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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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it is rather funny to see how people want this badly  :D I'm not that much.. actually I'm waiting more for the NWM  :D I would give more use to that  ::)  :D



Patricius Maximus

Quoteit is rather funny to see how people want this badly   I'm not that much.. actually I'm waiting more for the NWM   I would give more use to that

Well, I want it more badly than the NWM because my regions benefit more from freeways than from at-grade roads. Yours may be different.


Instead of doing the old loop connection for RHW-8, I tried using an avenue in the middle, and dragged the sides to the end, oh and what do you know, we have travel.


Quote from: Patricius Maximus on January 13, 2009, 07:30:59 AM
Well, I want it more badly than the NWM because my regions benefit more from freeways than from at-grade roads. Yours may be different.

It's all a matter of how we do our cities.. yours should be much bigger than mine :) I'm not saying that I don't want RHW, I do, but I don't use it much.. now the NWM that one I would use a lot :p



OK, I'm going to lock this up.

When Alex has news, he'll be posting it. In the meantime, relax everyone.


Well, everyone, I have an announcement to make . . . at long last, the Highway Revolution is here!

RHW Version 3.0 has just been released, and is available on the SC4D LEX!

The official new feature list:

  • Wider RHW functionality expanded, to allow highways up to 5 lanes per direction (RHW-10). NOTE: For proper Wider RHW usage, choose an RHW-compatible Simulator (A, B or Z) when installing the NAM.
  • Elevated RHW-4 and Elevated MIS Ramps with draggable (orthogonal-only) overpasses, allowing for true intersections between two RHWs.
  • New menu system, making it easier to access the piece you want.
  • Over 60 new puzzle pieces, including new Overpass puzzle pieces (for interfacing with NAM Elevated puzzle pieces), numerous new MIS Interface ramps and transitions.
  • Some new diagonal functionality, including diagonal MIS/Road intersections, plus puzzle pieces to allow the RHW-6S and RHW-8 networks to go diagonal.
  • Long-awaited Y-Splitters and OWR transitions added to MIS draggable functionality.
  • New default North American texture set, with darker pavement to better blend with Maxis networks.
  • Dummy paths added to RHW Curve Pieces, preventing freezing while placing.
  • Three draggable bridges for RHW-2 and RHW-4.

One little note regarding the Traffic Plugins, which bears reiterating: do not install the "Standard", "Better Pathfinding" or "Perfect Pathfinding" (also known Simulators C, D and E respectively) if you are using the RHW.  They are not compatible and will cause improper mod functionality.  Only Simulators A, B and Z are compatible.

Also, I'd like to thank everyone who assisted me in this development process:

Swamper77 for his fantastic work on the new Elevated RHW and MIS models!  Without his help, these features wouldn't have been possible.
smoncrie, for finally figuring out the secret to making RHW bridges possible, and for other technical advice.
ebina, for making the entire mod LHD-compatible and helping stabilize the MIS/OWR Roundabout intersections
Warrior, for helping fix some pathing and preview model issues
Andreas, for his tireless efforts handling the logistical end of the NAM and RHW.
ardecila, for contributing to the textural assets of the mod.
Tropod and jplumbley, for helping answer a number of tough technical questions, particularly on the neighbor connection end of things. 
BigSlark, burgsabre87, caspervg, Haljackey, j-dub, mrtnrln and plunderer from the NAM Associates, for their tireless work testing the mod and making sure it was as bugfree as it possibly can be.

And to the rest of the NAM Team and Associates, SC4D, and the entire community for all the support!


PS:  And the thread is now officially unlocked. ;)


Wow thanks  :D

By the way, what was the surprise? The dummy paths for the RHW curves? Or is there no surprise, just it's release? Haha  &apls

Thanks x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Work has begun on my new region's motorway system. (and now that I have it converted to LHD it's even better :D)


I think the diagonal RHW-8 puzzle pieces may have been the surprise?

Thank you Tarkus! I absoutely must try this tomorrow (I won't have a chance tonight... &mmm)
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!



Hooray! Thankyou Tarkus et al. who put in so much time and effort into testing and making sure this release was as smooth as possible.


Quote from: nerdly_dood on January 14, 2009, 05:33:00 PM
I think the diagonal RHW-8 puzzle pieces may have been the surprise?

Indeed, that is one of the two surprises.  It was the main one that I was thinking of when I listed that in the proposed feature list that used to be in the FAQ.  The other one was something deathtopumpkins requested . . . intersection pieces to allow the Elevated MIS to intersect with the NAM Elevated Road and OWR puzzle pieces. 

-Alex (Tarkus)


Now THAT is a lot more helpful to me! I will be much more likely to use elevated road/OWR-MIS intersections than diagonal RHW-8... (I'll likely use diagonal RHW-6, but not often)... Still, any additional functionality is worth it.
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


What a great time to play SC4. Unfortunately, I think my region is about 100 years away from being able to utilize the new features but boy will it be great when it does!!! Thanks team for working on this for nothing more than the sense of accomplishment and admiration from us gamers &apls
The Constitutional Monarchy of Ichigamin

Terraforming Update (8/25/09)


....hmmmmmm.....might have to take a vacation day tomorrow :D...so much to do.
Great work and thanks


Excellent news, guys!!! Can't wait to give it a whirl.  &apls


I experienced a crash when trying to make a curve with the new RHW.  I was tabbing through the curve menu and when I got to the first 8 lane curve piece the game shut itself down.

Letting you know "$Deal"$


NEW! RHW Version 3.0 released on January 14, 2009.  Work on the next version has already begun.

When will the next one be released?

I kid. Looking forward to playing around with 3.0 and those surprise puzzle pieces are going to come in handy.

Thanks for all the hard work and having to put up with our impatience

Henrik Sedin: 82gp 29g 83a 112p - 2009/2010 Art Ross/Hart Trophy winner!


ha! So my guess was right! :D

Loving it already... Downloaded immediately and am playing right now :D
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


WHOO!  &hlp

I am sooo happy! Just too bad I don't play SC4 much anymore.  :P