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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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I'm a library cataloger by trade and I love the new numbering system.  Good Job, Alex.  I look forward to version 3.0.   :)  Thanks again.

Monorail Master

YEAHHHHHHH!!!!! BABY!  3.0 IS COMING SOON!!!!! MY PREDICTION IS THIS MONTH BEFORE THANKSGIVING!!! And while I wait :sleeping:, I'm going to play Simcity Creator and GTASA Multiplayer!!!(including getting a new computer and modding it ()testing()) And,

Quote from: j-dub on November 06, 2008, 07:53:43 PM

Don't worry, this won't say that for long, thanks for spotting it for us.

LOL!!!! THAT IS FUNNY! Out of a rating from 1 to 10 on the funny-meter, I give that a 10! :D :D :D :D
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into
(")_(") your signature to help him gain world domination


Well, it's not so funny anymore, as it's been fixed.  Thanks to SusanMarie1956 for pointing it out!  (And to j-dub for immortalizing it. :D)

Been awhile since I've shown any teaser pics of my own . . . I've been letting the Associates have all the fun.  :D

So, as I had mentioned before, I made it possible to do tighter MIS curves without a workaround . . . so it'll be pretty easy now to get a very compact parclo setup going:

And one of the last few pieces I've added in, RHW-6S/MIS Ramp Style B.

Getting ever closer . . .

-Alex (Tarkus)


Excellent news, Alex!

I'm glad you found a way to get tighter curves without an override, and ramp-style-B for the RHW-6 looks great!



Tarkus: The speed you are going, it seems every 10th of a second something new is being made. It's amazing!  &apls &apls



This makes the RHW-6 an even more viable means of transportation. :thumbsup:
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


The citizens of Sunshine will be forever grateful when a third lane is added at interchanges instead of squeezing them down to 2 lanes. I give Tarkus and crew a courtsey for this wonderful project.
-Susan Marie

Patricius Maximus

Yes!!! An MIS-B ramp for the RHW-6 is just what I need.


~ NAM Team Member


Quote from: Kitsune on November 09, 2008, 09:30:05 AM
Will there be bridges for the RHW-6?

As in overpasses for the RHW-6?  Yes.

Here's a pic:

You will be able to do this for the RHW-6C as well.



Darraghf on SC4D, Rainyday on ST, Darraghflah on Simpeg


The teasing is killing us. There's been so many teasers I wonder if it will ever get released!?  :P I'm glad making MIS curves will be easier. Now I just have to stop conforming my layouts to the limitations of the current system (so that I can use the new one effectively)


One question about that RHW-6 B ramp... is there one to match the current RHW-6 A ramp, where the third lane exits, leaving you with a MIS and RHW-4?
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Yay - this B-ramp for RHW-6 is something I've been looking forward to for a long time... Have you made any left-hand ramps for anything wider than RHW-4?
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Quote from: deathtopumpkins on November 09, 2008, 10:35:00 AM
One question about that RHW-6 B ramp... is there one to match the current RHW-6 A ramp, where the third lane exits, leaving you with a MIS and RHW-4?

You mean the "RHW-4 C" ramp?  I agree that this would be a very useful component to have.  I've recommended it to Alex, but we'll see if it will make it into this release or not.


You can call me Grif

--Currently out of the office, will resume SC4 7/19


I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.


Now I don't have to reduce my RHW-6 to RHW-4 so that I can make an overpass.
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Hehe . . . looks like you guys have a few questions.  :D  I'll do my best to answer them. ;)

Quote from: Kitsune on November 09, 2008, 09:30:05 AM
Will there be bridges for the RHW-6?

If you're meaning overpasses, than as Haljackey mentioned, yes.  If you're meaning actual bridges over water, no.  I'm still figuring out the best way to implement that, and there probably won't be actual RHW-6 bridges for a good while. 

Quote from: deathtopumpkins on November 09, 2008, 10:35:00 AM
One question about that RHW-6 B ramp... is there one to match the current RHW-6 A ramp, where the third lane exits, leaving you with a MIS and RHW-4?

There is one planned, but it will not be in Version 3.0.  Fortunately, it will be added to the RHW mod in an update in the relatively near future.  Probably at least one of the "3" series releases will focus on nothing but adding more MIS Ramp Interfaces.

Quote from: nerdly_dood on November 09, 2008, 11:08:02 AM
Yay - this B-ramp for RHW-6 is something I've been looking forward to for a long time... Have you made any left-hand ramps for anything wider than RHW-4?

No, not yet.  Definitely planned for a future release, though.

Quote from: toxicpiano on November 09, 2008, 11:43:35 AM
does rhw 6 go diagonal yet?

Well, yes and no.  The current Alpha has partial RHW-6S Diagonal functionality--the RULs are a little bit messed up on the end of the Diagonal-to-Orthogonal transitions, and the paths are not in place, but it's largely there.  However, the actual process of building them is rather unwieldy.  This is the setup you'd need to build in order to get the RHW-6S Diagonals, before the override is in place:

Whether or not they'll actually end up in Version 3.0 is unknown at this time.  I've considered using, at least in the interim, a puzzle piece setup for the diagonals, and perhaps, farther down the road (no pun intended), switching over to a draggable method, provided a suitable one could be found.  It would also mean that RHW-8 and RHW-10 diagonals could come sooner.

And one last thing to show you all . . . the long-awaited RHW-4/Dual-MIS Splitter piece that ardecila textured. 

I have just about every feature that will be in the final version showing up properly in-game now, as of this morning, and just need to get the remaining path files done (there's quite a few).  We are getting ever closer.   ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)

Edit: 2000th post.