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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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Wow. Brilliant, simply brilliant. You should expect a call from EA games some day to offer you a job, David. Like CEO for example. Or spiritual guide.
Er... I was wondering if you would take requests, too ? I had in mind this 'in limbo' project about diagonal airport runways; 'cause I could use one  ;D
Snowy greetings from Montreal


The Country Corner looks great, those curves are just what you would find in a rural landscape, and I'd second CaptCity re having ditches, I don't think I've ever seen a farm road in New Zealand that doesn't have them  :thumbsup:

EDIT: New Years Resolution in action not to lurk so much in 3RR :)
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.



Strolling through these curved paths along your fields just looking like they were here since always ... invisible work .
Ditches ? Oh yes , ditches ! The worst thing made in European countrysides has been to erase them ... visible work , each time it rains too much to our taste .
Strolling again , as these pictures are inspiring ... ditches ... and connections/intersections with Chris' gravel paths ... and then , an encounter with one of these superb rural props from Orange (to come ) : http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=6442.20 , and ... WAKE UP !

Oups , sorry ... what time is it ?  %confuso

Thank you David . ;D

EDITCédric, thank you- I just went to David's (Orange) TSC Creations thread [linkie] and was completely blown away!  His AubracRock texture is phenomenal, and I think the dirt roads he has created may become the new standard.  Like I said, I'm not getting out enough. -DE

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I am very excited to see more curves! Between what you are doing and the innovation that Smoncrie has shown , there appears to be no limit on how our transit networks can be implemented in-game. I love it!



Hello David.

Well done on the country corners! It is very effective when you added that curve sign.

Good Luck with the rest of your NAM contributions.

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


Excellent work, David! You are the master of all things anti-grid.  &apls


It doesn't seem like long ago that the SAM didn't even have diagonals, let alone wide curves.  Now it is becoming possible to build rural roads that run against the "imaginary" grid.  Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from David, our Rural Road Ruler (say that five times fast  ;D).

Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.

Ryan B.

The party never stops in here, David.  You're truly making our wildest transportation dreams come true.

You're the Willy Wonka of SimCity . . . . bringing joy to people young and old!  This stuff is as good as candy!


I know there is a limit to just how realistic roads can be, but you keep pushing the edge of the envelope and improving them anyway.  Thank you for all your contributions to this fine game.  Your work makes it better each day.


That is looking wonderful! Nice "country corner"! :thumbsup:


So, how do we get you appointed as the CEO of EA so that your Soul Goal can be the real SC5?  :D

In all seriousness, you continue to amaze me David. Keep it up, o god of SC4 content.

The real question is what will happen if David ever makes it to building urban areas?!



Just banged this out before heading off to work.

* * *

Quoteurban areas?!

Kevin, my friend, we'll probably ease into that down the road, maybe with suburban areas first.  I grew up in the 'burbs, and remember them well.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November

Ryan B.

Quote from: BigSlark on January 22, 2009, 09:55:49 AM
The real question is what will happen if David ever makes it to building urban areas?!

Here's the answer, Kevin:


Hi, David -

I had to chime in to let you know how awesome the dirt road corners are. Simply magnificant. Sorry I've not been around much; I've had my nose buried in my new region (which may or may not make it into a MD ... we'll see).

I also wanted to comment on something you asked a couple pages back on 19 January regarding (I don't want to say anything inflamatory) a particular image-hosting site. I will say that 100% of the time, when I view a page that has "missing pictures" (designated by the "X"), when I check the properties, the image is hosted on that particular site. 100%. It really peeves me when I'm perusing through the forums, and pictures are missing, and since no one posting immediately after has said, "Dude, your picture is messed up," I can only believe that the picture was there once. I'm not talking about old posts either. You mentioned you were trying Photobucket, and I have had no issues with that site whatsoever.

I hope this feedback is helpful to you.

Utility Poles Project [linkie]
Ashtabula (the MD) is not dead; it's just on a really long hiatus!
Check out Homefryes' BATatorium

Bishop Hawke

Man I can't wait for those to come out.
David and the Team has taken SC4 above and beyond I think anyone would have imajined  it could have ever reached.


David suggested that I show my version of turn puzzle pieces so that people could compare.  The ordinary SAM-3 textures can be seen on the extreme right.

Sorry for the primitive setting, but my Plugins folder needs to be completely rebuilt.


I must be blind cause the textures all look the same to me. I think that both of you are awesome for perusing these like this! &apls



Yes! More puzzle pieces! Give us more!

But do remember: this game once was meant for people that try to play a game that has a purpose in simulating growth of cities! Not rural stuff, not endlessly fiddling around with hundreds of puzzle pieces! %bur2$

But, hey, I hear you say: why so angry? Isn't it fun to make rural regions? Isn't it fun to fool around with puzzle pieces? Isn't it fun to fiddle around with the potentials of the game?
Well, yes! We all love it. This game is getting out of hand enourmously! And what fun that is. Let's go on and stretch the possibilities a bit further... ;D

The only thing is. I'll need a faster computer one of these days.... :-[


I mentioned that my puzzle piece models can do wealth textures, so I thought I would show you.   This is my version of the S turn.  The burned area is a low wealth lot I use for testing, and below is a farm zone.

The way wealth textures are implemented means that most puzzle pieces can not have any areas of $, $$, $$$ grass, though grass that does not change with wealth may be possible, with significant restrictions.