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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Quote from: Haljackey on October 19, 2008, 03:16:40 PM

Holy...   :o  Um...  I love it, so keep up the great work Alex!  &scl()





That piece should be wonderful as the start to C/D systems!
But is that the final texture for it? If it's going to be touched up at all, I would make it a little pointy-er, and maybe add some V-shaped chevrons.

And it's great to hear that all of the networks will have overpasses! That's great, and thanks for giving us the list of stuff!

I smell a release soon...
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores

Ryan B.

Looks great, Alex!  Like DTP said, the splitter texture there could use a bit of improvement.

Let me flip through my copy of the MUTCD, and I'll get back to you.


Quote from: Tarkus on October 19, 2008, 02:10:43 PM
As far as that MIS curve goes, it is indeed tighter, though I kinda "cheated" with the starter pieces in making it.  It's relatively easy to RUL in, though, so I would say you'll more than likely be able to build it in Version 21 without any workaround.
I recall some discussion of "smooth curve" pieces being made for use with the MIS, I hope that's still in the works!  &mmm  The less "choppy" the interchanges can look, the better. But all in all everything looks magnificent so far guys--I agree with deathtopumpkins (among others) that the pic in reply #3295 has to be the most impressive highway screenshot in the game to date!! My computer chair looks more ragged every day from the regular deposits of drool!


I must be blind but I am not seeing the download link on this page?

What am I missing? :(

Ryan B.

Quote from: JGS on October 19, 2008, 05:59:35 PM
I must be blind but I am not seeing the download link on this page?

What am I missing? :(

First of all, welcome to SC4D!   :)

To answer your question, that link is to the most recent released version of the RHW.  From the looks of it, the next release is coming very soon.  :)


Quote from: SamJam on October 19, 2008, 05:56:25 PM
I recall some discussion of "smooth curve" pieces being made for use with the MIS, I hope that's still in the works!  

The MIS Smooth Curves are still in the works.  At the very least, there will be an S-Curve.

And DTP and Ryan (burgsabre), thanks for the feedback on the splitter.  I'll try to make it more . . . um . . . "to the point".  (Sorry, couldn't resist).

JGS, welcome to SC4D!  You'll need to register separately for the exchange.  Once you're logged in, the download link will show up. :)



Typing done before I noticed Tarkus posted:

@ JGS: What you're missing is that we're talking about the newer version (v.21) that (i expect) will be compatible with the current version (v.20) that you linked to (check the date) as well as contain A LOT MORE than just in v.20.
@ DTP: I'm somewhat certain the textures will be improved before release. One of the MIS/road intersections is so bad I might have done it myself! :D It's just a preliminary "preview" texture that will be improved before release.

My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Quote from: Tarkus on October 19, 2008, 06:06:35 PM

JGS, welcome to SC4D!  You'll need to register separately for the exchange.  Once you're logged in, the download link will show up. :)


Thanks for the welcomes! I appreciate it.

And that answers my question, thank you.



These pictures look great! I was wondering, will an intersection between the MIS and frontage roads be included in version 21? If not, that's fine as my current region isn't using frontage roads but I am planning on another region that will use them extensively.

-- John
After a long absence, I'm back! And I will be starting a new MD soon.


Quote from: nerdly_dood on October 19, 2008, 06:10:01 PM
One of the MIS/road intersections is so bad I might have done it myself! :D It's just a preliminary "preview" texture that will be improved before release.

Which one, out of curiosity?  ::)  Once I get the Alpha Build off to the NAM Associates for the next go around, I'll give it a look.

I will also point out that most of the markings I've tried to emulate are Oregon ones.  Every place is going to have something a little different.  And also, if you find that "hey, this looks nothing like the markings here in [insert state]", you're free to modify the original ones I've done to your liking, and if you so choose, distribute your modifications as a texture mod.  I completely support that.  They're effectively "open-source" textures.  

You can add chevrons, add second yellow lines in (like Utah), change the dashed line lengths/widths, Eurofy them, etc.  The only limitations are technical ones imposed by the RULs, and to a lesser extent, paths (you can't lengthen/shorten puzzle pieces, or do "unmirrorable" stuff, etc.).  Otherwise, the sky's the limit.  :)

It opens up the RHW to more people, and in my view of things, that's a very good thing.

Quote from: DFire870 on October 19, 2008, 06:23:08 PM
These pictures look great! I was wondering, will an intersection between the MIS and frontage roads be included in version 21? If not, that's fine as my current region isn't using frontage roads but I am planning on another region that will use them extensively.

Intersection between the MIS and frontage roads?  Do you mean an MIS-OWR transition?  Or some sort of MIS/OWR intersection? 

-Alex (Tarkus)


Quote from: Tarkus on October 19, 2008, 06:29:55 PM
Intersection between the MIS and frontage roads?  Do you mean an MIS-OWR transition?  Or some sort of MIS/OWR intersection? 

I think he means connection from RHW to a street with no gaps.



Quote from: Tarkus on October 19, 2008, 06:29:55 PM
Intersection between the MIS and frontage roads?  Do you mean an MIS-OWR transition?  Or some sort of MIS/OWR intersection? 

No, not a right-angle intersection, more like a ramp from the MIS onto a frontage road (both two-way and one-way). It's hard to explain in words, so here's an example of what I'm talking about: Linkie

It's a ramp in my area. The ramp goes off of the highway and merges into the frontag road, which is a one-way road. The ones for two-way are slightly different, but the one-way ones are more common.

- John
After a long absence, I'm back! And I will be starting a new MD soon.


Thanks for the Google link, John.  That makes sense now. :thumbsup:  It looks like you'd need an RHW-4/Dual MIS Splitter (like the current RHW-2 one).  That is in fact planned for Version 21 (just spliced up the textures last night), so it looks like you're good to go.

-Alex (Tarkus)

Edit:  And I should also add, I've edited the poll to allow everyone to change votes, if they so choose, especially since Mid-October is pretty much done now. ;)


CHEVRONS! That's what they're called! I'll have to add those in when i get my new computer... Tweaking *just a few* RHW textures will be loads easier than tweaking *all of them*, which will give me more time to finish my police car modding that I've had to hold off till I can get a computer that will run FiSHMan... (Laptop comes first, then any RHW textures I work on if it comes out before or shortly after i get the laptop, then police cars)
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


I just spied that Alex put "Not Yet Available" as a release date. Just yesterday, it read "Coming Very Soon, But Not To Soon". The release is just around the corner (not tomorrow for the not so patient people and no brain people). I am just gonna love v.21 BIG TIME. JKB
beam me up.... please!
I am the lurker that hides in all the corners and you can't get me out. You may try, but you can't.Please call me Jon or Jonathan.


Quote from: bakerton on October 19, 2008, 09:10:56 PM
I just spied that Alex put "Not Yet Available" as a release date. Just yesterday, it read "Coming Very Soon, But Not To Soon".

That's not all, either.   ()stsfd()

Tarkus, I've said it several times before, but I'll say it again... you never cease to amaze.


Sweet! Cant wait for this to come out!

If you highlight next to where it says "Not Yet Available" there's a pretty interesting message.  ;D


Alex I have no clue what to say anymore!!! all I can think of is Stunning and btw I love that little message under the dependencies  ;)

I do have one question for you though, has it been fixed where the RHW 2 will be able to go threw the ave no problem or is that still being worked on? Im sorry if you already answered this somewhere and I didn't notice...

Thanks Pat

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