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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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@deathtopumpkins, I would say probably not. This exit sign thing happens to me too, but I only cared that something like that finally was done. I use the same default texture you pictured as well. I can't make any guarantees, but judging from what I've seen with the same ramps using Shadow Assassins Euro texture, and the sign not appearing in the way, the signs might not be blocking the lane when using those textures. It is only Mrtnrln's first version, but before the green exit version sign comes out as an alternate, these signs may need to be relooked for placement, as I have seen other ramps where the sign keeps doing this on the default texture, I haven't seen this occur on the Euro version. None the less, Mrtnrln is the first to release network props for the RHW.


Thanks! I get it now. I expected it to work like the NAM puzzle pieces where you didn't have to do that.

@j-dub: as long as it's not just me I'm good!  ;D I do hope it gets fixed though, because I don't want to get the euro textures, but I want exit signs.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


This will be fixed when it's released on the LEX. What you see is just a test version. I'm still working on it.

EDIT: By the way, I have a few suggestions for version 21 (again):

- A better looking RHW-6 -> Maxis Highway transition. It is already possible, but it looks VERY UGLY!
- A RHW-2 -> RHW-4 Transistion which looks like this:

(concept, the lanes may be to far apart.)
- RHW-4, RHW-6 and MIS under El-Highway.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Someone had shown an in game picture of that request before with 2 doing a mid split to 4, instead of the one side split conversion. I'm thinking this was considered as the request was shown around the same time when the MIS system was first released. If this truly is the case, by the time of another release, it sounds like we may get this with a different texture variant. Now let me go back in time here...
img from henryking

As was confirmed then, I don't think we need to worry about requesting this as it was indeed planned for 21 (or later)


mrtnrln, that type of divider would look good in any SC4 Cities.
Your Friend;
Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation!)


When I try to open Mrtnrln's exit sign and street light RHW mod, I get a message saying 'Could not open "RHW exit Sign & Lights.zip" as ZIP archive." and I can't figure out why the zip won't work on mine, but other people can use it just fine...  Assistance would be appreciated, thx for at least reading this.  ()what()
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Well, as far as having a different RHW-2-to-4 transition, I think that rather than having that proposed piece, that it may be more useful to just make another RHW-2-to-DualMIS Splitter, and simply create an MIS-to-RHW-4 transition.  The actual new piece would be along the lines of what's in the green box:

I kind of think that making more giant splitters like the current RHW-2-to-4 one is inefficient for a few reasons:

1) smaller pieces are more modular and can be used for multiple purposes, whereas the initially-proposed piece would have one purpose, and one purpose only.
2) it will not solve the problem of RHW-2-to-4 transitions in which the median is wider than 1 tile, which I would imagine would be what someone would request next.  (That could be taken care of with the existing RHW-2-to-Dual-MIS Splitter and an MIS-to-RHW-4 transition.)

That's the same reasons why I am not in favor of having "old-school" plop interchanges for the RHW.  To counter the old adage, smaller is better (:D), as it is more efficient not only from a modding standpoint, it increases the possibilities for the user infinitely.

-Alex (Tarkus)



Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


I Agree to Tarkus here, btw...great everybody uses my littel pic there  :satisfied:


Sounds like a plan, there, Alex. The smaller the pieces, the greater the variety of combinations!


Good point, Tarkus! Smaller pieces means more possibillities.
But my other request are still not answered.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Orange Julius

OK, the dotted lines notwithstanding, I would like to point out that sometimes a RHW-2 is expanded into a RHW-4. Obviously, you can't drag a RHW-4 over a RHW-2, but there has to be a way for the RHW-2/RHW-4 roadbed to keep going straight, and an "offshoot" lane to develop into the RHW-4. Should I bring pics or do you understand what I'm saying?
Gone now...


@OJ: Bring pics over (one picture says more than a thousand words)

Smooth guard rails at the corners

I've attached a Alpha Version of the guard rails (Place the .dat file in the RHW Folder).

Lurk mode: ACTIVE



@mrtnrln: Great job and keep working on and refining this. You're making it easier for Tarkus and the Crew to focus what they are best at.

If this is disjointed or insulting please forgive me. I got up only a little while ago and part of my brain is still in my bed.  ;D Just send me a PM and I'll fix it.



mrtnlrn, again, I must say, this is absolutely fantastic work you're doing!  Splendid stuff! :thumbsup:

I have a little announcement to make--attached below is a much-anticipated fix for the Rail-over-RHW-4 pathing. :)

-Alex (Tarkus)


Thanks for the fix, Alex.  :)  I assume this goes in the Rural Highway Mod folder, within the NAM folder?


Quote from: girlfromverona on May 12, 2008, 12:47:28 AM
Thanks for the fix, Alex.  :)  I assume this goes in the Rural Highway Mod folder, within the NAM folder?

Yes, that's exactly right.  And you're welcome. :)

-Alex (Tarkus)


@ everyone: Thanks! I'm doing this because someone had to make those guard rails. Besides I'm doing this for the fun an for realism
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Tarkus:  Wow!  Thanks so much!  I've been waiting for this for a LONG time!

mrtnrln:  Yes they are looking fantastic! 
-I have a request for you:  any chance of making a concrete median for the inside of the roadway?