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BAT Showcase

Started by mattb325, February 01, 2007, 04:07:43 PM

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Looks awesome Matt... I created some W2W police and fire stations with the available W2W props and a bit of work with the plugin manager...  I'm glad someone it creating some ACTUAL W2W city services!

Check out Abelfarei!


wow nice

we can always use more fire/police stations
War Kittens !?


wow looks good!!  :thumbsup:

you are right...there are to little w2w police stations and firehouses...i like the idea!!! and they look good!!

keep it up
Life is too short to wear bad clothes...and ugly shoes!


 &apls Very nice work matt . very well done


Nice job on St George's Hall!  I really like it!!

Check out Abelfarei!


Thanks guys....

Thought I'd best let you know that I have posted two commercial post offices. Both are based on real buildings on King Street in Sydney's Newtown.

St Georges Hall on the lest which is a W2W and Newtown Post Office on the right hand side.


These are wonderfully detailed buildings. Allthoug we all are using the same software these buildings could only have been made by you.


Fantastic buildings you have created there! Fantastic textures! :thumbsup:


Great. Indeed we lack some W2W civil buildings... thanks for taking the time to do these! I like the brick fire buildling in the first picture very much  :thumbsup: !
Check my MD:               


I love those buildings :) St Georges hall reminds me of westminster abbey (or is it the british parliament? i always get them confused) with Big Ben on it :)


Beautiful work and nice to see some new items from the w2w sector. 


The police and fire station look fantstic.  I also like St George's Hall and the post office.

Will you be making any more residential lots?  The one's you have already released are awesome and I use them regularly.

Call me Robin, please.


This is the most excellent work my friend  :thumbsup:

I love the level of detail  ;D
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Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary


i agree, the detailing is exquisite. thank you &apls
"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"


Those W-2W lots are realy appreciated in the community, judging from the responses here. I agree with them all.

St Georges Hall and Newtown Post Office look great.
the fire department is also a welcome addition to the game.

I think you are right that there is a tremendous need for more W2W builings of eitehr sort Com/Res and Civics.

I am looking forward seeing tehes in play.



I just spotted the firehouses on the LEX and they look great from the shots!


WOW! INCREDIBLE work indeed !
Matt, your creations are absolutely amazing ! You got a great talent.


Thankyou everyone, your comments of support and encouragement are very lovely :thumbsup: :satisfied:

So, I've another one for you. These are Regency Styled Terraces.

Those of you who have been following the Shosoloza project would have seen them: They are the blue and cream coloured 3.5 storied terraces in this picture.

Get them here: Regency Terraces

These are slow to appear in newly created regions, but once the Region population gets above 500K they should start popping up nicely and with 57 R$$ residents per house, ensure that your population count remains healthy.

Thanks of course to the BSC team for support and for Barby for modding and packaging.


Thank you for the regency terraces Matt,

I love them.They fit in real nicely with my cities.



Strech, you're welcome.

Here's the latest thing I'm working on....a small train station modelled off Emu Plains railway station in Sydney. It's an old fashioned rail station:

There will be two versions - one brick/one rendered. iT isn't a slavish copy of the original, just inspired by...