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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! WOW i dont stop in here for at least 3 pages and I miss alot of great stuff holly cow man bridges and endings and simply mind blowing stuff!!!! Alex you rock and so do you smoncrie and SA and to the whole NAM team at large!!!

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Quote from: deathtopumpkins on June 09, 2008, 09:50:33 AM
Just make the post narrower and it would be perfect!

I can help make the signs and send them to you to t21. I'm pretty good with them, I've made a couple of freeway signs (some of which were that size). Just PM me if you need some help.

Allright. Thank you that you want to help me!  :)
Lurk mode: ACTIVE



Quote from: mrtnrln on May 18, 2008, 06:07:24 AM
I don't know how these look like. It's hard to find a picture of it (and it's the same case with Brittish exit sings). If you have a picture, please post it.

@Tarkus: Wow! MIS for RHW-2! This is great!

Hello, so sorry i forgot to answer you! :thumbsdown:So no problem:

There is a ground light when the exit road is separated of RHW or motorway:

;) Thanks by advance!
Come to visit Sancerre French department with various European archtectural styles!

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Funny, that looks like the Maxis hwy in that real picture.


LOL! RL highway that looks like Maxis'.
@Adept2Rock: In the RHWAM v1 there is already a french exit sign. There is one picure of the sign presented before, but thanks anyway.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Quote from: mrtnrln on June 10, 2008, 12:45:41 AM
Allright. Thank you that you want to help me!  :)

So do you need me to do any?
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Quote from: deathtopumpkins on June 11, 2008, 09:59:56 AM
So do you need me to do any?
Of course! I really apreciate that. If you have any ideas you're welcome!
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Quote from: j-dub on June 11, 2008, 09:03:39 AM
Funny, that looks like the Maxis hwy in that real picture.

Reason #3 why I use the Maxis Highways in Urban environments (quite realistic).



I made this small file for people (mainly HalJackey ;) ) with the RHW and Shinkansen's monorail mod (Bullet skin)
Here are the corrected pieces (there are no puzzle pieces at all in this pic) ignore the monorail pylons that is just bug with HSRP.

And again with the paths showing

To install just put it in the RHW folder, making sure it loads after the RHW and Euro textures(if you have them) so don't remove the "zzz_".


Wow!  That didn't take you long at all Warrior!  :D Thanks so much!

Yes it looks like you combined your HSR and bullet train together to create some crazy transit line. 

Oh, and does this apply to the MIS as well?  (monorail over MIS.)



Oh, and does this apply to the MIS as well?  (monorail over MIS.)

No it doesn't, I just double checked and I couldn't get any monorail over MIS ?
There's a fix for the hybrid pylon things attached to the first post of the HSRP thread btw


Quote from: Warrior on June 12, 2008, 12:57:32 PM
No it doesn't, I just double checked and I couldn't get any monorail over MIS ?
There's a fix for the hybrid pylon things attached to the first post of the HSRP thread btw

Yes you can get monorail (or bullet train or HSR) over RHW.

Here are some examples, some also showing your new fix!

Diagonal MIS/monorail is easy to make, but orthogonal MIS over monorail is difficult, but possible.  If a fix could be made that would be wonderful!

Oh and thanks for letting me know about the HSR fix!   :thumbsup:



My first post at SC4D Nam section. I want to get involved with this project! :'( But I don't know how  ()what()
My Pokemon Brings All the Girls To the Yard
Their like, Do you wanna trade cards?
Damn Right, I wanna trade cards;
I can beat, I've got Charizard


psst, deion30296: prove how you can help with this organization first.  :thumbsup:


to deion
If you want to join them contact one of them. But if you wanna join you better know how to work with the game like they do like messing with T21's and pathing and textures etc. You gotta have more than ideas you gotta be make them reality.
There are tuturials about these NAM things but you gotta have experience. So if you can do this stuff ask about it.
Im back baby! Everybody do the Bendah!


The Rural Highway Mod really changed the way how I played SimCity 4. Thank you.
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


HEY! Has anyone looked at the STEX lately? LINK Those don't seem very bad, but I haven't tested them in-game yet.
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Oh man, someone a while back requested that here. I cannot believe this was just released yesterday. I remember Shadow Assassin showing an in game picture with the yellow line on the black, but I thought that that was just a modified image, and maybe thats why said it wasn't going to be released, because its DTP's texture work and is actually not the same. However, it looks alot Like the texture from version 21 to me, &sly very interesting, but it doesn't have the new RHW2 texture. I only have the straight RHW2 tile from V21 in here, thats it. Of course, the new RHW is in the works, so I bet that new texture set is too.


j-dub, that picture of Shadow Assassin's was modified, I believe, as he told me he wasn't making them, so videosean and me made one of our own, with a few modifications in addition to the yellow line, but based it off of Shadow Assassin's, which is why it doesn't have RHW2 textures yet.

Trust me, it's not the v21 textures. I like these better! ;D

BTW, that was me that requested it a while back!   ;)

I'm glad to see it talked about here. That shows me I did a good job, even though there are a few problems in the texture awaiting a fix.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores