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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. The only thing I do not understand at the moment is the thicker line near the on/offramps.

Keep an eye on the Lair!




I have one question though... when the 2 lanes of the RHW 4 merge into a single lane of the RHW 2... doesn't the right lane disappear... instead of the left lane... since the left lane should always have through traffic.  I hope you can understand what I mean... if not...... i can make some MS paint drawings XD


Quote from: el_cozu on May 29, 2008, 08:41:00 AM
I have one question though... when the 2 lanes of the RHW 4 merge into a single lane of the RHW 2... doesn't the right lane disappear... instead of the left lane... since the left lane should always have through traffic.  I hope you can understand what I mean... if not...... i can make some MS paint drawings XD

It depends on where you are.  In most cases in the US, the left lane technically ends and merges with the right.  Although sometimes the right merges into the left.  I have noticed in places like Ontario (Canada) that they will create a left lane, then merge the right lane into the left lane.  I believe in the US the reason for the left lane ending is that traffic is to remain in the right lane except to pass (at least by law) so it wouldn't make any sense for the left lane to be the main traffic lane.



Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


When the highway narrows in the Netherlands, the most left lane ends. This is because the slowest traffic is on the right lane and the left lanes are just for passing. You can even be fined for driving left unnecessary! So for the RHW, it would be realistic if the left lane ends.

Despite that, these textures a looking totally awesome! Well done, SA  &apls!!!
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Well, technically speaking, you have both options with regards to the arrows--you'd just use the "mirrored" version of the transition if you wanted the right lane to end.  It'd look a little funny if the right lane ended on the one that SA showed with the arrows. 

And Lollo, the reason for the thicker line at the offramps is that SA is trying to recreate a raised median in the immediate area of the ramp on the RHW-2.

-Alex (Tarkus)


Around here it seems that the lane that ends is just whatever lane is most convenient to have end, though usually it's the right.
I'm liking the Limited Access RHW2 (That's what I'm calling it).
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores

Patricius Maximus

I really like the RHW-2 as a freeway. It can be used in rural or tight areas. Good work  &apls &apls

I'll look forward to when it's released. Is it going to be in RHW v21? I'd like to know.


Quote from: star.torturer on May 29, 2008, 09:27:59 AM

Looks like thats RHW!... LOL
That's what simcity would look like if it was real life :P

Nice work indeed SA  &apls
I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.


Quote from: mrtnrlnYou can even be fined for driving left unnecessary! So for the RHW, it would be realistic if the left lane ends.
In the states, there are instances like that as well, usually a road sign indicates slower traffic keep right, but  technically when on a toll/freeway you really aren't suppose to be in the very left lane for a certain distance either, wether this is considered the case still or not, because there are routes by me, highways if you will, that are 6 lanes, cement, and have a median, but have signals, and plenty of driveway entrances to commercial and residential  off them, so this no traveling in the very left lane doesn't work in this case with the backing up at the signals. The MAXIS hwy, if I recall does have the left lane end when ground hwy ends to avenue, I thought that was unrealistic before, but now it makes sense from those terms.


Or does the center lane end? It seems to me that those two lanes merge together. It's really a pain in UDI on a congested route.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores

Shadow Assassin

Quote from: Tarkus on May 29, 2008, 11:53:25 AM
And Lollo, the reason for the thicker line at the offramps is that SA is trying to recreate a raised median in the immediate area of the ramp on the RHW-2.

Indeed, I am. Only problem is well... it looks kinda flat [it looked fine in Photoshop]... but maybe I'll have to BAT the model.
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I thought it looked good. I really like the idea of an RHW2 with solid lines and exits.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Quote from: Shadow Assassin on May 29, 2008, 06:58:19 AM

[insert pure golden awesomeness here]

Hey SA, would it be too much to ask you if you could do a version with yellow lanes marking in the middle instead? Those lane markings are pretty spot on on what I see in my part of Canada, except for the lack of yellowness, unfortunately. Keep up with the good work!


hmm... I'm just wondering... do you people use Photoshop for your work?

it's difficult to make new textures using Paint or Paint.NET or even with Inkscape (vector graphics)... >.<

- Allan Kuan


Quote from: allan_kuan1992 on May 29, 2008, 10:08:08 PM
hmm... I'm just wondering... do you people use Photoshop for your work?

it's difficult to make new textures using Paint or Paint.NET or even with Inkscape (vector graphics)... >.<

SA uses Photoshop, I believe David (dedgren) uses PSP.  And I myself use Inkscape.  I had been using The GIMP, but it wasn't working for me.  I am a big fan of the vector approach myself.

-Alex (Tarkus)


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

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I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


lol dedgren... =P


it's very hard to make SPUI textures with Inkscape at the moment... I want most of the dimensions to be just perfect and symmetrical rotationally... >.<

I'll try my hand at raster graphics texture making again tomorrow (something that oddly i'm good in =O) However, Vista has a way of not cooperating and causing programs to not work as intended, especially SC4Tool and FiSHman (FSH doesn't show up in SC4Tool, error encountered while reading FSH in FiSHman).

- Allan Kuan