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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Another great update! I notice you've changed your custom text thingy from "NAM team teasing adminadillo" to "We like to surprise people..."

One other thing: I have, until last weekend, been rather skeptical of the darker area along your highway texture that goes along the dashed lines - around here, there is no such darker section there: it's mainly in the middle of the right-hand lane, between the dashed line and the solid edge line. But recently I took a bus trip to Washington, DC to see my uncle, and I noticed that the highway there [Interstate 95 south of the DC metro area] looked remarkably like a RHW-6S using your newer texture: It did have the shorter lines that your texture has, as well as a subtle darker area between the lane lines as well as along them, with lighter areas where cars' tires are primarily located. Now that I've seen it in RL I have no reason to believe your RHW textures to be unrealistic in any way. (Especially once you refine them to be release-quality)
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


"With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound he pulls the spitting high-tension wires down..."

Patricius Maximus

*looks at first update*



*looks at second update*



Now for the reply. I'm glad you took the time to avoid weaving -- and it's nice to hear you did something for me :).

Also, the text in the main post reads "Rural Highway Mod Version 21 (Beta)--We like to surprise people . . ."

Coming soon?

- Patricius Maximus


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Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.



That stretch of highway is amazing!  :o One of the best highway shots ever... And isn't that an interchange from your MD? The area looks familiar from about 5-10 updates ago, I think...

Lastly, in that second update, is that a tighter MIS curve I see (as in no completely straight tile between curves)?

Once again, some of the best shots EVER of an SC4 highway!  &apls &apls &apls
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Gah. You are killing me.  &apls  &apls

Nice work Tarkus! I can't wait for something . . .  :P



WOW. *jaw drops through floor*  :o
You just love to tease, don't you, Tarkus?
I noticed as well that you updated the text by the release date to "We like to surprise people . . ."  $%Grinno$%
I think I've been here long enough, call me Kenneth/Kenny.

The Commonwealth of Paradise at ST

The Commonwealth of Paradise at SC4 Wiki


OMFG!!!!  &apls  i luv it Tarkus!!!  &hlp  &hlp

- cape44
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Have a look at the NAM Thread ==>  NWM
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*Maarten looks both pictures twice and makes sure he isn't dreaming...  ;D


And you said that there were no new puzzle pieces in the previous update. Well, I haven't seen the RHW-6C overpass before. Keep on teasing us!

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


 :o Thats all i have to say ;D &apls

PS are there overpasses for an RHW 8C?
Im back baby! Everybody do the Bendah!


I think I losht my jaw!

Ah! There it ish!




Hi everyone-

Thanks for the kind words on the last go-around of teaser pics there--it's much appreciated. :)  Now to answer some questions and show another teaser . . .

Quote from: deathtopumpkins on October 18, 2008, 07:59:02 PM
And isn't that an interchange from your MD? The area looks familiar from about 5-10 updates ago, I think...

Lastly, in that second update, is that a tighter MIS curve I see (as in no completely straight tile between curves)?

Yes, that stretch of highway is indeed from a city featured a good deal in my MD.  It's in Argentum, and (shameless plug ::)) you'll be seeing more of it a future update of Tarkusian Cities. ;)

As far as that MIS curve goes, it is indeed tighter, though I kinda "cheated" with the starter pieces in making it.  It's relatively easy to RUL in, though, so I would say you'll more than likely be able to build it in Version 21 without any workaround.

Quote from: pagenotfound on October 19, 2008, 09:13:35 AM
PS are there overpasses for an RHW 8C?

The RHW-8C is canceled, as when I re-adjusted the texture widths when making my new set, it physically wasn't possible to fit 8 lanes comfortably on three tiles, and since I redesigned the RHW-6C such that it now has increased capacity, it gave me even less impetus to continue it.  So the "RHW-8S" will be the only RHW-8 network.  And it does have an overpass.  ;)

All the RHW networks that will be included in Version 21 (RHW-2, RHW-4, RHW-6S, RHW-6C, RHW-8 and RHW-10) have overpasses, in fact.  The RHW-4, RHW-2, and MIS will be getting Diagonal ones for Roads and One-Way Roads (and possibly Rail Viaducts) in Version 21.  Avenues are a bit of a different story.  Orthogonal overpasses will be included for Avenues over all networks.  The Diagonal ones will be included in a future release.  (Which should come much sooner than the 10 1/2 months and counting since Version 20.)

Speaking of the RHW-8, I just got this piece in last night, which many of you have requested . . .

Proof it works . . .

I'm getting very close to wrapping up the final feature list.  There will probably be a few pieces/features that some may have been wanting for awhile that won't make it into this version, but rest assured, they'll make it into a future RHW release in fairly short order.  I've added enough into Version 21 that I'm having a hard time keeping track of it all, so that tells me it's time to stop adding stuff. :D

Back with more in a bit.

-Alex (Tarkus)


 &apls  &apls Wow! The RHW-8 is perfect for me! Can't wait for more.....



This is going to be a very nice addition.  :thumbsup:  Great job  &apls

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Holy...   :o  Um...  I love it, so keep up the great work Alex!  &scl()
