask her!) and I both like the metal roof.

This is turning out to be what we've rather (thankfully!) expected to see from you... yet another masterpiece!  Your attention to detail is amazing (I still can't believe both the columns and the tiled floor are as detailed as they are!).

Keep up the great work!

Check out Abelfarei!


How about that as roof? Imagine that it will ba a bit smaller and better tiled...

Actualy the metal roof for the court is more elegant in its simplicity but imagine that people is supposed to walk on the balconies and they aren't supposed to see this metalic surface... In RL this is a flat concrete roof but it's not beautyfull, so i wanted to do something more alike the original building (before its transformation in the '70s). I'm not decided yet but I think that a clay tiling would be much more appropriate... The fact that we are like "gods" overlooking our cities, it doesn't mean that we don't need to consider our creations (cities, BATs etc..) of the sims' point of view...


I agree.  I actually DO like this darker tiling better.

IMO, the first tiled roof used brought TOO much attention to it... the reason why I preferred the metal roof was that it was more muted.  This accomplishes a much more muted feel that definately IS more elegant, like you said.

Check out Abelfarei!


When i'll be done with this building, i will probably update the university of athens to match (change essentialy the roof texture... I will make an announcement when it will be done.

I will also work on a second version of the library.. the old one looks a bit slappy after the progress i made on BATting... I think i did that one on 2003... 4 years! wow, time goes away soooo fast!


Quote from: swi21 on February 11, 2007, 02:18:27 PM
4 years!

Has it been that long?  WOW!  It will be great to see those updates as well!!

Check out Abelfarei!


Beautiful progress on this Swi21 - the balconies and columns in the atrium are looking amazing  :thumbsup:


Whatever the material will be in the final version ... this will be top quality again.  :thumbsup:


they are both amazing. it doesn't matter which one you decide to use. those sims on the ground won't be able to see it anyhow ;D
"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"