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:: Novaya Tulsk ::

Started by SIMMANIA, February 12, 2007, 06:21:10 PM

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wonderful update! Fantastic pictures! Great work! :thumbsup:


Impressive update again. You're like a fax machine the updates keep on rolling out.

I was nicely dreaming away at the lovely glacier pics and the nature reserve when suddenly I was blantantly woken up by that city pic. Wow that's quite a change of scenery.
Very nice region shot. Well done.



The region shot from December 15 is spectacular!
Really nice stuff, can't wait for more.


Yeah, I love the region shot too.  :thumbsup: Amazing stuff, SIMMANIA.


I have to agree, that region shot is outstanding, but then again, I haven't seen a picture that you've posted yet that wasn't outstanding! Keep up the good work!


A lot of new images and I see a lot of things I like. The marina in Xeresgrad would be my favourite, great combination with the church.


Another marvelous update.

That first Kwerthyte pic is a great "perspective" shot- you feel just like you're on top of the mountains coming up toward you on the right side of the pic looking way, way down.

Great work!

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

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I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Big thanks, I'm really impressed that you guys like it that much. Personally I think thoses past pics' weren't the best I could show you because they were older. Now welcome to the New Update style of the Novaya Tulsk's MD.


Welcome to Berylia !

That's all for today !  $%Grinno$% Have a nice time !


Nice kind of suburban town, lots of low density stuff in there. <joke> Don't forget to bring the helicopter bellow the clouds before you take your pictures. </joke>  $%Grinno$%


Very interesting look. May I suggest groing the BLaM rowhouses in clusters though? They stand out a little against the rest of the architecture.

Other than that: :thumbsup:

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Very nice. I like that middle section in the first pictures, the one where the 1x1 PEG terrasses are on.
Very nice how you even make the ingame road crossing the motorway look good. Normally I hate that bridge, but here it looks cool!

Be careful some houses do not fit well in the picture. For instance (I do not recollect the exact names) these two:

Have a great weekend,



wonderful update, fantastic pictures, great work!  :thumbsup:


Great pics.  I like the building with the huge parking lot.  I agree with NikNik, if you are trying for realism than be careful which buildings grow where.  And if you are not than disregard what I said and continue having fun. :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


You've raised the stakes for your new style of updates, and Berylia looks fantastic! I love the highway walls and how you split the avenue with the pedestrian mall tiles. Very creative! Keep up the good work!



THis is a great MD. I like your playing style: simple, down to earth and very, I mean VERY realistic layouts! Your bikepaths and beaches give it a perfect touch. Very well done  &apls 
Check my MD:               


I see, I have to fix thoses houses. Big thanks everybody !

Here is Cresk Isl.



I really enjoyed how Novaya Tulsk weather changes.  From nice moderate days to glaring sunny days to overcast days.  Very well done.
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


Nice updates, the first series is a very good collection of buildings working well together to create a certain atmosphere in your city.


Very nice little island, but I don't spot any ferry to main land. Is it being built? ;) :thumbsup: