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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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nice mag and can't wait for the lots! :o :)


I love Three Rivers Lifestyle magazine, they had a great article on fine dining in the area on page 53 I believe (read through it last time I was in the air, the Sky Mall did not hold me over for the entire flight.)  :thumbsup:
The Constitutional Monarchy of Ichigamin

Terraforming Update (8/25/09)


LOL David love that Mag,  I know ain't scary to see the prices of gas all over eeeeeeeeek!!!! Btw we've jumped up .10 gallon here now at 3.49.... 

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Wonderful work on these fields there! Also a nice tutorial!

Looking forward to more...


Love the Three Rivers Magazine, my friend! It looks almost as good as those fields you're working on above. Can't wait to see more!



It's spring in 3RR!

The demand for the various 3RR lots has been (as I should have expected) pretty massive.  I asked for email addresses, thinking I would just attach files back.

...hotmail switchboard just before meltdown...

So now it's Plan B.  I checked out free file sharing services and came up with filecrunch [linkie], which looks pretty minimalist and unobtrusive (some make you watch infomercials during the extremely sloooooooow downloads)...

EDITAnd Plan B didn't work.  Although I'm willing to follow up with filecrunch to see if there was just some strange and untimely issue, what looked too good to be true apparently was.  So, on to plan C: FileFactory [linkie]:

...I do this stuff so you don't have to...

...so, let's check it out try again.

I've uploaded 3RR's Farm Field Lots here [linkie]]

If you would like to check them out, please download them.  All I ask is for some feedback- was the download reasonably fast, were there nags or unreasonable ads, did the file work when you unzipped it?  Any other thoughts, recommendations or suggestions would, of course, be appreciated.

Please note that I'm not trying to replace the LEX here.  I intend to have all this stuff on the LEX sooner or later...

...okay, okay... pretty much for sure later- hey, it's my MO...

...but for now, I'd like to see folks enjoying them while I get around to it, and I just don't have the time to write a proper readme, among others.

Hey, feel free to post on 3RR a pic or two of how you use this stuff if you find you like it.  If the reports back about filecrunch are reasonable positive, the CPI (crop circle), seasonal tree and fenceline lots will follow in short order.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Well thank you very much for sharing these &apls
I'll check it out and let you know.

one or two of the those custom icons have me very interested indeed :D :D :D

Another great update again David as usual and glad to hear your health is improving :thumbsup:
time is not of the essence $%Grinno$% where we are concerned ;)



Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


Hello, David!

Having a bit of problem with filecrunch--each time I try to download, the connection times out. I'll keep trying to see if it's not a problem on my end, but I'm curious to see if anyone else is having the same problem.

I'll keep you posted!



im having the same prob my friend


So am I. I use Firefox and my security settings are at paranoia levels. Even so, I allowed all scripts and cookies, but still to no avail.



i tried everything it wont download


Grrrr!  Jackie made me aware of the problem over at ST.  I'm looking into it.

In the meantime, if anyone is successful, let us know.

EDIT:  After working perfectly when I tested it after uploading, now it doesn't- I get the same message.  &ops  So, it could be a chance server issue at filecrunch, or DLs there have a failure rate of about 99%.  Maybe that's how they "persuade" you to sign on for their premium service.  I'm going to deactivate the link and look into Plan C.

On a bright note, there's 41 hits in the brief time that this has been up.  Thanks for the interest.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren



Did you look into MegaUpload? I've used it countless times with downloading Bruce Springsteen shows and I've never had a problem with it. Never uploaded with it, though.

Just thought I'd throw it out there.



Or fileden.com  ;) good luck this time


Hoo boy!  Talk about Adventures in File Sharing.

Well, I tried and discarded four other file sharing sites.  One just flat wouldn't work- after I registered and created my personal folder, I couldn't upload the file.  Then there was MegaUpload.  Dustin, it may have worked for your purposes.  While I had it on the screen, though, I got the first pop-up ad webpage ("Hot Dates in Your Area") that I've received on this computer in, well... forever.  Then, it appeared to lock up my browser when the upload hit just over 97%.  I'm not going to inflict any of that on anyone.

To make a long story short, I wound up with FileFactory [linkie].  There are definitely aspects I don't like, but I think they will be tolerable as a bridge.  Please, folks, let me know what you think.

So, here's the link for the Farm Field Lots [linkie].  Again, I'd love feedback, both about the lots and about FileFactory.  If anyone has a site that you think is just great (my standard is ImageShack- it's almost transparent to use), please let me know.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Sorry about that fiasco, David. I've never had an ad pop up when I used it, but In ever tried to upload.

Anyway, FileFactory worked, I've got them downloaded. Now off to put them into the game.

Thanks, again!



Download successful. Haven't put them in game yet - too much other stuff open - so I'll leave that part to Dustin.



They're in, they work, and they look great!

Shows that the icons work...

Just threw this together quickly.

Excellent work, David! These fields are amazing!



The upload link worked fine for me as well.  It was actually one of the easiest and quickest file downloads I've ever had from one of those types of sites--no arbitrary waiting period or popups that I saw.  (Admittedly, though, I run Firefox with AdBlockerPlus, which even blocks Google ads.) 

I haven't had a chance to test the fields out yet, but they look fantastic! :thumbsup:



Those are nice lot!  :thumbsup: thanks for sharing!

did you ever attempt to try fileden? anyway doesn't matter

EDITEblem, my friend, it does matter- you suggested it and I appreciate that.  FileDen was next on the list I'd made after FileFactory.  I'm still going to check it out, because I don't think this matter has been satisfactorily resolved yet. -DE

Edit Heb: No problem David, im sorry for this comment i made  ;)