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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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I think it was meant to be removed from the RHW release, becuase it was unpathed and unstable, so it's probably better to use the puzzle pieces as J-dub said.



There is an issue with the RHW 6 - RHW 4 or RHW 8 to RHW 6 (one of the two I was using yesterday  ()what()) and for the terminating outside lane that is automatically pushed into the next lane, the paths don't match up so there is nowhere for UDI and traffic to go...


This is really gonna be a stupid question but I cant find Road/Ave/OWR/Rail/etc over RHW in the puzzle piece menu. Was it removed because of the el-RHW or am I stupid and cant find it? I read the readme to make sure but it made no mention of it.


There are now separate menu icons in the road and rail menus for those items.


Quote from: Warrior on January 18, 2009, 08:49:29 AM
I think it was meant to be removed from the RHW release, becuase it was unpathed and unstable, so it's probably better to use the puzzle pieces as J-dub said.

Yes, it was.  In fact, I remember putting Prevent RULs in to get rid of them, but I think somehow in the mass onslaught of controller builds over the last couple days of development, it somehow got re-enabled.  My advice: don't use the draggable diagonals for the RHW-6S.  Except maybe to get practice for when it's re-implemented and working. ::)

-Alex (Tarkus)


I have to say they seem to draw right now.


I know its early, but what is 3.1 likely to bring?
~ NAM Team Member


Hey everyone,

I'm having a bit of trouble getting my RHW-6 to connect between cities.  I attached a picture here of what I did, and I'm pretty sure that's identical to how the user guide says to do it.  But no traffic crosses the border.  What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!



yddot:  Hmm... I would suggest putting a RHW-2 in the 1 tile median you have.  Not sure what good that will do, but it may get connecting traffic to criss-cross between sections, establishing a connection.

Hope this helps!



Quote from: Haljackey on January 18, 2009, 04:47:16 PM
yddot:  Hmm... I would suggest putting a RHW-2 in the 1 tile median you have.  Not sure what good that will do, but it may get connecting traffic to criss-cross between sections, establishing a connection.

Hope this helps!


Great suggestion!  Look at the new photo I included and you'll see how I did it to make it work.  Thanks!


Well I just went on a RHW building craze in a new city, and came across several glitches:


Turns to this:

Nothing I did would get it to change. Not re dragging or even plopping a MIS starter piece right there. So I had to improvise temporarily with OWRs.


The ground wasn't completely level before I plopped that. So I bulldozed, raised it back up to ground level, made sure it was perfectly level with road tiles, and it plopped fine. Not sure if this is something that's fixable, just thought I should mention it.


I've seen this one mentioned already, but re dragging the avenue or RHW did not help. I can't for the life of me even come up with a workaround.


I had a lot of problems with the top RHW-4 being oriented the wrong way, so I tried re dragging it:

And then it looked like this.
But after about 10 minutes I decided to try redragging the El-RHW, and that fixed it. Just thought I'd post this one in case other people have the same problem.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


I've had a couple issues with the Avenue-RHW-4 transition looking strange as well.

Also, earlier I was trying to make an elevated RHW-4 that bridged over a rail line and an avenue that are side-by-side. The RHW dropped down to street level to intersect with the avenue (at least the "inside" lanes (next to the rail line) if not both) no matter what I did. I tried doing it with converting the avenue into OWR's and into RHW-4's as well, and it dropped down on both of those as well.

(I didn't take pictures, but... those explanations should work, right?)

Also... I sometimes have issues placing entrance/exit ramp puzzle pieces the way I want them, bcause of the fact that they are a single piece and sometimes will insist on being in the reverse direction of what I want. Other than having to tear out the RHW in order to place the ramps on bare ground, is there another way to avoid this?


DTP, let me try and help you out:

1.  Its just a small textural glitch.  As Alex (Tarkus) says, functionality before looks  (or something like that).  Perhaps 3.1 will fix this.

For the second pic, its simple, the MIS wants to travel in one direction, but you're trying to get both directions to intersect on a RHW-2 I take it?  I would try to redraw that intersection and see what happens.

2.  Hmm, I'm not sure as this has never happened to me.  I would suggest using flat ground.  The same problem happens with the NAM raised road puzzle pieces.

3.  Drag the avenue to the MIS, and you should get a proper connection.

4.  That is explained in the readme.  Its a known error, and the best course of action to take is to redraw the underpasses.  But, because your networks are so close together, you need to be careful where to redraw.  I had problems like this to when testing the mod before release in those interchange pics, and its a challenge to get it working correctly.  Again, check the readme for more info.

Hope this helps!



No, in #1 I want that stretch of MIS to be the same direction. I drag the MIS in the first picture across the RHW-2 and it turns into the second picture.

In #2 flat ground solved it. I didn't know it happened to all puzzle-pieces.

#3: Like I said, I tried that, didn't work.

#4: Ahh... I read through the readme, must have missed it.

Thanks Hal for addressing these.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Quote from: j-dub on January 18, 2009, 03:58:17 PM
I have to say they seem to draw right now.

I did try them out again just now, and at least with making a 90-curve, they actually do work fairly well, at least if you use a Starter on both ends.  Doesn't work quite as well on making a long S-Curve, though.  Maybe I'll have to copy over the paths from the puzzle piece versions over to the draggable version and release a small fix for those who want to use what there is of the draggable method.

Quote from: Kitsune on January 18, 2009, 04:39:00 PM
I know its early, but what is 3.1 likely to bring?

Good question.  It may not even be called 3.1. ::)

I have already started working on a few things--nothing I can show just yet, though.  I'm still trying to decide where to focus my efforts this time around.  

There were some ramp interfaces that I have all textured up already, and simply didn't have the time to include in this version.  Some of those may make an appearance.  I'd also like to further improve diagonal functionality and stability.  I know there's also some folks out there clamoring for more curve pieces--you're likely to get your wish.  ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)


Ok, I feel a little silly asking this, but I've honestly never come across this before while playing...

Is there a 45 or 90 degree curve piece for the RHW-2? I've come across the outer and inner corners for RHW-4 but they don't look right when used as an RHW-2 corner.


Not yet. The bigger stuff was the first priority in advancement.


Ah ok. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't being blind! Thanks, j-dub.  :)


I would have to agree with Deathtopumpkin's issue with the avenue connection to the RHW. No matter what you do to connect you will get this oddity. Upon further testing, I noticed that it is not a constant error. It seems to happen from time to time.  It may have something to do with the direction of the avenue/rhw. Such as E/W or N/S. Haven't played around enough with the idea to prove that yet. One work around I've been using is to covert to OWR for a tile or two and then to the Avenue.

With regards to the diagonal entrance ramp and the sinkhole issue. It does need to be on level ground. It  also seems to generate if I plop the exit ramp first say on the other side and then the entrance ramp. If I place the entrance ramp first and then the exit ramp, no sink hole.

As far as the MIS connecting to a road/RHW2/Avenue when it comes from opposite directions, I've tried several different configurations to make it work with no success. The only suggestion is to offset or stagger the intersection.

To change the subject, since I've been gone for a while. I wish to thank Tarkus and all those who have spend precious time and effort for creating 3.0. It truely has changed the face of the game. During quiet times at work, I have converted all Maxis Highways to RHW. Now the busy highways look like they should. So once again, Thank You!

-Susan Marie
-Susan Marie


Ive been wondering. can you make an exit ramp on the left side instead of the right? ()what()