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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Quote from: SusanMarie1956 on January 19, 2009, 06:20:58 AM
As far as the MIS connecting to a road/RHW2/Avenue when it comes from opposite directions, I've tried several different configurations to make it work with no success. The only suggestion is to offset or stagger the intersection.

Yes, there aren't any RULs to cover that situation at this point, so you're likely going to end up with the "continuous MIS" intersection, and some ramps that will be flipped around weird.  That concept is an interesting idea--I'll see what I can do for the next version.

Quote from: writingliberty on January 18, 2009, 05:39:26 PM
Also, earlier I was trying to make an elevated RHW-4 that bridged over a rail line and an avenue that are side-by-side. The RHW dropped down to street level to intersect with the avenue (at least the "inside" lanes (next to the rail line) if not both) no matter what I did. I tried doing it with converting the avenue into OWR's and into RHW-4's as well, and it dropped down on both of those as well.

(I didn't take pictures, but... those explanations should work, right?)

Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about.  There's simply not code for that situation yet.  You might be able to work around it by plopping another starter on the other side.  That situation, however, change with the next release, as improving stability for situations like that is a top priority.

As far as those of you wondering about the RHW-4-to-Avenue and MIS-to-Avenue transitions, the best workaround is to simply take the Avenue tool and click on the Avenue end of the transition.  I've already written new code that will fix that problem, and it will be included in the next RHW release--or the next NAM Essentials update, if it doesn't coincide with an RHW release.

-Alex (Tarkus)


What about MIS neighbor connections? are they only freight? Thats all i'm getting...

Also, when zoning next to RHW, the streets turn to MIS.

Thanks! Awesome 3.0!!! :P

EDIT:It works, Thanks!
You can call me Grif

--Currently out of the office, will resume SC4 7/19


Putting a starter on both sides didn't work. (That was one of the things I tried, along with various orders of putting the various pieces in place.)

Guess I'll just have to reconstruct that area until the next release.

- Libby


After accidently finding a MIS Ramp Style B, I notice on the draw path cheats that the inner two lanes are not connected to the outer lane, is this normal?
~ NAM Team Member


Quote from: bob56 on January 19, 2009, 02:41:13 PM
What about MIS neighbor connections? are they only freight? Thats all i'm getting...

You'll need to change the last tile on the city edge to a RHW-2 to establish a connection, then connect the two directions across the one-tile median you have.  Check the readme for additional info.

Hope this helps!



Quote from: bob56 on January 19, 2009, 02:41:13 PM
Also, when zoning next to RHW, the streets turn to MIS.

I think you may have run into the "Emergency Turnaround" part of the RHW, from the sounds of it.  If you drag a street to the inside of two RHW-4s, it'll turn into the turnaround.  It's a feature that's been a part of the mod since the initial Version 1.2 release 3 years ago.

Quote from: Kitsune on January 19, 2009, 04:30:15 PM
After accidently finding a MIS Ramp Style B, I notice on the draw path cheats that the inner two lanes are not connected to the outer lane, is this normal?

Which exact piece are you referring to? 

-Alex (Tarkus)


Hi, the highway bridge that looks like a RHW-4 suspension bridge is not nearly finished yet, but you can you can get a good idea of what it is going to look like.

I did not use a puzzle piece to connect the end of the bridge.  Instead I used a really neat trick(mod) that Jonathan(Warrior) invented.


Whoa.  :o That is simply amazingly incredible smoncrie! I really want it.  :D
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


That looks pretty awesome, whats the trick Jon? :D

BTW, the RHW is drawing me back into thinking about the game... well done :p

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


yes....inquiring minds wanna know..... ;) 

i need a little help with some RHW6 bridges, and i think that could be the solution to my problem (well, at least one of them).

another problem being....not exactly sure what to do with the 2-tile base texture.  need to figure out how to reference it.....

oh....the trailing edge of the bridge cannot be a flipped model of the starter piece.  this could be fixed by RULing the bridge, but is there a better way (Plain RHW4?)



Wow....real RHW-4 and 6 bridges...I'm drooling.

Keep up the great work smcronie, Warrior, and Tarkus!



Since everyone is asking for the details, Jonathan suggested some very nice override RULs that allow RHW-4 to go all the way to the edge of bridges, lots and puzzle pieces.

Choco,  the problem of flipped models at the end of a RHW(dirtroad ) bridge and the lack of a RUL file for dirtroads prevented anyone from making RHW bridges until last summer.

At that time Alex(Tarkus) asked me if I could make a RHW-4 bridge.  In looking at the problem again, I had the idea that I used to make the Plain RHW-4 bridge:  In the bridge exemplar the bridge width is set to 2, and there are two end exemplars and two end rotations listed.  Unfortunately this does not make the bridge two tiles wide, but it does make it like one side of an avenue (or highway) bridge.  This means that the bridge model is not flipped at the end; instead different models are used at each end.  Any RHW bridge that does not require bridge RULs, can be made using this trick.

In trying to make a RHW-4 bridge, Alex had thought of a plausible ID for the dirtroad bridge RULs.  I tried making a RUL file using his ID and it worked!   The Small Steel Arch RHW-4 bridge uses these RULs.  I tried to improve the RULs so that this bridge was better than similar Maxis bridges.   When possible I removed the jumble of steel at the ends of the bridge (this varies with the length of the bridge), and as a side effect I increased the maximum length for a single arch.


smoncrie, you are the man!   :thumbsup:

i saw that you had the plain RHW4 set to a 2-tile bridge, but thought it was a typo......i had the end exemplars set up the same......change 1 number, and viola....

i have a functional 6S bridge now, the 6C may need some help with the pathing.  would it be OK to shoot ya a PM with more specific info?

thanks again for the fix!


I've a problem with building overpasses over the RHW. In the city where I'm now replacing all Maxis Highways by a RHW has a Maxis Highway often a space of only 4 tiles between two overpasses. This isn't a problem for the Maxis Highway and the RHW, unless I build RHW on and off ramps or RHW transitions. Normally, most of the RHW puzzle pieces I use to make on and off ramps and RHW transitions are 3 tiles long. But I can't build an overpass 1 tile next to it. All RHW puzzle pieces have at each side 1 tile more. A RHW-4 to RHW-6S transition doesn't use 3 tiles of space, but uses actually 3+1+1 = 5 tiles. I've to build an overpass two tiles or more away from a RHW puzzle piece.

This (schematic) image shows that I can't build overpass 1, because it had to overpass the tile near to the transition or puzzle piece. I can build overpass 2 and 3, because they are 2 or more tiles away from the transition.

Is there a possibility to remove those two tiles (the orange ones in the image)? If there isn't a possibility, is it possible to make some RHW transitions and RHW on and off ramps with a overpass in it?

By the way, great work smoncrie. The RHW-4 bridge looks wonderful. :thumbsup:


Thanks every one.  The bridge still needs a lot of work, and I am not yet sure how it should be released.  The ends of the bridge are not fully compatible with the current version of RHW, and it depends on the RHW mod for its deck textures.

Choco, a PM would certainly be OK.


jmvl, sorry no those orange tiles can't be removed, they are what makes the RHW-6S, if they weren't there and you dragged from it it would just be RHW-2.

Also you can't drag El-RHW-4 over RHW-6S yet, so you'll have to move the transition after the overpass 1.



Quote from: jmvl on January 20, 2009, 01:42:05 PM
If there isn't a possibility, is it possible to make some RHW transitions and RHW on and off ramps with a overpass in it?

Well, it could be done, but it would be a Pandora's Box--if we were to do that with every network out there, and with every single RHW ramp transition and MIS Ramp Interface, it'd literally amount to hundreds of puzzle pieces to account for every possible combination.  The puzzle piece RUL File would possibly even get overloaded.  (There is actually a finite number of puzzle pieces that can be added--we're not close to hitting it right now, but a project like that would do it in.  The RHW will probably spill out the range Tropod allotted for it at some point in the not-too-distant future, though.)

-Alex (Tarkus)


A suggestion, though.... just a thought I had. How about an on/off ramp puzzle piece in the form of a quarter of a cloverleaf interchange? The non-highway end of the ramps could combine into a single tile RHW-2.... and placing four of these with an overpass would allow for an RHW version of the Maxis cloverleaf interchange functionality... Two could serve as the half-cloverleafs often used with roads or avenues when there's limited land...

I don't know how difficult it would be to model, but it'd probably work best if there were two versions, one with the ramp end elevated, and one with the highway end elevated.


That's a good idea, and from my knowledge I don't think it would be too difficult to make what you're thinking of.  I could definitely use it - the smallest cloverleaf using only RHW-2 and MIS ramps, exclusively using the more compact B ramp interface, is much larger than I'd like. (I could make it smaller with sharp 90-curves for the MIS... but that's a little unrealistic IMO)
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!