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Commonwealth of Marathon

Started by thundercrack83, November 05, 2008, 02:08:19 PM

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The 3 updates look great! :thumbsup: I really like what you did with the pictures with the rain and snow, looks really cool.
What you did to the interchange with the new NAM trumpet interchange also looks cool, more realistic. The rummaging picture also looks good. :)
Can't wait to see more.


Matt (threestooges): Hi, Matt! Thanks for your help on identifying the buildings there! They are, for the most part creations by spa, but you hit the nail on the head with the news building, too! As for Rachael Ray, I'm with you on her, too, though I have to admit I'd watch her before Guy Fieri. Something about him just irks me! Thanks for stopping by, my friend!

bat: Thanks, my friend!

Dan (dsrwhat316): Thanks, Dan! I can't wait to see what kind of things you can come up with using the new NAM! I'm sure they'll be outstanding, my friend! Take care!

Joan (Jmouse): Hi, Joan! I'm glad that you enjoyed the picture, my friend! Now that you mention it about the out-of-place building on the corner, I remember where this picture came from—scrutineering. The six buildings in the center of the picture were to be scrutineered, and I threw in the surrounding stuff to have some fun with it when I was through. So, that also answers you question about whether they were grown or plopped, too. They were plopped! Thanks for coming by, Joan!

Arthur (art128): Thank you so much, Arthur!

Robin (rooker1): Thanks so much, Robin! I think I'm getting more adept with Photoshop, though I have to find some more things to learn new skills with it. As for the new NAM, I'm sure that you'll come up with the some great ways to use it, and I'll be nothing short of blown away! Take care, my friend, and thanks for dropping by!

metarvo: Sorry to hear that Marathon got you away from the NAM, my friend! I'm still playing around with things and getting the old wheels turning. That's the best part of a new release like this, it makes everything seem completely new! Thanks for you continued support, and hope to see you here soon!

Alan (alan_vzla): Thanks so much! And hanks for making our 600th comment here!

sim_link: Hi! Thank you so much for your very kind words! I hope to see you back again!

Westmoreland Tunnel East End, Redux
19 January 2009

It's been a little while, sorry about that! Cast your minds back, if you will, to UPDATE XI: Constructing Westmoreland Tunnel—particularly, the eastern end of the eponymous underground viaduct...

As you may recall, I was not happy with how this end of the tunnel came out, and left a door open for changes in the future. Well...

...thanks to the NAM January 2009 Release, the future is now!

We begin with the picture above. The first order of business is to deal with the "seven-shaped" escarpment (for lack of a better term) on the south end of the tunnel entrance/exit.

Normally, I'd be puzzled as to how to best fill such an odd area. But then, I thought of an old and dear friend...

...the Jean Canfield Building by spa! There is not a better building for such a scenario!

Now, we...

...tweak the area, first use streets to surround it, and then I use another must-have for everyone—the SFBT Diagonal Filler Lots—to fill in the tiles underneath the diagonal section of the building.

Next, we'll move across the diagonal portion of the highway, where the initial construction of...

...a park has begun, with the use of the SFBT Diagonal Fillers. But, lo! A bit of a sidetrack hits.

I did not quite care for that zig-zagged section of avenue. So, what do we have to remedy it?

This—a split avenue! The upside is that it will add some variety to the area and get rid of that pesky zig-zag. The downside? Time for a new draft of the Marathon Island map...but that's another show.

Park construction continues...

...as a pond and stream a put in place...

...in addition to paths, gazebos, and park walls.

To the east of the park, we have...

...some mid-level urban development, as well as the highway overpass—sans exit ramps at this stage.

We head back to west and to the north side of the tunnel entrance/exit, where we place...

...another jewel from our good friend spa, the Canadian Broadcasting Centre, as well as other buildings as the area begins to fill in.

Highway walls go in, too—

with a pedestrian bridge thrown in for good measure!

Here is the eastern part near the highway overpass...

...complete with exit ramps and highway walls.


...an overview of the area east of the Westmoreland Tunnel.

And for even better measure...

Not one, but...

...two mosaïcs!

That is, as they say, that.

On another quick note, if you haven't already seen it, our very good friend projectadam—author of the OSITM MD Elizbeth County—has started a fantastic thread called Place Your Region in the World, which allows MD authors to place their MD on a map of the world! If you're MD author and you want to join in, stop over and get added on to the map! If you're not an MD author, stop over anyway and check it out!

Incidentally, things may be a bit slow-going here in Marathon, as we've come to the actual city-building phase of things. I will be trying to document everything as I go, though, so there should be a fair amount of teasing, as well as doodling to keep your appetites sufficiently whetted.

As always, suggestions and advice are more than welcome!


Hmm... I missed the last few updates Dustin, sorry about that.

That is the perfect spot for that building! I wonder if spa imagined a situation like that when he made it? Though I must say I don't particularly care for that park... too many conflicting base textures.

And I think you've convinced me to try out those highway walls. They're on the STEX, right?

Those are some great shots of the city! Excellent work, Dustin.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Geesh I'm such a lurker here, can't believe I haven't posted yet!

But your amazing planning with the new highway interchange and the surrounding area pretty much made me want to leave a comment.  That's quite a development, and I really enjoyed looking at the way you laid it out beforehand. 

There's no question why this MD is so popular, your effort really shows!  Fantastic update Dustin!

Perhaps I'll leave a reply more often now that I'm out of "lurk-mode".   :P



Ah , nice touch up on the Depressed Hwy interchange & Tunnel area :thumbsup:


Well done Dustin. It's amazing how even a little change (not saying the NAM is a little change but...) can make things just fall into place. Spa's buildings are excellent, and the split avenue is a nice touch. I was a bit surprised to see it considering how griddy the rest of the city is, but it does add some variety to things. The park, pond and walls all fit together nicely. One thing you could do, if you run out of things for updates (not likely, but on the off chance) I'd love to see how you get those offramps to work like you do. I've seen a few tutorials, etc, but I generally end up levelling the land or gettiing some rather odd slopes. I can see how Guy might irk you a bit. He is a bit... energetic... or something. Ah well, perhaps Good Eats is on... a nice break before bed. Take it easy.


Hello Dustin,

I'm never sure where you find the time to do all the things that you do.  You must have a schedule all set up or something like that.  Alarms go off and than you know that you need to go on to your next item on the agenda.  :D  ;)
Fantastic pics.  I really like the amount of details you add to your city and the amount of time you spend is very obvious (or you really are just that good).  Good use of BuddyBud's highway walls around the new trumpet exchange.  Who would have figured first that it would fit so well, besides you. &apls
I have always wondered to myself just how much of your city is grown compared to ploped.  Care to tell?
The pond parks look good themselves, but I have a problem when I see water next to sunken transportation ways.  Water always finds a way down, it just seems illogical to me.  How is it that your sunken highway doesn't fill with water and the pond go dry. ::)  ;)  Anyways, I see alot of different people doing the same thing.
And, I love that you do so many mosaics.  My favourite way to someone's city.  It always gives a better perspective on how everything fits together and it is definately much harder to hide the imperfections....not that I'm saying I have found any...yet.  ohhh, except for the pond....hehe
Okay, enough picking on you....for now.
See ya later my friend,
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Fantastic work on that newest update! And the park is looking really nice! Wonderful pictures of your city! :thumbsup:


 &apls &apls Excellent update and work my friend. It`s great to see the evolution of it . Very good idea the peg stream use  :thumbsup:


Good grief Dustin
where do you get the time to do all this stuff? I can barely keep up.
It amazes me how people get so much done so quickly.

I had just about caught up and you slip in more updates with truly stunning pics.
the rain,foggy,snowy pics - sweet
then the reworking of the area just because the new NAM came out and the step by step
pics of the rebuilding of the area, nice work mate.

I too am concerned like Robin that the pond and stream are above the sunken highway.
Water does tend to find it own level so lets hope that the groundwork for the stream and pond
has had a proper waterproof course built in ::) :D

2 mosaics - way to go :D :D
Wikked ones too there are

Till the next time

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


A-1 update, Dustin. It was fascinating to see the thought processes as you worked your way through the latest development process. Your BAT choices look great, and I like the way you've made all the elements fit together.

I really like the looks of development in the 13th photo, especially that green-roofed building toward the lower right. Then the next pic is like a well-done ad for the new NAM – stunning! Of course, the mosaics really top it all off in style.

Another excellent installment...


Dustin, it's a very nice area there my friend. &apls
The new interchange looks awesome in your city  :thumbsup:

Arthur.  ;)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Don't worry about pulling me away from the NAM, Dustin.  I needed an excuse to get off the game, since I spent way too much time on it that day anyway.  ;D  Good job on including some diagonals in Marathon.  Of course, I'm sure that drivers must slow down when navigating that sharp 135-degree turn near the Jean Canfield Building, but you certainly have decorated it well.  The sunken highways also look very good, as always.  Keep it up, Dustin!

Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.



In the words of Judge Smails(1), another "TOP NOTCH, TOP NOTCH" update! It was not like the first go at this section of tunnel was bad or anything but I think the changes that you made enhance the area significantly. Excellent placement of the Jean Canfield Building and Canadian Broadcasting Centre, along with the parks and other buildings. I have no idea what I would do driving down the freeway though and seeing the abs on the billboard :D Great work and cannot wait to see how the city develops.

1Bonus points for those who know who Judge Smails is without having to look it up ;)

The Constitutional Monarchy of Ichigamin

Terraforming Update (8/25/09)


Lovely pictures, Dustin! Your MD is just going up up up like a rocket ;)
Great quality, kudos for that x



Those are some really impressive highways! You do a great job in placing the parks and buildings in a realistic manner. I'm glad you like my stuff. I wouldn't have thought of using diagonal park fillers to round out the bare edge of the diagonal Jean Canfield, but it actually works quite well. I'll have to go download those :)


deathtopumpkins: Hi! No worries about missing things, it's OK! Thanks for your kind words, to my friend. I'm with you on the clashing textures, too—I think I may look to a solution, or at least an alternative. Thanks for coming by!

Haljackey: Hello and welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying things and that you've come out of "lurk mode!" Hope to see you here again!

Nexis: Thank you!

Matt (threestooges): Hi, Matt! Thanks so much! I split the avenue partly try and break up the grid at a secondary road level, since the primary avenues are in more of a grid pattern. As for your sunken highway question, I'll see if I can come up with an answer for you one of these days...(perhaps right now...)

Robin (rooker1): Hello, Robin! There's no schedule, just a lot of time on my hands and a mind that never seems to shut off! As for whether things are plopped or grown, I tend to do a lot of plopping because my sense of order (read "obsessive-compulsiveness!) tends to want to change everything that's grown. Not to mention that I haven't taken the time to work with the CAM as much as I would have liked to. But, don't worry, I'll get there one of these days! Oh, and the water next to the sunken highway never even entered into my mind—you're on top of things! I'm guessing there's a state-of-the-art drainage system in the highway walls, perhaps? I'll ponder that one a while...Thanks for stopping in, Robin!

bat: Thanks, my friend! I'm glad you liked it!

kimcar: Thank you so much! It took a bit of plopping and bulldozing, but I think I'm happy with the result, and I'm happy that you are, too! Take care!

Derry (TheTeaCat): Hi, there, Derry! Good to see you here, my friend! I'm glad you're enjoying things here in Marathon, too. As I said to Robin, I'll be pondering the water / sunken highway question a bit, since I never even thought of it! Thanks for stopping in!

Joan (Jmouse): Thanks, Joan! I did a bit of bulldozing, trying to get things to work right, but I think I got there. As it went from west to east (from the tunnel entrance towards the highway exit), I was trying to represent both a wealth and zone change—going from higher wealth commercial to lower-wealth residential. I don't know if I represented well, though! It's always great to have you here, my friend!

Arthur (art128): Thanks, Arthur!

metarvo: Hi, my friend! I've spent too much time in the game on more than one occasion, myself! It's amazing how quickly the time passes, especially when you have a small computer and a large plug-in folder as I do! Thanks for your wonderful comments and support!

projectadam: Thanks so much! The old set-up was OK, but I'm much happier with the current one. The buildings seem to fit together better for me. Oh, and I know Judge Smails very well, and Ty Webb! Though, he'll always be Ted Baxter to me! Take care!

CarmineHilton: Thank you! After seeing the outstanding work you've been doing over in Savoie, it certainly means a lot to me coming from you, my friend! See you over there!

spa: Welcome, my friend! I certainly! Let me thank you personally for the absolutely extraordinary creations that I've had the pleasure to use in Marathon! I just hope I'm able to do them the justice they so rightly deserve! Thanks so much for stopping in!

An Impromptu, Interrogative Intermezzo
21 January 2009

Impromptu, indeed. I was going to go with "extemporaneous," but I couldn't pass up the alliteration! Anyway...

We'll have quick look at a question asked by our very good friend Matt (threestooges):


One thing you could do, if you run out of things for updates (not likely, but on the off chance) I'd love to see how you get those offramps to work like you do. I've seen a few tutorials, etc, but I generally end up levelling the land or gettiing some rather odd slopes.


Upon further reading, it's more of a request than a question, but I guess it could be formed into a question. Well, here goes nothing, Matt!

We'll start with a pristine sunken highway. I'll presume that you can get this far with the sunken highway on your own, but if not, that's OK! Just have a look at Update V: Sunken Highways, A Tutorial, and it should get you there.

Now, your first thought may be just to drag the network you want to use across, but...

...don't. It will mess up the terrain levels. Unfortunately, I learned this lesson the hard way, toiling for endless hours trying to get the ramp sections to line up perfectly before I realize it was done with NAM pieces.

So—the first step is to surround the trench with an access road.

This will give the entrance and exit ramps something to recognize when it's time to plop them. That time...

...happens to be now. Select Single-Sided Parallel Ramps, then hit [Tab] twice in order to get Ground Highway Parallel Ramp - Road, and...

...place accordingly. Then, hit [Tab] two more time (four times total from the beginning of the loop), and...

...place again. Note that I've left a tile's worth of space between the ramps.

With that space, I can do things like...

...that, using the NAM Puzzle Pieces. I've used roads as an example, but it can be done with one-way roads or avenues, if you desire.

Also, you do not necessarily have to have the access roads hug the side of the trench as I've shown in the above example.

As long as you have the road there for the entrance and exit ramps to recognize and connect to, you can go anywhere from there!

I hope that answers your question, Matt. If not, feel free to let me know and we'll see how we can further help!

More from Marathon in a bit!


Dustin, sorry I haven't stopped by here in awhile.  It appears I've missed a lot of great stuff!  You definitely seem to be having fun with andreharv's new additions to the NAM, and I enjoyed the Westmoreland Tunnel project there.  That Canfield building does indeed seem to fit perfectly, and I really like what you did with the pond kits as a median to that Split Avenue.  The surrounding city looks great as well--it reminds me of aleking a bit.

And this latest tutorial is great and very easy to follow!

Excellent, excellent work as always! :thumbsup:

-Alex (Tarkus)


Thanks Dustin. That was a remarkably fast response, and a well done one too. I think that answers my question... request?... suggestion?... whatever it was, it was certainly informative. I think I was trying to place the ramps before the roads (resulting in some significant terrain adjustment). This should do the trick. As for the pong question raised by Robin, perhaps it's lined with plastic, either by the city when they dug their trench, or by the developer who may have built the pond to keep it from leaking. Nice work Dustin. This is an excellent piece of work you have going.


Welcome to page 32! ;)

Nice update, looking forward to more... ;)