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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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As Alex recently mentioned, the RHW-6S can't make 90-degree turns in its current state, unless j-dub's workaround is used.  Otherwise, all of the RHW-6S pieces that should be there are included.  There should be eight different orientations for the RHW-6S 45-degree curve piece, and all of them are there.  As for the RHW-8, there really are four pieces missing, allowing the RHW-8 to only turn right from orthogonal to diagonal, and left from diagonal to orthogonal.  The missing pieces for the RHW-8 should be included in a future RHW release, according to Alex.  I hope this is the information you're looking for, jerred_p.
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Yes, this puzzle issue, is puzzling a lot of folk. If Tarkus does not beat me to the punch, I'll eventually demonstrate a pathed work around at some point, at another spot to fill the missing diagonal puzzle piece gaps. That is limiting to 6, maybe 8, but it will be off.


Hello everyone, just wanted to let you all know I now have a RHW interchange guide up.

Currently, it contains two guides (one for diamond interchanges and one for elevated diamond interchanges), but I do plan to expand it as time goes on.  You may find it useful when contemplating how to build interchanges for your RHWs.

SC4D:  http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=6843.0
ST:  http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=23&threadid=105017&enterthread=y

(Tarkus has already put the SC4D link in the stickied post that appears at the top of each page.)

I hope you will find it useful!

All the best,


Thanks guys for all your knowledge.  It does explain a lot....so what I've got so far is.....

1. You cannot make an 8 lane turn.
2. We do not have the missing piece to make the 6 lane diagonal into a curve.

So....in trying to use the dragging method for the 6 lane, it is VERY difficult to get the curves to work correctly.  There is always an "odd" square with the wrong texture on it.  Do any of you know a simple method for using dragging to make the 6 lane curves work?  I've done it on some, but some I can't get and I find it very frustrating.

I also wish there was an exit peice that was 8 lane on one side, with the outside lane going to an exit and then the rest of the peice going to 6 lane, kind of like the 6 to 4 piece with an exit.


The draggable RHW-6S curve is not pathed, and as Alex has been saying along, was not even intended to be included in version 3.0.

Quote from: jerred_p on January 25, 2009, 09:29:58 PM
1. You cannot make an 8 lane turn.

There are actually curve puzzle pieces to allow this, just for 45° curves only.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


So, will the next version include curvable 6 and 8 lanes?  Can't wait to see it. 


   I am having a problem.    The road over 6RHW pieces don't seem to fit right.   I'll try to get a picture sometime soon, but I don't currently have one.   Basically they don't span the entire RHW.    Suggestions?


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
WooHoo made Councilman - 05 FEB 07 Yipee made Mayor - 13 MAR 07 Hip Hip Hooray made Governor - 04 AUG 07 Rock On made Senator - 15 MAR 09


Quote from: Gaston on January 26, 2009, 02:51:35 PM
   I am having a problem.    The road over 6RHW pieces don't seem to fit right.   I'll try to get a picture sometime soon, but I don't currently have one.   Basically they don't span the entire RHW.    Suggestions?


Which RHW-6 are we talking about?  The RHW-6S or the RHW-6C?  There were puzzle pieces made for both of these. 

Perhaps you are using the RHW-6S overpass to cross over a RHW-6C.  If this were the case, then I see the issue.  Switch to the RHW-6C overpass and it should work no problem.



Gaston, is the preview "ghost" model a little off from where it should be? If so, I'm having the same problem. Once you plop the piece it's in the right place, it's just hard to line up.

Well, I found another bug. The RHW-2 and Road under draggable El-MIS is pathed as if it were OWR:
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


i cant download this stuff...????

i click on windows at that rhw mod but then on the following screen there is not download button.


Quote from: Dexist on January 27, 2009, 01:53:00 AM
i cant download this stuff...????

i click on windows at that rhw mod but then on the following screen there is not download button.
Have you registered at LEX to?


Quote from: deathtopumpkins on January 26, 2009, 09:56:17 PM

Well, I found another bug. The RHW-2 and Road under draggable El-MIS is pathed as if it were OWR:

DTP: very nice work here...

I confirmed this finding with my test city.. basically, i ran just the one route between my residential and work zones.. I made sure i used a road under el mis set up.. and than i set this up as the only possible way to get to
work forcing everyone to use just the route..
The incorrectly pathed road under el mis rendered the entire route as
non functional.. Noone was able to get to work and thus the town was abandoned.. As you stated, only the
rhw-2 and road under el- mis was pathed wrong.. I tested all the other road networks and rail and they checked
out fine..

You have now found 2 bugs with the rhw 3,   Earlier you had found the flipping problem with the mis intersections
Its greatly appreciated by myself to know about these problems, and im sure the others feel the same way..

Thanks for reporting this..



Whoops, I think that one got re-introduced as I clearly remember it not existing at one point in time...Alex, do you have any clue?  :-[



Kevin, I'm not sure either.  The release version seems to have issues the last Alphas didn't.

What I do know, however, is that I am planning on releasing a "path fix" file as an attachment in this thread, sometime later this week to address that issue as well as a couple others people have pointed out.

This will serve as a stopgap until they are incorporated into the next RHW release--which, as I should remind you, has no planned release date;)  So as to help reinforce that fact, teasing will be minimized during this development process.

-Alex (Tarkus)

Patricius Maximus

QuoteThis will serve as a stopgap until they are incorporated into the next RHW release--which, as I should remind you, has no planned release date.    So as to help reinforce that fact, teasing will be minimized during this development process.

Good. I'll be waiting for the attachment.

"Teasing will be minimized"? That takes time to take in, after teasing us for more than a year. Still, I think it is a welcome change, but please don't cut teasing out entirely  ;).


I still remember the BYSOI Alex, your first teaser ;)

(for those who don't know, BYSOI stands for Blow Your Socks Off Interchange).



Quote from: Patricius Maximus on January 27, 2009, 05:02:32 PM
Good. I'll be waiting for the attachment.

"Teasing will be minimized"? That takes time to take in, after teasing us for more than a year. Still, I think it is a welcome change, but please don't cut teasing out entirely  ;).

The teasing he did caused a bunch of problems, which lead to this thread being locked a couple times. The main problem was people being impatient and demanding the files to be out immediately. He and several NAM Team members got tired of the demanding and all of the speculation regarding the RHW project. I almost wanted to skip reading this thread during all of that. &mmm

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!

Patricius Maximus

Swamper77, perhaps it was irrational exuberance (or rational exuberance)  %confuso. Anyway, the teasing didn't cause a real problem I could see until about a year after the teasing began. Also, I only remember the thread being locked once.


Dragging El Rail over a diagonal MIS Ramp causes the Ramp to revert to a RHW-2.
~ NAM Team Member


Found another one:

All RHW-6C onramps have a section of path that flashes red, and testing in UDI shows that you cannot drive over it.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores