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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Sure Lemme see what I can do.    Back in a bit.
Okay here we go:

Okay as you can see, there are 2 ANTs still there even after redownloading and reinstalling RHW it is fixed.   Hope this Thanks for the helps.

WoooHoooo, Thanks Tarkus.   That is indeed what it was.   I deleted the offending file and viola it is fixed.    ;D


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
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Gaston, thanks for the pics--that helps out a great deal!  It looks like what I was guessing it might be--it seems you have the ANT Plugin installed still, and it is loading after your RHW plugin.  You don't need the ANT anymore (all of its functionality has been incorporated into the RHW as of Version 20), so you can safely delete it.

Hope that helps!

-Alex (Tarkus)


Back with another little update on things. 

Here is how the RHW-4 looks with the striping re-scaled to the MUTCD 3:1 space/paint ratio:

And here's a few of the revamped MIS intersections.

Gaston, glad I could help. :)

Everyone, thanks for your continued support, and I'll be back with more soon . . .

-Alex (Tarkus)


Looking pretty good :)
I ran into more texture issues I think - usually RHW turns into the road looking textures and sometimes it messes up your RHW4 into an RHW2  ???  I think the road being dragged across did the RHW4 to RHW2 thing... not the rail.

Not sure if those were covered in your post from page 96 or not:
Quote from: Tarkus on April 16, 2008, 07:45:18 PM
-Fixes to the Orthogonal-Diagonal Transition dragging mechanism for MIS
-Stabilized Road/MIS T Intersections
-Draggable (non-smooth) S-Curve for RHW-4 fixed (which will make the smooth Lane Shift/S-Curve pieces easier to place)
-Rail-over-RHW-4 puzzle piece Pathing Fix
-Fixes for "Orphaned"/"Artifacting" textures on some ground level puzzle pieces (like the RHW-4-to-6S)
-Sidewalks removed on MIS textures in zoned areas


Quote from: Tarkus on April 19, 2008, 09:48:52 PM
Back with another little update on things. 

Here is how the RHW-4 looks with the striping re-scaled to the MUTCD 3:1 space/paint ratio:

-Alex (Tarkus)

well... this textures are just awesome...

I think te Space/Paint ratio shoud be 2:1... instead of 3:1.. is just too much space but...... it still looks good.... what was the ratio for the rhw before... 1:1?


WOW, thanks, and welcome to page 100....

Not really a surprise that it got this far, you guys are just amazing

and those textures are just getting better and better

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


videosean, thanks for pointing those out.  They weren't covered in my Page 96 post--most of them can live, as they're just cosmetic issues or things which will get blocked out by Prevent RULs eventually.  However, that issue with the Diagonal Road going through the Orthogonal RHW is a bit disconcerting . . . it appears RUL 0x10000001 (the RUL file that defines intersections between two different networks) is referencing a non-existent texture.  I definitely need to look into that one--thanks again for finding that. 

And I'm glad you like texture. ;)

el_cozu, to answer your question, the old RHW-4 textures actually had more line than space--the line was 8.875m (71px) and the space was only 7.125m (57px), so the space-to-line ratio was 1:1.167. ::)

j-dub:  To answer your earlier question about having some sort of SAM-type setup for the RHW--I must say, it is a rather cool idea, but I'm not sure that it would be that feasible to implement, due to how the RHW is typically used, compared to how the Street network is used.  It might be a bit difficult to control the texture variations, unfortunately.  (Btw, I like your new avatar!)

And Joe--thanks! :)  Onto the next 100 pages . . .

-Alex (Tarkus)


Great work on these new textures, Tarkus! :thumbsup:


Thanks, bat!

One last little update before I go to bed.

I still need to adjust the coloration on the puzzle piece a little (and fix that slight pixel offset), but that's it more or less.  I've also widened the RHW-6S slightly (it had been a little scrunched previously).

-Alex (Tarkus)


Tarkus: I was intrigued by the MIS intersection with one-way roundabout in your reply #1983 above. It looks as if the road "knows" which direction the MIS is so that it can align the entry to the roundabout appropriately. This doesn't happen with the current release, so I look forward to it in a future release.


Wow, great textures  &apls

The RHW-6 looks a bit "stripey" to me but the MIS and RHW-4 look fantastic.
One thing about the MIS/OWR roundabout, how will that work with LHD, if at all?

Shadow Assassin

One thing about the MIS/OWR roundabout, how will that work with LHD, if at all?

The textures should flip.

The functionality has always been there - it's just that the existing texture hasn't taken advantage of it.
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Shadow Assassin

And what's going to be included is a custom menu icon that replaces the existing RHW puzzle piece icon to show that you have the Euro set currently installed.
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New texture's and the Euro Replacement Icon look real good! Keep up the good work  $%Grinno$%
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btw is it impossible to have both sets like the SAM only for the ANT network?
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


It should be possible, but the amount of work for multiple texture sets is rather enormous...


 &apls Alex that looks wonderful there!!!  SA are you wondering what type of Icon would be in place for the EURO RHW?  I would suggest the EU Flag as an Idea for that, yes / no???

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Quote from: Pat on April 20, 2008, 02:33:22 PM
&apls Alex that looks wonderful there!!!  SA are you wondering what type of Icon would be in place for the EURO RHW?  I would suggest the EU Flag as an Idea for that, yes / no???
The flag looked pretty bad when I scaled it down to fit inside the 44x44 icon space.  The stars turned into teeny little blobs  &mmm Maybe someone else could do better than I could with the flag.
I don't know what the opinions of using this stylized E would be but it also came up in my google searches for euro.  I just used the current RHW icon and made it darker to try and simulate the newer textures.


The new MIS textures look outstanding, Alex! They match the road textures swimmingly! Great work, my friend!