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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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Nice quad! i do like the season trees along the road and dirty roads, just wonderful!



John's quad is looking spectacular, too, my friend!

This is getting very exciting!




Wow, this all looks amazing! I've been waiting for the collaboration, but so far things look stunning! The countryside is so picturesque with the seasonal trees and the streams. It really makes me want to just take a drive.

I haven't been around the forums in a couple of weeks (spring break, school), so I just heard about the situation and I certainly hope that all is well David. No need to hurry things, as everyone has said, take it easy if needed.


Diddicks is looking good there David.

Great work with the shorelines in particular.  And the CP Aspen trees have always been a fave of mine :thumbsup:

But remember - take it easy my friend, we'd rather have only a little bit of your work than none at all :)



Hey David, glad to hear that you're on the mend. All of those quads look spectacular, I am always surprised by the quality and detail of your work.



Quickie text post- I'm cleared to fly back today and am leaving Helena this afternoon.  I'll work out the restart of collaboration on the plane consistent with what's going on with me health-wise and should have another post up late this evening.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren

Ryan B.

That's great news, David!  Have a safe trip - and in case I can't poke my head in later, everyone have a great Easter / Passover / etc!



I have been so busy with taxes.   April 15 right around the corner and I can devote more time to SimCity.

First I am glad you are doing better.  Take care of yourself.  We need you around here for the continued inspiration.

Next, those quads are impressive.  I never checked in because I was so busy, but I do still want to be involved.  After tax season I can devote the time I need to do my quad right.  I am so impressed the way you have everything set up, the patience you put into it all is simply amazing.  One word .... WOW!!!!



David Im soo glad you are doing better where you have been discharged from the hospital!!!  You need to take your time and enjoy this weekend!!! Happpy Easter everyone!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


It's good to hear you've been cleared and that the collaboration is about to proceed. Perhaps I should take a break from BATing for a bit and actually try playing the game again (though if you do need any BATs please don't hesitate) and if things go well I should have another bridge under my belt shortly. Enjoy the trip back, and take it easy.


Glad to hear that you've been cleared to fly home, my friend! I hope your flight went well, and I'll be looking forward to your news on the collaboration front, too!

Take care,



Yes, very great news there!! And looking forward to the restart of the collaboration!

btw, this is my 4550th post here!



Glad to hear that a physician has decided you're well enough to go home. Take it easy friend, we'll all wait for collaboration.

Stay healthy!



Hi, David ...
I think - You're right now - You must think about Your health first ...
Great health to You and Your Family !!!



OK, so here's the deal.  We arrived back into Anchorage late in the evening on Saturday.  Yesterday I relaxed a bit, and began sorting out the things I need to do to catch up on an unexpected week out of the office.  The command center...

Warlock:  Why did you bring a cop to my command center?
McClane:  This is a basement.

...is still up and running and the last of the snow and ice is melting in the late March 35-40 degree (F)/2-3 degree (C) temperatures.  We had a great time with Tristen

and Josh

despite the issues I faced.  Speaking of those issue, Nurse Heather

is standing by to make sure that they aren't aggravated by too much "chair time" in front of a computer- in other words, my bandwith is being fairly severely regulated these days.

The blood pressure has dropped from 193/135 at its highest reading back down to about 130/90.  Oddly enough, it's been rougher on me in terms of the way I've felt to get back to that level than it was at those "fixin' to die" heights.  I now understand the real meaning of the term "side effect" in connection with medication.  On the whole, though, everything is really pretty positive.  All the tests that've been run over the last week and a half indicate that I didn't suffer any sort of a stroke, have no "end-organ failure" (yeeech!) issues, and that my red blood cells don't show the kind of damage that occurs when the heart is trying to push them at warp speed through all those little tiny arterioles.  So, all in all, life is looking pretty good.  I thank everyone in the most heartfelt way for all the kind thoughts and wishes.

* * *

The fact that this happened late in the evening on the 11th and collaboration was supposed to start on the 12th really don't have much to do with the other, except for the effect on collaboration's timing.  I had set the 12th aside (the boys were in school during the day and in therapy until dinner- we wouldn't have seen them until about 7:00 p.m.) to get the remaining quads finalized and ready to go out- which I'd planned to do after bedtime...

...ain't I a stinker...

...to heighten the suspense.  I had a series of posts planned for during the day to tease everyone with, and to mark 3RR's second anniversary.  On that note, you'll be seeing the second anniversary post down the road, so that work isn't lost- just delayed a bit.  Then real life crashed in, and you know the rest of that story.  Trust me, though, it's not collaboration or being busy here on SC4D that's in any way stressful- quite the reverse, 3RR has a lot to do with my well-being.  They say that being in the company of good friends has therapeutic benefit and I, the voice of experience, agree wholeheartedly.

* * *

The back-up plan, then, is as follows.  Over the next few weeks while I will have limited time on the computer, I plan to roll out two or three collaboration quads every couple of days.  The delay will actually allow me to clean up a few remaining loose ends, such as getting the CPI lots completely ready (in other words, through the Reader to add menu icons and descriptive pop-up text and the like) for prime-time and fixing the PW waterfall and rapids lots so that they will work with our friend jeronij's great new ploppable water.  Here's a revamped rapids stretch.



Here's a few of an updated waterfall.



I do need to be careful about making firm date-specific promises, as I can't predict what I'll be up for on any given day.  That said, I know two collaborators who will be receiving a small package wrapped in brown paper an interesting email shortly.

...tease, tease...

So, there you have a glimpse of the big picture.  More detail over the next little bit.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


This is super news indeed to see you up and going again.  Take your time as even with friends sometimes things can still become stressful.  I really enjoy following along with this project and I can't wait to find out who the first two lucky people will be.  And remember the thought you told me about muti-tasking, I think you should start doing one thing at a time for a while.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


I'm so glad to hear that you made it home safely, David! And thank you for the update, not only on the collaboration, but more importantly, on your health. I will be on the lookout for more updates, and I simply cannot wait to see who those two lucky collaborators are!



David that is just perfect and on this note

Warlock:  Why did you bring a cop to my command center?
McClane:  This is a basement.

Have you watched too much

that is your real excuse for going MIA the last few day's heheehe... Anywho David I cant wait to see what you do roll out with next but please dont hurt the troll either lol....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


actualy pat, I am pretty sure that that quote is from Die Hard 4.0 actually...

tho i might be wrong LOL

THANKYOU very very much for the update on your health David, I am glad you are surviving and hope you get better still asap :)

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms