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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Quote from: Rodney99 on May 29, 2008, 07:17:35 AM
OMG!!! Those RHW2 ramps are looking incredible and im loving the double painted white lines as the new texture :) Although in Western Australia the Mainroads department have adopted a new standard replacing the double painted line with a thick single painted line. I like the old standard better tho  ::)
do you have a specific location ???


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mrtnrln: The guard rails look really sweet, but is this a way to avoid or at least reduce the gap between the various sections, maybe lengthen them a bit so they overlap?

Keep an eye on the Lair!


Here is a preliminary SPUI texture... hopefully someone can fix this up and implement this in-game.  :-\

EDIT: sorry, the textures are 256 x 256, and there are 6 x 4 or 24 textures in the attachment... >.<

- Allan Kuan


Not bad for a preliminary texture. Around here, all the lines are straight and make an "edge" to the intersection, but yours is good for an idea.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


WHOA, those are AWESOME RHW textures SA! :thumbsup:
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


I was just thinking about the lack of left hand exits on the RHW.  It would be cool to be able to do that (aside from using the two lane right exit and using the straight lanes.  Any possibility of this happening in the future?



Ah... i wish that could happen as well... along with elevated RHW and RHWMIS and intersections with the elevated road, OWR, and avenue networks... that will surely create some interesting intersections...

of course, everything just takes time...


@ Swamper:

Sadly that's as far as I could go with raster graphics... I think i'll have a hard time making the skid marks on the intersection and keeping everything clean-looking at the same time... so I'm more or less stuck... >.<

- Allan Kuan


Oh, yay. Guard rails for the outside of the RHW6. Any chance of in the future curving them along the outside of the exit piece? Or is that not possible. I don't know how T21s work.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Will the guard rails come seperatly or in a newer version??
Do you get to pick where you wan't the guard rails??


I have a question, when i downloaded the sign pack and guard-rail downloads they didnt appear in my city. Do I need to redo all of my RHW?
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First, is it unzipped and in the RHW subsubfolder of the NAM subfolder of your plugins folder?
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


When I installed that to my plugins, I had to replop my off ramp pieces for the exit signs to work myself. As for the guard rails, I don't know what to tell you, sometimes they were there, other times I needed to redraw the RHW.


Allan, I must concur with Swamper about the preliminary SPUI texture.  It'll help me out quite a bit, actually.

TEG, to answer your question, I think having Left Exits would be a fantastic idea--those will be going in Version 21. :)

And mrtnrln, the guard rails are looking excellent!  Fantastic work!

-Alex (Tarkus)


@ tarkus:

you're welcome =)

however, some people might want it to be wider? Unless there's that need for a wider one that should do perfectly for the current RHW4.

EDIT: I've noticed a SERIOUS error with the texture. The spacing for the RHW4 is too narrow unless if we are using elevated RHW pieces. This may require a serious reworking of the texture. Do you want me to fix it?

EDIT 2: Here is a modified, more (but not totally) realistic version.

- Allan Kuan


Quote from: Tarkus on May 30, 2008, 06:25:46 PM
I think having Left Exits would be a fantastic idea--those will be going in Version 21. :)
I hate left exits... as well as left entrances.  They use them throughout "the split" here in Columbus and I bet they're to blame for most of the accidents through there but I don't know for sure.  I missed seeing the pics of the nicer SPUI but glad to see someone working on it Allan :)


Allan, heres a SPUI in Calgary, notice on how the exit ramps are split at beginning - one for left turns and the other for right turns. This also shows how sidewalks and the stop lines are done as well:

Calgary SPUI
~ NAM Team Member


This is just a friendly reminder that not everyone drives on the right :P So I'm all for left entrances and exits.

Those guard rails are quite nifty, I am wondering whether they will be applied to the curve pieces as well?
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Quote from: etherian on May 31, 2008, 07:15:25 AM
This is just a friendly reminder that not everyone drives on the right :P So I'm all for left entrances and exits.
Having them in a left-hand drive option should be how it is... I didn't realize you lefties have to use right-side exits in the game - and my hatred of that would be equal if I drove on the left LOL

Back to the SPUI... I think it needs one more tile spacing along the N-S highway between the road and the ramp, making it a 3x3 puzzle piece.  Rough idea:

Might not be desirable... was just trying it out.