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Tales at TeaTime

Started by TheTeaCat, May 22, 2007, 04:32:09 PM

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I cannot say I've ever given much thought to trees - either the variety or their placement - but of late I'm learning the error of such an oversight. The old saying, "Can't see the forest for the trees," comes to mind. I do like the way yours turned out, though, and I'm glad the overall issue has been brought more to light.

The farm is absolutely charming and makes me long to get back into the game once again - with any luck, by next weekend perhaps. To be sure, you haven't lost your penchant for detail and I am left yearning to see more.



Looking good, as always, TTC! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next! 

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Let me first say that I hope things are "looking" better now...
And as second, I realy enjoyed time spend here. Since you started anew I shall concentrate on that part. I realy like the region you have there and the new tree controler that you are using now looks great. To continue, I like the terrain mod that you choose also. Actuly, I like everything that I have seen in here thus far.  &apls

I can claim, that you just got another regular visitor who is eagrly anticipating your updates.

Best Regards,

Visit my MD Rainbow Falls or check Rainbow Falls Out of the Box or maybe check on my bats&lots visiting Lilojame´s Corner or if you wish go to Lilojame´s Candidacies.

"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."  (Byron, 1788-1824)


Hmmmmm, interesting there Derry.  A bit like Joan, I don't give the trees that much thought.  I tend to just plop 'em as I go and switch between a few of the different options available.

Your use of rocks really is something else, those coastlines look stunning as a result.


L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Sorry for so long absence Derry! But I'm back  :)

Beautiful landscaping! :thumbsup: I understand your problems with tree controllers. I must say I also changed my tree controller long time ago to the Meadowshire one (there are two versions of it - Coast and River - and as I remember, I used both of them). The meadowshire tree Controller works really good on riversides, coasts and especially soft slopes creating nice groups and stripes of trees. I used to create some groups of God Mode trees first, and the fill in some empty spaces when I needed by Mayor Mode Cycledogg, SFBT and other trees.

Some suggestions about the terrain:
- As I understand you use the Meadowshire Terrain Mod now. It looks really good on your map. But I see you removed the Olympic Beach from it and now you use the Maxis default one. Yes, it is very nice, but Scorchin ploppable rocks (which you use extensively) look better on the Olympic Beach background.
Btw we should have more beach mods, it seems we should think about it - making them is pretty easy  :)

As for your question about the rock mod, Looking at your terain I see three possibilities: Dogfight Calm Limestone, Meadowshire Cliff and Missouri Breaks Cliff (you used one of them earlier and it looked quite good). If you have another specific needs or preferences, please say more about them we will think  ;)

I'm really glad this great place is still alive!  :thumbsup:

New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


Quote from: sim-al2 on November 16, 2008, 02:23:24 PM
:o wow... The sunken boat is really funny by the way! :D
Thank you. Actually I was hoping it was going to float but it didn't. :)
Worked out better I think;)

Quote from: Pat on November 16, 2008, 03:15:40 PM
Derry simply wonderful details to attention there with the coast line!!!! I love that sunken boat, sweet!!!
Thanks Pat. Its all in the details as you know so well especially with waterfalls.

Quote from: blade2k5 on November 16, 2008, 03:32:09 PM
The sunken boat was a nice touch :thumbsup:  I love your attention to detail in those wilderness shots, excellently done &apls
Thank you Blade. It takews a while and much use of the 'dozer and replopping but even though it might take forever the result is usually worth it.

Quote from: JBSimio on November 16, 2008, 07:46:05 PM
What an amazing feast of nature, Derry!   &apls  I'd have to pick the second picture as my favorite out of this batch.   All that green with just those small bits of rock peeking through makes for a great combination.  Your shorelines are equally impressive and the "cluster" technique for the trees in the final two pictures works extremely well.  As for the TEAser... well, are you back with an update yet?   :D

Jon Thank you so much. Coming from you that is a compliment I'll cherish, considering what you do with Covington :thumbsup: It does take a while to get it right but I enjoy doing it and won't rest till I feel its right. Then again it's fun to play with the great creations that people like yourself make.

Quote from: bat on November 17, 2008, 05:55:52 AM
Great details there on that nature! Nice building there at the last picture of that great update... :thumbsup:
Bat always great to see you here my friend. Thanks for your kind words as always and I do hope you stay tuned for more new stuff :)

Quote from: metarvo on November 17, 2008, 06:04:59 AM
I needed something soothing to drink, so I decided to stop by for some tea  :).  That's a nice farm lot, Derry.  It looks very much like the rural properties I see IRL. :thumbsup:
Here you go then my Friend
Thanks for those nice words. Yes for me where I ccome from the are much smaller,more cluttered as space tends to be an issue.So I've tried to do something similar. Glad you like it ;)

Quote from: EDGE4194 on November 17, 2008, 07:27:21 AM
::) love the sunken sailboat- a perfect touch! nice farm btw, the lot is great  :thumbsup: (i see my favorite fences  ;))
Thanks mate, the boat was an accident that worked out rather well ;) The farm worked out well also and yes my favourite fences too :thumbsup:

Quote from: art128 on November 17, 2008, 10:14:36 AM
What.... an exceptional nature for an exceptional city, Derry  :thumbsup: these trees you're used are fantastically disposed my friend, and i like the "post detailing"  :thumbsup:
Thanks Arthur. Very kind comment mate. It takes a while to "post detail" but the end result is worth it

Quote from: Simpson on November 17, 2008, 10:27:06 AM
Hey Derry :)
Your new update is really fantastic, this nature is superb and so réalisitic
The second picture is m preferate, great work  :thumbsup:
Also the general pictures look very good. I'm looking forward to the next update my friend
David thank you very much :thumbsup: Its fun starting anew on a blank region so I have to try my best with it
and it makes me happy if others like what I do as it make me try harder because I know I can do better. Besides its fun to play :)

Quote from: Jmouse on November 17, 2008, 10:59:01 AM
I cannot say I've ever given much thought to trees - either the variety or their placement - but of late I'm learning the error of such an oversight. The old saying, "Can't see the forest for the trees," comes to mind. I do like the way yours turned out, though, and I'm glad the overall issue has been brought more to light.

The farm is absolutely charming and makes me long to get back into the game once again - with any luck, by next weekend perhaps. To be sure, you haven't lost your penchant for detail and I am left yearning to see more.

To be honest with you neither had I. It's jsut i was looking at the region shot wondering which tile to open when it struck me the trees looked odd or not right or whatever. It was bugging me so I investigated.(after putting the kettle on  ::) )
"Can't see the forest for the trees,"is what comes to mind when I crash into one when I'm mountainbiking heehee. Thanks for those kind words re:the farm, it took a while to do the lotting but I think it worked out rather well as most people seem to be saying :) Oh there's lots more to come - got a whole region to fill;)

Quote from: M4346 on November 18, 2008, 07:54:33 AM
Looking good, as always, TTC! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next! 

Thanks M. I aim to please (as much as I can anyhow;)) More good stuff i hope to be pleasing you with soon too stay tuned.

Quote from: Lilojame on November 18, 2008, 06:28:28 PM
Let me first say that I hope things are "looking" better now...
And as second, I realy enjoyed time spend here. Since you started anew I shall concentrate on that part. I realy like the region you have there and the new tree controler that you are using now looks great. To continue, I like the terrain mod that you choose also. Actuly, I like everything that I have seen in here thus far.  &apls

I can claim, that you just got another regular visitor who is eagrly anticipating your updates.

Best Regards,
Welcome Karin.
Thanks for popping in and saying hello,
The region is all my own creation and is a true blank canvas for me. It will be somewhat of an expeeriment as I try new stuff out here. If it means I have to relot something or make it or beg for someone to make it I will :) If you ever do get the chance to go back and start from the start I guarentee that you will find some really unusual stuff there as any long time reader will be able to tell you. If that hasn't piqued your interest ( or anyone else) then ....
you wont really know whats been before (lol)
Great to see that you be popping in as i have had a few ideas that I got from looking at your MD so lets see what hapeens there eh?

Quote from: paroch on November 27, 2008, 11:00:42 AM
Hmmmmm, interesting there Derry.  A bit like Joan, I don't give the trees that much thought.  I tend to just plop 'em as I go and switch between a few of the different options available.

Your use of rocks really is something else, those coastlines look stunning as a result.

Thanks Paul.
It was just one of those things as i said to Joan, it kept bugging me so I had to find a solution. I used to do what you did switch when I nedded to  but that wasn't working so it required futher study. I'm pleased how it turned out so that the main thing and I learned something on the way - bonus:thumbsup:

There is still lots of coastline to work with so I hope to keep it looking uniform if you know what I mean:)

Quote from: sciurus54 on November 29, 2008, 08:27:38 AM
What a work with nature!! :o &apls
Thank you Sciurus. I'm glad you like it :)

Quote from: Ennedi on December 01, 2008, 02:19:23 PM
Sorry for so long absence Derry! But I'm back  :)

Beautiful landscaping! :thumbsup: I understand your problems with tree controllers. I must say I also changed my tree controller long time ago to the Meadowshire one (there are two versions of it - Coast and River - and as I remember, I used both of them). The meadowshire tree Controller works really good on riversides, coasts and especially soft slopes creating nice groups and stripes of trees. I used to create some groups of God Mode trees first, and the fill in some empty spaces when I needed by Mayor Mode Cycledogg, SFBT and other trees.

Some suggestions about the terrain:
- As I understand you use the Meadowshire Terrain Mod now. It looks really good on your map. But I see you removed the Olympic Beach from it and now you use the Maxis default one. Yes, it is very nice, but Scorchin ploppable rocks (which you use extensively) look better on the Olympic Beach background.
Btw we should have more beach mods, it seems we should think about it - making them is pretty easy  :)

As for your question about the rock mod, Looking at your terain I see three possibilities: Dogfight Calm Limestone, Meadowshire Cliff and Missouri Breaks Cliff (you used one of them earlier and it looked quite good). If you have another specific needs or preferences, please say more about them we will think  ;)

I'm really glad this great place is still alive!  :thumbsup:


Adam, It is always a pleasure to see you and you need never apologise to me my friend, I know how RL is with you.

Thank you for your knid words and advice. In the end The Meadowshire tree controllers are the ones I used and swapping a differnt one in now and then to achieve the end result. It seems that in the end we both use similar results and techniques to achieve the look we want.

Again I have been playing with rock mods and I must admit I like you sugesstion of the MeadowshireCliff. It seems to be right for me at the mo but thats the nice thing about them is that you can swap them in and out and then again there is the new stuff being done by David in 3RR so my final choice has not yet been made :grinno:

As for Beach mods I remember when you did one for your MD where you had massive beaches that extended inland quite a way, I would lovwe to be able to recreate that but have no idea on how to do it. I have tried searching for the exempler to modd it if I could but I can't find it. Now if there was a way to recreate a rocky coastline as a beach controller I'd be in heaven.

From previous use of Sorchin's rocks I know that they do not look realistic against the standard beach but I find its easier to achieve the result I want without a beach or water mod installed. If it works with the (unrealistic in my opinion) maxis standard ones it will work very well once a mod is installed.

As always my friend you give good advice freely which I appreciate - Thanks
hope to see you back again when you get the chance and don't worry this place will still be here for you to drop by.

Thanks to everyone who take the time to read my MD and if you haven't made a comment, please do I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Now the update part:)

Well RL caught up a bit with me recently and so I did not have much time to play, but the few chances I did, I thought it might be time to do some detailing so picking a spot that needed beautifying in an empty region was not hard.

This little bit of rural area needed some work

As you can see its a bit bare so lets add some trees and fences.

Starting to look better

A close up of that area

But something is still wrong?
Ah yes the road surface so out with the SAM

Much better now don't you think but still lots to do.

And a couple of extra pics for your delight

I don't know how that black smudge got there  &mmm

Sorry for such a short update but its better than none;)

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


Nothing wrong with a short update at all, especially when it's a good one (and this is a good one). So often you only get to see the finished product in pictures, but I really liked seeing the process you use for detailing. I like the mix of the lodgepoles and whatever the silver-leafed trees are (what are they anyway?). As for that black smudge, perhaps the mayor is planning a little "eminent domain" work... nah, probably just got smudged in processing. Should tell them to be more careful next time, heh heh. I didn't notice the terracing in that pic until the one from the side. Good work on that. Hope all is well. Take it easy, and you know the rest.


See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Hi Derry,

Ah, the devil is in the detail - and man, you are a devil for detail ::)

That first "naked" shot looked pretty impressive to me, I was thinking "hmm thats a nice farm scene" but to you it needed some changes and wow, what a difference they made.  The SAM texture makes a subtle but important change and really does finish it all off nicely.

When you show us this process and we can see just how much detail you put into your quads it really is easy to understand just why you have so many pics in the Hall of Fame.

A very nice update there Derry.



Hi again!

Hehe, I guess that I didn't explicitly pointed out that I already spend quite some time in here before posting for the first time. ;) In any case, because of what I have already seen in here I am much anticipating the updates.  :) Yes, a blank canvas... I completely understand you on that because I look at it in the same way. It is quite an adventure to prepare it, look at it and then "drawing" the very first line or dot and discover new things, new ideas... Without any disrespect to those who use pre-made maps, I believe it adds so much more if a person makes one by himself/herself. And on other note: how many times does one feel like god?!  $%Grinno$%

But lets move to your latest update, shall we...  ;)

Never-mind if it is a short one, what matters is that it is a good one (quality before quantity)
From the first to the last all the pictures look very good. The SAM really makes difference even if in this case a subtle one. I personally don't have any idea how I coped before that great addition in plugins folder. The farming area looks natural and therefore real (I envy you for having RRP - I am still waiting if it will be available one day) I like the choice of trees that you have used there and even don't remember seeing one of them anywhere before (I might be  bit senile tho).
The little settlement looks quite nice also and definitely peaceful, regardless of the strayed brush on the first picture (at least I tend to believe that it is that).
So to sum all up, I believe that this is a very nice update here!  :thumbsup:

Looking forward to see more,
Karin ()borg()

Visit my MD Rainbow Falls or check Rainbow Falls Out of the Box or maybe check on my bats&lots visiting Lilojame´s Corner or if you wish go to Lilojame´s Candidacies.

"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."  (Byron, 1788-1824)


Derry, this farms update look fantastic. &apls
That look really good with the trees you used. :thumbsup:
Can't wait for more !
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


That is looking very good there! Nice work! :thumbsup:


Quote from: threestooges on December 13, 2008, 03:03:44 PM
Nothing wrong with a short update at all, especially when it's a good one (and this is a good one). So
often you only get to see the finished product in pictures, but I really liked seeing the process you
use for detailing. I like the mix of the lodgepoles and whatever the silver-leafed trees are (what are
they anyway?). As for that black smudge, perhaps the mayor is planning a little "eminent domain"
work... nah, probably just got smudged in processing. Should tell them to be more careful next time,
heh heh. I didn't notice the terracing in that pic until the one from the side. Good work on that. Hope
all is well. Take it easy, and you know the rest.

Thank you. Those trees are one of my favs. They are Chestnut Trees by Simfox available at the lex:)
I agree that its nice to see the step by step process too as sometimes when you see someone else's work
you think just how the heck did they do that? If it helps somebody then I guess it was worth it.

The terracing was not as easy as it first seemed ( In fact I had to mod one of Ennedi's slope mods to
get the effect I was after;) ) Things hopefully are a bit back to "more" normal now and don't worry
I'll take it easy - Hell If I get it easy I'll take it twice :)

Quote from: Schulmanator on December 13, 2008, 06:30:09 PM
Some great rural pix here! Awesome!  &apls

Thanks Bruce
Always great to see you pop in. Don't Forget the Monkeys are all welcome in Munster too :)

Quote from: paroch on December 13, 2008, 11:47:27 PM
Hi Derry,

Ah, the devil is in the detail - and man, you are a devil for detail ::)

That first "naked" shot looked pretty impressive to me, I was thinking "hmm thats a nice farm scene"
but to you it needed some changes and wow, what a difference they made.  The SAM texture makes a subtle
but important change and really does finish it all off nicely.

When you show us this process and we can see just how much detail you put into your quads it really is
easy to understand just why you have so many pics in the Hall of Fame.

A very nice update there Derry.


Thanks so much for a great comment. You know when I look at those pics again I can where I can make
more improvments. So do I stop myself or go back and do more ?? And I got the rest of the region to
finish. Decisions decisions. So much to do , so little time. One thing I do know is it's time to put
the kettle on :) Fancy a brew?

Quote from: Lilojame on December 14, 2008, 02:00:08 AM
Hi again!

Hehe, I guess that I didn't explicitly pointed out that I already spend quite some time in here before
posting for the first time. ;) In any case, because of what I have already seen in here I am much
anticipating the updates.  :) Yes, a blank canvas... I completely understand you on that because I look
at it in the same way. It is quite an adventure to prepare it, look at it and then "drawing" the very
first line or dot and discover new things, new ideas... Without any disrespect to those who use pre-
made maps, I believe it adds so much more if a person makes one by himself/herself. And on other note:
how many times does one feel like god?!  $%Grinno$%

But lets move to your latest update, shall we...  ;)

Never-mind if it is a short one, what matters is that it is a good one (quality before quantity)
From the first to the last all the pictures look very good. The SAM really makes difference even if in
this case a subtle one. I personally don't have any idea how I coped before that great addition in
plugins folder.
The farming area looks natural and therefore real (I envy you for having RRP - I
am still waiting if it will be available one day)
I like the choice of trees that you have used
there and even don't remember seeing one of them anywhere before (I might be  bit senile tho).
The little settlement looks quite nice also and definitely peaceful, regardless of the strayed brush on
the first picture (at least I tend to believe that it is that).
So to sum all up, I believe that this is a very nice update here!  :thumbsup:

Looking forward to see more,
Karin ()borg()

What a great comment. Thanks so much it means a lot.
I am not a person who plays a musical intrument, I can't paint, but I make a mean cuppa, can cook with
the best of them and I find that playing SC4 I can create something completely unique that even my
friends who find it hard to understand my fasination/addiction to this game are often amazed by what
they see if they happen to call when I am playing."you did that?" is frequently herad being uttered so
"how many times does one feel like god?!  $%Grinno$%" Everytime I hear it lol

Quality before Quantity - Definitely. If you are going to exhibit some pics make them the best you can
at least you know you tried and others appreciate it. As for the RRP neither do I, but don't worry
there is a lot of stuff that others have that I wait patiently for . But I know when I do manage to get
a copy it will have been packaged as best it can with most of the bugs worked out.
As for the trees see my reply to Matt above.

Quote from: art128 on December 14, 2008, 02:17:36 AM
Derry, this farms update look fantastic. &apls
That look really good with the trees you used. :thumbsup:
Can't wait for more !

Welcome back and thank you. I shall retun to that tile very soon still lots to do :)
In fact there's loads to do so as they say "plenty more where that came from"

Quote from: bat on December 14, 2008, 03:26:42 AM
That is looking very good there! Nice work! :thumbsup:

Thanks once again Bat.

Now a little something extra.
Remember this?

Well see that strip of land between the lower road and the water? I needed to decorate that area but
how? It not really all that great to build houses on and any way I reckon the resident would object to
the view being spoiled ;) So how about a riverside walk that somehow ties in with the suroundings.Also
they thought some sort of path up to the shops would be nice also as it was quite a trek by road.

They were quite happy with the result but what do you think?

Is this suitable or do I have to open the LE again:)

Till the next time

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


That walkway looks good to me, Derry.  In addition, another bonus is the nice greenbelt provided by the area between the walkway and the houses.
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


It looks fine to me... a great way to use the space.  ()stsfd()
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Hi Derry!

I really enjoyed the last two updates.  Your farms never cease to amaze me!  The level of detail you put into each one is simply amazing.  I really like the winding streets you've used... but I have to admit that I'm a little curious about the dirt two track "short cut" I see in the third picture there.  I like the look of it, but it seems a bit redundant at the same time... so I'm just wondering if there's a story behind that little bit there. 

I've always admired those that can pull of terraced development as well as you do.  It's one of those things I just don't seem to have a good touch for.  The addition of a foot path river walk is a great idea and I like the results very much.  My only suggestion might be to replace some of the steeper slopes along the bridge side with some stairs if there is something available that matches up.  If not, I think it looks pretty darn good either way... steps would just make a good thing even better.  ;)

Looking forward to the next installment,

Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


Another great set of pictures there, TTC! Nice work! :thumbsup:


Brilliant stuff here, Derry! But then again, I could come here any day of the week and have that same thing to say each time! Sure, the adjective may be different, but the sentiment is always there!

Hope all is well with you, my friend, and I will be watching with anticipation to see what is next here!

Take care,



Derry, i like this little park near the river, it's a great touch of realism !  &apls
I think, that was hard to built here along the bridge, but your result is fantastic my friend. :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog