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3 word story

Started by flame1396, June 13, 2007, 04:10:26 PM

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"If Kyle has 3 apples and is shorter that John who has 7 and if John is taller than Jenny who just graduated from Harvard, how old is Karen?"




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Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


[And we had a good portion of the song going  ;D]


The Story thus far..

Chapter 1
Armadillos and Monkeys

Once upon a time I vomited on a goldfish which belonged to my sister Natalie's imaginary friend.  The imaginary goldfish said, "Stop or eat fried squid."  Why can we not get along?  The reason we don't get along is because a car crashed into my parent's fishbowl.

In fact, they wanted it to squash the gorilla, but instead it squashed them into positions they never dreamed of being ever able to get out again. Next, the gorilla attacked the fishbowl using a large stick, that was covered with fire-ants. Which set the poor little fishes tails on fire, however the water put the fire out, as though it never existed.

Are we all so blind that we cannot see who is to really punish them?  The observing aliens that come from mars with vengeance.  Because the mars people was soooooooooo pissed. The people here on Earth hate the people over yonder at that place because?  Their farts are toxic to humans.  Naturally, of course they didn't intend to poison people, however when they fart all know they are about to go nuclear.  So this means the moral of this long winded  - but also very mind-boggling - story is that we all want exemption from monkeys that do our taxes because the high taxes actually affect the bottom line and gross profits of economic enterprises.  With more money we can hire more intelligent nuts.  With more nuts, we will never have any problems with human starvation.

So wrapping up, we can say that the implications of the bloody war between worlds has had no tangible retardation regarding Keynesian economic theory. Then Michael slapped all of us with a notion that God didn't ever imagine to think of, because at the time no tea was to obtain from the planet that the ancients built for the ridiculous purpose that eventually was lost in that fateful night long ago. However we're entering the tertiary acceleration phase and what else could go wrong is unknown due to external factors. Hence, we ought to find the lost city of Atlantis, as the famous dancing slugs make us all go crazy enough to want to excrete a slippery element composed of grease.

But now we want to find a happy ending to our miserable occupations. Unfortunately the cheesecake monster attained escape velocity and so it launched emergency beacons that summoned backup cheesecake monster armies to retaliate, however they got whipped. Paris Hilton lost what little mind she never had by declaring hostilities against said armies in the instant of pure rage following her time in LA County jail.

Pooooor Paris, nobody cared though because she's a non sc4 player. Meanwhile, the other inmates at LA County went extra-solar (outside the solar system) but got cold, so they burned Paris's grand cell to the ground. Her charismatic ectoplasm's effect on the quantum doohickey array had no effect.

The Gamma-ray transmogrifier transmogrified someone into an irradiated transmogrification that then started psychological corroborations  attributed to repressed memories of Paris Hilton's well-deserved jail term that was shortened due to an idiot judge who liked nothing but to watch poor Paris sit back and sing some lexicalogically superfluous with toooooo many verses about how to paint her ugly mug shot.

Then Jake Green pulled out his radioactivity detector and threw it at the very ugly cheesemonger's sister. Later that night I sat awake wondering about this nonsensical time in Stropon when I drank a whole bottle of delectable fortified of pure German chocolate flavored bubblegum which tasted good...

I couldn't believe Jeronij hadn't stripped until now, but all the ladies went hog wild, when they saw the pale color of his tight fitting tee-shirt. It clung to his masculine body like it was a leech on a bloodpack. Elsewhere we saw Dedgren the mighty Alaskan Intellectual heavyweight charging towards a group of unsuspecting cheesmonsters when he decided to make 3RR with a red, blue and green stream that flowed much like a cascading Niagara.

A Very Embarrassed Johnny Appleseed reached up To Kick Fledder's butt with a steel capped boot, but the boot got stuck up someone's very large chimney flue, which widened the size of Toohey's ummmmm insight into Pat's very irregular mind which causes him to play Sim City 7 when finally someone made a wonderful suggestion into a weapon.

That would cause underdog, Spiderman, and Batman to switch places with BSC, who dressed up with their underpants inside out, so that they was nuttier than squirrels high on crack and low on cash that BLaM spent frivolously on secondhand bats from SC4's main website which BLaM turned into beautiful, attractive, useful lots.

So why it is that Wisconsin is green on Tuesdays while a naked woman is jumping into a pool full of Jell-O? Did you know Sim City's history? Well it's a long time ago when god mode was created which gave ordinary gamers abilities beyond the Mayor mode. To have fun where no fun loving kids were hanging out by the post office. But eventually one caused the big bang theory to happen in downtown right before the almighty Cheeziz has summoned cheesecake monsters creating big singularly quarrels about the super tall skyscrapers that was big. These super tall skyscrapers were falling into the subway and collapsing the moose which happened to cross exactly the four-laned rural highway. However the NAM road Modd was not up to standards so the official city journal statistics threw a meteor into the way and it struck the house of the forgotten batters destroying all the archived models before the year 1987. Furious, 1987 BATters decided to get a hold of some free passes to Walt Disney World! Where Mickey still had a secret and it's bad; he still wets his pants and drinks out of a trash can sized martini glass.

The BATters discovered that huge grater over at the Cheese Grater Shrine (blessed by Jesus) was 100% pure Teflon, essential for non-stick cooking of Holy cheese from inside North Dakota. They used it liberally on coyotes give roadrunners advance notice of bombs that may be hidden under the only palm tree in all the sub Siberian highlands on planet mars However, President Bush refused to take Russia's attack seriously So the military BATted a weapon which looked like something that came from Florida.

Which a man shot by Stalin found in a tea chest, slightly rusted due to the Overweight Monkeys of the planet of SimMars. Guess what I found today: A 500 pound beast of a quite perplexing nature that looked like it ate something heavy. The beast was sitting near a river; it had eaten all the reeds, exposing a nuclear bomb which was undetonated?  So a professional alligator wrestler, licensed from in Australia tried to say "Crickey!

But instead said bee, boo, bop!  He was sued with a large 1,000,000,000 fine and threatened with the Knife he found under a giant Teflon cheese grater.  But Malaqat conjured the high courts.  However, nobody cared that a crazy Croc Hunter had Decided to try shooting twelve adorable naked mole rats which were busy doing some nasty Community Service for heinous hate crimes.

The rats said that they would play SimCity until the cows came To clean the red light district's.  So that some drunken hookers named Fjskdl, Eruigfrio, and Malcolm Achbar Mustafa were able to get double pay That Was Good for buying illegal underground ping-pong leagues jumbo sized explosive ten pound balls.  They were crushed into orange Julius by a gigantic hungry wiener dog that was over Taking Sexy Back by the Strip-club.

Then the local paint stripper decided to get to Patches Paint for ne stocking fillers.  When David Edgren went to Nebraska and got hit with a large cob of corn he decided to Curse at BarbyW.  Who slapped him with a flounder which was dead.  She then picked a new iPod mini that was previously owned by them monkey.  Unfortunately for her, David had a laser gun pointed directly at the new iPod which was crawling up his thigh bone and then went all the way into his new shoulder pads that glowed in the dark.  While that happened she fell out of a(n) tub of pudding, with the juice of orange and said three words:  "What the **ll"?

Which really meant there was no iPod at all and that she had to pee in an outhouse.  The outhouse was then set on, on top of the big long pit that leads to the center square in town.  The townspeople all threw up over the pit's rim that was green, and smelled like they ate an entire bag of green funky smelly cheese.

It was that Brett Favre had a cheese sandwich with pickles; embedded into his right pocket was a GMAX model of the CNTower. Who here thinks they have the iPod hidden in a dump truck?

Well of course Steve Jobs knew now with mine never playing Madonna would be good.  Time for us to dance into the yellowing aquarium because we are born innocent; believe me when I sing my song that I'm far away from you while in fact your mother wears a sixties' dress and huge underwear.  So we see the bad moon arising.

I see trouble on the on the way.

Don't come around to borrow my Sim City Diskette.  That hasn't been out of my mind since the monkeys laughed at me on the Jell-O Pudding Pops that was totally melted on the dashboard of a old beat-up Toyota that smelt like her sponsor's left butt cheek.  Now toxic fumes fill not only the car, but also the entire state.

Mandatory evacuations have been delayed while the National Guard is too busy watching infomercials and helping people to tone their abs or to punt that Katrina incident back to George, who was vacationing in Cuba against the Pentagon's request because of the failed cigar embargo sabotaged by monkeys from the NSA.  The monkeys then smoked all the stuff we decided to pick off.

So then we worshipped the monkeys although we like giraffes, too and penguins, but monkeys are prettier than an elephant's butt.  But what I ate this afternoon was crocodile, indeed, they say it tastes like chicken, better than monkey, but resembles yogurt.  A lightning storm blew in faster she had expected. The Story to take a turn but so far no such luck, since her Simian decided to leave.  The ape had been threatening of running for Congress.  The Congress of all xx monkeys disproving Darwin's theory and eating banana splits that truly only contained fake ice cream.  That melted soon despite the climatic shifts Al Gore induced with flavored global warming icees..

Which are quite tasty morsels despite being made of cool liquid nitrogen.
"No problem!" said Ronald McDonald, as Hannah Montana took enough horse tranquilizers to make it interesting for Al Gore. For he wanted to create a huge statue for polar bears of himself wearing in a city where a monkey is confused about the whole thing.

Some weird monkey with a camera starts making gestures to remove the old people from the dark depths... Where they were regurgitated by sharks because they tasted like my wife's (uhh....) mothers cooking. They were much too salty and they tasted so much, like deep freeze turkey from last year's Christmas holiday.

Meanwhile I sat pondering all about the twists and turns of the mysteries of the deeeeeep and onerous mind, using big words of English idioms confusing the monkeys, speaking only American, through Japanese translators, whose questionable linguistics and snazzy wardrobes are very intellectual, but they later were asked to join the order of retired zoologists who now only aped the apes.

OMG screamed Nate!!!! She was stunned.

"Huh? She who?"

"A valid question, requiring full investigation.", said Detective Colombo, who has 42 under paid monkeys fluent in Chinese speaking. The results were inaudible English. They wanted bananas which then Nate threw at Tarkus, causing every devotee to do a triple salto backwards. Then all the monkeys danced around RJ's census tower and then they went to the outback, waltzing with wallabies, koalas, kangaroos, dingoes and some Matilda's. But the armadillos were left stunned and confused.

They had missed the crucial meeting to negotiate the surrender of their top secret highly protected formula, the banana launchers which the monkeys wanted to mass produce in order for complete and total destruction of Earth failed because no one agreed on what type of bananas to have pureed.  So instead, they decided that the best thing to do was to go for drinks at Pat and Dave's, and after many loooong hard hours chewing the menus and also the bills, which were much too salty, very rapidly. Did anyone see their private jet take off from LAX (Lower Australian Xenoport), narrowly escaping the long and contrived Michael Moore documentary about Llamas with smelly bellies? Why did everyone want mouldy chilli cheese? That's because we all thrive on Chilli cheese dogs. This by far is the silliest run of this fascinating and complex, mind blowing story.

Meanwhile, in GRV people discussed about cannibals eating people, one more fascinating hoax conspirators perpetrated. Nevertheless, the invasion of Canada was Al's next agenda to have Sam took a turn when the Great Wouanagaine intervened, to stop all the ninja monkeys from saying:
"We are way better than educated gorillas populating trashy pubs during the Olympics, for crying out loud."

Those gorillas were Republicans - of course - that Bush sent while eating pie. It was discovered that he has a very small middle finger, which holds his brain to the centre.

"That's interesting", said Dick Cheney's wife, who's middle finger was very large compared to Bush's. Suddenly a giant Clinton finger pointed at RippleJets belly, because a man-eating man-eater eats a man in such way, the president must activate the anti-man-eating dart throwing evil monkeys from outer space that smoke too much, and got stoned, as monkeys do.

So kids, remember: smoking and eating is what monkeys do for fun.

It was thus the ancient prophecy of ancient prophecies explained that the cheesecake-monster would return and spread its stickiness onto those that do evil like motor-riders and writers of words, because Overlord Twinkie makes police cars that vaguely resemble giant flaming Lamborghinis.

These Lada immitations were just too close for comfort and were also a lot cheaper then outsourcing to the Macintosh retailers who spoke Australian.

The poker dealers dealt another round of Delta Airlines peanuts and rum. They puked, because they wanted to prove the point that I couldn't see vomit without causing the... WHAT, exclaimed an unhappy something.

Coming soon: new iPhones with SUPT option and  built-in NARS for 900 pineapples that have sharp pricks with paralizing orange juice inside them. I couldn't believe that these iPhones are actually the prime minister's secret weapon to bring the sheep back from Alabama.

Meanwhile at Maxis, the armadillos decided to have a device that could point and shake James Bonds Martini and a watch, that was running towards something very uncooked, you know like those red things that you throw at old people driving, Red-Hots.

And yet various animals are oblivious to our devious plots against munchkins. So one day when my mother fell into a dump on the nails, I went out to go get the coffee that didn't shut out the cold miraculous liquid nitrogen.

It would be so miraculous that this glorious thingie of a story will be continued in the sequel!

Chapter 2:
The Revenge of the Absolut Sith

"The Force is that powerful thing which is alcoholic and drunk regularly and somehow quite interesting." Then suddenly a piece of cake appeared at the train station out of nowhere. I ate it and somehow levitated upside down overthere. "Aaaaaaargh!" I ate some pie, said Tom, who is a policeman.

These men are called 'bobbies' in some stuck-up land, not in America, but in Britain. These so-called Bobbies (Bobby Labonte,Bobby Boo,Booby Labtop) went to London where they drank in a pub on Fleet Street. One bobby said: "Listen, You Lads!" The NASCAR Bobby from the Empire of Zappa spoke: "You are all on my Voodoo Cell Phone! Beware!" So then the dood that was making cops go wild about False intersections , because the law states that 'Dood' is a prohibited 'to dance atop a table'-word.

Meantime, near the Rural Highway, it began to rain. Nerdly_dood came and he said: "Hey! Hey, You You! I don't like you! Go away!" "No!", screamed Nate!!! Of course he
Lurk mode: ACTIVE



trouble with nerdly_dood

hey, someone mentioned me without actually responding to me()stsfd()
Oh wait, that was me never mind... :-[
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


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Polish support forum - Cafe Poland * SC4Wiki! * My BATting thread

I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles


Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Polish support forum - Cafe Poland * SC4Wiki! * My BATting thread

I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles


Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Polish support forum - Cafe Poland * SC4Wiki! * My BATting thread

I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles


Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Polish support forum - Cafe Poland * SC4Wiki! * My BATting thread

I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles


...same freaking situation.......

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)



Polish support forum - Cafe Poland * SC4Wiki! * My BATting thread

I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles


explained the case

Next person bring the story over, plz!
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