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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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I've voted for option B, cause it would make it easier to build thouse 4-8 highway lanes. I also love the latest updates Keep up the great work with.
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I was just thinking that I'd rather have one tool to build a road, instead of having to select a new tool - since you have to rotate to a new piece each time.



my vote is for by type, why cause I belive it would be alot easier to keep track of what is being used and what cat it is in....

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I voted for by type for the poll. Also, the starter peices and the onramp pieces have a slightly different color the the actual RHW which is kind of annoying and the traffic slows down to street speed when goin over those tiles. If you can get those bugs ironed out (and the neighbor connection one), then this will be perfect. I still love the RHW and MIS though I can do so much with it!
Click here if you want to play SimCity 4 in Linux :)
Click here if you want to try Linux :)


doorknob60, I have good news for you--the color difference issue on the starters/onramps will be eliminated by the RHW v21 release.  A lot of those textures were prototype ones that I did, but James (rickmastfan67) has been working on revamping them for the next release so they'll match up better with the rest of the network textures (which he also did). 

As far as the slowdown on the starters, that is likely due to the way in which the overrides are initiated, at least in part.  The puzzle drag technology used in this version of the RHW, as well as Draggable GLR and the SAM networks basically initiates an override through the use of a puzzle piece which is equipped with a "false intersection" with a different network on the other end.  What is happening in these situations is that the game is reading these tiles as belonging to the other network (in the case of the RHW, usually Road or OneWayRoad), and thus, imposing the speed of the lesser network over it from a visual standpoint. 

Fortunately, this is not affecting the network capacity or the actual, functional speed, so we're just left with a minor visual glitch with the vehicle automata slowing down to Road/OneWayRoad speed.  This is something which actually happens with the Maxis networks as well (try building an intersection between a Street and an Avenue--the same thing happens), so it appears this is sort of thing Maxis' fault on a hardcoded level, at least in part.  The only way in which it could be possibly fixed is to get the override stable enough that you can bulldoze the starter piece so there are no intruding "false intersections", but in order for this to work with the onramps and the transitions, it would require a substantial number of additional RULs.

I'm glad to hear you're otherwise enjoying the RHW and MIS, though. :)  (And on a side note, I've been considering trying out Linux--if I could get all of my modding tools to work in it . . .  ;))

And as far as the poll goes, thanks to everyone who has voted!  It's good to have feedback on these sorts of things before I make anything final, and since I can edit the polls, there's a good possibility I'll seek public input this way again in the future. 

And it appears this Super Tuesday that the vote is actually extremely close. ;)  After 122 votes since Friday, the "by number of lanes" option is leading 62-55 over "by type", a mere 7 votes.  5 people have voted for the "leave it as is" option.

Back with more updates shortly.

-Alex (Tarkus)


awesome... im looking forward to it!

I voted for by type... since it is easier to rotate the piece by number of lanes... instead of select a tool by number of lanes and rotate the piece by type...  :thumbsup:

just think about the menu on your game... how would YOU organize your own RHW menu...

I'm at work and I dont have anything to do right now... i know some of you are in the same position as me  :P


It would be very difficult (Perhaps almost impossible) to get your modding tools to work with linux. WINE isn't very friendly to work with. There is a thread on simtrop saying how to get sc4 to work on linux and it looks like a lot of work. I've used WINE on a mac and that was confusing enough. If you really wanted to try linux then I would recommend dual booting it with windows. Obviously you would have to back everything up because the drive would needed to be formatted to partition. Alternatively you could put your preferred distro of linux on a pen drive/removable storage device and boot off it.
I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.


The best way of using widows programs on Linux (on pc, wont work on Mac Linux) is getting VirtualBox or another virtual machine. This lets you use Windows as Windows on Linux.

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Quote from: star.torturer on February 06, 2008, 11:04:43 AM
The best way of using widows programs on Linux (on pc, wont work on Mac Linux) is getting VirtualBoxVirtualBox or another processor simulator. This lets you use Windows as Windows on Linux.

Ah a virtual machine. I don't personally see the point of logging into a virtual machine every time you want to use an app. But that's just me.
I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.


Back with development . . .

Somewhere, over the RHW-6S . . .

(or RHW-6C)

Adding those to the 8S, 8C and 10 will just be a copy-paste. :)

By the way, the poll is still very, very close, with "by number of lanes" still holding a slight edge (it had been down to 2, but has gone up a little now).  I'll leave the poll open through Monday.

-Alex (Tarkus)


Alex, I'll provide you with the "darkened" RHW-6S/C textures really soon so you can fix that color problem. ;)
-- James Mast, aka: rickmastfan67
Painter/Public Relations at: Masgrafx Racing.

Check out the 9/11/01 Car Set Checklist.

Take a look @ the JPG Compression tutorial.  A must read to help cut away unnecessary file size from 500k+ images to help dial-up users out.



Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


Quote from: Tarkus on February 08, 2008, 08:32:10 PM
Back with development . . .

(or RHW-6C)

Adding those to the 8S, 8C and 10 will just be a copy-paste. :)

By the way, the poll is still very, very close, with "by number of lanes" still holding a slight edge (it had been down to 2, but has gone up a little now).  I'll leave the poll open through Monday.

-Alex (Tarkus)

This might look better with a central pylon/s, the central span looka a *touch* too long to support itself. It probably isn't, it just looks that way.

Either way I'll still use it when v21's released, though, so it's not a biggie.


keep in mind cammo that is a compacted version that spans over two tiles and that there are overpass spans that span through the highway with no middle connection. just so ya know  ;)
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But it would probably look nicer to have a support in between that is built into the piece. Just my 2 cents.


It would look better with supports indeed - otherwise, excellent work. :)


Quote from: Filasimo on February 09, 2008, 10:00:36 AM
keep in mind cammo that is a compacted version that spans over two tiles and that there are overpass spans that span through the highway with no middle connection. just so ya know  ;)

Actually, it spans three. :D  (The 6C is over 3 tiles, the 6S over 4 tiles.)  I'll see what I can do about adding that support in.  It does indeed look a little funny without it.

-Alex (Tarkus)


Plaza Mall Project
Coming Soon to the LEX!

NAM Team
What can NAM do for you?


Finally got the RHW-8S-to-10 transition functional.  The textures are just prototypes I whipped up rather quickly, so obviously, they're quite rough.

Now to figure out those diagonals . . .  then the wider RHWs will be in good shape. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)


Oh... so pretty.... so so pretty....


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