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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Shadow Assassin

QuoteI haven't exported them into the 128x128 PNG squares yet, so I'll probably tweak the lines ever so slightly.  Wink

If you've got the dashed line on a separate layer (which I presume you do), just Free Rotate the offending line so it's lined up with the shoulder.
New Horizons Productions
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Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!

Patricius Maximus

Ah, a 3 tile network. Well, since it takes up 3 tiles it'll have even more capacity, which you just stated.

The RHW is bac in business. Very good. I know there are no timetables for this stuff, but I still hope that it will be released soon. I'm thinking sometime before the 2009 fiscal year?

Anyway, however long it takes I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.


Quote from: Patricius Maximus on July 29, 2008, 04:24:12 AM
I know there are no timetables for this stuff, but I still hope that it will be released soon.

I hope so, too.  I can disclose that RHW Version 21 is in Alpha Build 1 right now . . . and has been for awhile.  I'm finally getting around to possibly having another, more substantial Build shortly.  The main thing we're trying to figure out is how much stuff we should try to squeeze in.

Speaking of development stuff, here's another prototype texture, for the RHW-6S-to-6C transition.  The redesign of the 6C to give it a capacity advantage also allowed for a fairly smooth transition between the two.  I tried to actually curve the dashed lines on here, but I'm not entirely pleased with the result.  It still needs a little work before its ready for primetime (especially at the bottom).

-Alex (Tarkus)


It's really coming along.
I hope you guys can squeeze as much in as possible.
I think that texture definately needs some touching up, but I like the gradual curviness, and overall it looks good.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


hi there.. today I got some sight of a new idea for a piece.. there is already  a RHW-2 to MIS spliter.. it would be a good idea to have also a RHW-4 to MIS slipter ;)

this way we could do something like this:

>>>>>>>>                  >>>>>>>>>
...............>             >..................
..................>        >.....................
.....................>  >........................

bad scheme,  :-\ hope you get the idea, the arrows are the lanes  /wrrd%&



do you mean something like the "euro" exit for the maxis highway?

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


I really like the RHW4 to RHW6C transition.

True, the RHW6S to RHW6C transition does look funky, I would just straighten the liines out between their endpoints and that should be decent. (The lines may need to be shifted a little to one side to account for the straightenment)
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Back with more RHW-6C stuff . . . and some in-game pics.

Pathing is in place, with the crossover paths to allow traffic to move between the inner and outer tiles.

Traffic is able to use it, too.

And the new RHW-4-to-6C transition is RULed.  Just needs pathing.

More in a little bit.

-Alex (Tarkus)


Looking great!
Looks like you touched up the dashed line too, but that might just be because the ground's not flat.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Quote from: JoeST on August 02, 2008, 02:11:06 PM

do you mean something like the "euro" exit for the maxis highway?


well, the scheme I made is like that, but the piece I was suggesting is only the part that splits  from the RHW-4.. the piece it self woulb be like this:


also the opposite position too, and those "free" lines are MIS (in red)



Shadow Assassin

I have a question: is that transition a puzzle piece or a RUL override? Just asking, you know. :P
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!

Patricius Maximus

Overall it looks good. I like the RHW-6c and the transitions.

One question that is not answered in the FAQ but may have been answered before is will the RHW-6S have diagonal capability?


gn_leugim, I have good news for you.  That piece is in the works--ardecila has done the textures and I just need to get it in game. :)

SA, the transition there is a puzzle piece. :)

Patricius Maximus, does this answer your question? ::)

That pic of the 6S is from awhile ago . . . I actually had a hidden link to it (with 1pt font) in one of my posts back in May. :D  I need to get going on that project again--the RULs are about 80% done (the transition from Diag-to-Orth was the main issue). 

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone.  I'll be back with more very soon.

-Alex (Tarkus)


Very nice, very good developments here  ()stsfd()
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* JoeST searches for link :D

looking AWESOME as always :)

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Quote from: TarkusI actually had a hidden link to it (with 1pt font) in one of my posts back in May.
Keyword: Had. Well... Anymore tricks up your sleeve?
And we know those of you who saw this as a link earlier already had a sneek preview of

ABV21, if you get my drift, on your systems from months ago from finding irrelevant hidden text hiding easter eggs like this. . .

PS, beige is a better hider, and by the way whoever yous are, reading a small font like this, especially right into a bright screen, is bad for your eyes, or did you use the magnifying glass that came with Microsoft's
Internet Explorer, which comes in handy, especially when you want to get a closer, clearer look at some one in a pixelated image, that you can then press the prnt scrn rq button, and save to your hd so you
know its there, again another set of features Mac doesn't have. Speaking of which, congragulations for finding the hidden feature. No one will see, don't worry, C'mon, don't you think this was funny?

Oh yeah, I want to grab those sharp curves!  :P


Quote from: Tarkus on August 02, 2008, 10:23:54 PM
And the new RHW-4-to-6C transition is RULed.  Just needs pathing.

Everything looks fantastic so far! However, has anyone given any thought as to which lanes should really be ending in the transitions? If it's an exit lane, that's one thing... but when lanes merge (in the right-hand driving world) it's the right lane 99% of the time. It would seem counter-productive to have the passing lane end when it means that people may have to slow down to change lanes--the left lane should always be moving at the fastest speed on the highway. I gave your preview image a little tweak to illustrate.