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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Thanx Andreas, i was shocked when i see diagonal SAM :o, but was a my problem because i have an old version :P :-[
My creation at CityBuilders.

SimCity 5 is here with the NAM Creations!!


Well, for a variety of reasons, I'm keeping progress on both this project and the NWM on the down-low.  Rest assured, work is continuing on both projects (quite rapidly on the RHW right now, in fact), but development pics shouldn't be taken for granted.  I'd like to be out of the hot seat for a little while, at least, and may not show any pics until RHW Version 4.0 is already out there. ;)

I can't confirm one way or the other with which mod will come out first, either.  It's extraordinarily tricky trying to manage two large, highly-anticipated projects at once. 

-Alex (Tarkus)

Patricius Maximus


I guess because hes making quick progress maybe hes going straight  to 4.0?
~ NAM Team Member


wow..... what does RHW 4.0 has for us in the next months..... what kind of ramps or interfaces?


I hope that RHW 3.1 contains this new ramp interfaces:

- RHW-6C to RHW-4 and MIS Splitter (left and right puzzle pieces)
  It should look (schematic) like this:
  There should be two puzzle pieces for this: one with a extra tile for the MIS on the left and one with a extra tile for the MIS on the right.
  In schedule this should look like this:
   Left puzzle piece:      Right puzzle piece:
     ###                      ###
     ###                      ###
   ####                      ####
   ####                      ####
  # means: one tile used for the RHW

- RHW-8 to RHW-6C and MIS Splitter (left and right puzzle pieces)
- RHW-8 Style C Ramp Interface (with 3 lanes straight on and 1 MIS entrance/exit lane)
- RHW-8 to RHW-6C transition (left and right puzzle pieces)
This ramp interfaces/transitions are maybe helpful:
- RHW-6S to RHW-6C transition (left and right puzzle pieces)
- RHW-8 to RHW-6C and RHW
- RHW-8/RHW-4 Dual Splitter (with 3 lanes straight on and 2 entrance/exit lanes)
- RHW-8 to RHW-6C and RHW-4 Splitter (left and right puzzle pieces)
- RHW-10/RHW-4 Splitter (with 3 lanes straight on and 2 entrance/exit lanes)

I hope the next RHW release includes this puzzle pieces. It would be great if the first four will be included. :) They will be very useful and increase the compatibility between the RHW-6C, RHW-6S, RHW-8 and MIS networks. Thanks in the advance for making this puzzle pieces. Keep up the good work, everybody! :thumbsup:


Hey Alex...I think I found some pieces missing.

Here, all of the pieces are there to make RHW 8 curves

Here are some that are missing.

Just trying to help out.  ;)

Version 4.0 wow what a leap. Maybe a new way to do interchanges?  :D

Larry (debutterfly)


Well, the reason I'm going to "Version 4" is that I'd like to go to an "integer-only" version number system, like has been done with the SAM and HSR, and will be done with the NWM and SPM.  The only "aberrants" in the RHW numbering were early on, with "Version 1.2", the original release that qurlix did, and my "Version 1.3" and its "a" and "b" patches, which I did to fix 1.2 to make it compatible with the December 2006/January 2007 NAM.  Then there was "2.0", now "3.0", and it just makes sense to go to "4", "5", etc.  Maybe a ".1" for a patch? ::)

I can't say how big or how small the next release will be at this point because I don't know.  I've been taking careful note of what people seem to want to see in future versions, though.

Fixing the diagonal RHW-8 issue that Larry just above me, along with some others, have pointed out, is a top priority. 

-Alex (Tarkus)


Is it possible to get more type C interfaces, as well as type D with a diagonal merge/accel lane instead of the type C, which is just straight?
~ NAM Team Member


Quote from: Kitsune on February 05, 2009, 05:30:36 PM
Is it possible to get more type C interfaces, as well as type D with a diagonal merge/accel lane instead of the type C, which is just straight?

You know, that actually makes sense to me. "Type A is to C what type B is to D".  It's been requested since before 2.0 came out (or shall I say 2 now?  :P) so I'm willing to bet that it will be included in the coming releases.

Interesting new numbering system Alex.  Makes sense to me! 


Edit:  It looks like Alex managed to answer your question before I could.  :D


Hey guys I Have been searching for help in regards to my neighbor connections and its been very difficult.  My connections dont seem to be working and it is sabotaging my region.  I have raed the readme and have done alot of testing but cars dont seem to want to go that way.  Btw Im using RHW 10 to connect and some mis.  Can someone post what this is supposed to look like please?
Thanks Chris


chrisnhl, basically, you just need to somehow break the override to allow for two-way traffic right at the city tile's edge.

Something like this should do the trick for your situation.  If it doesn't, let me know.

The reason things are wacky is because any sort of neighbor connection with the RHW-4+ or the MIS is basically a One-Way Neighbor Connection--something the game can't account for.  Thus, you have to trick it with loop connectors/crossovers at the city edges to make it see what it wants to see.

I'm looking at ways to potentially visually improve this, though.

-Alex (Tarkus)


I just cross all the way, and put a no u-turn warning there. Why the right lanes, even though they end with RHW-2, the returning traffic ends as soon as they enter. The game seems to like knowing everything works right. What I've experienced, it seems chances of a neighbor connection are greater if there is a full crossed median.


Quote from: j-dub on February 06, 2009, 08:47:47 PM
it seems chances of a neighbor connection are greater if there is a full crossed median.

This is in fact true.  From what I've seen and experienced myself, allowing the RHW-2 to intersect all connections from all directions will increase the chances of establishing a working neighbour connection.

Alex, you can still do it the way you displayed and what is shown in the readme, but I have found that if the RHW-2 is dragged from one side of the RHW to the other, it will work with a greater effect. 
-It doesn't make sense to me, but the game has its own story to tell.    :P


Patricius Maximus

"Integer only... maybe a .1 for a patch"? Not exactly the numbering scheme I would use, but it is logical.

Also, since you released a path fix, is this we're using RHW 3.1? or still 3.0?


Patricius Maximus, good question. :D  Well, technically, by that regard, we'd be on Version 3.3 right now.  There was the NAM/NAM Essentials update, then the two path fixes.  Though if we were to count exchange-uploaded fixes as "tenths" and attachment fixes as "hundredths", we'd be at Version 3.12.

-Alex (Tarkus)

Patricius Maximus


*waits for two more attachments* :D

Cause that would mean everyones favourite number:

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms