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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Blue Lightning

Metarvo: DTP is correct. It is a limitation of the game. If we have the top and bottom layer facing the same direction, then sims and automata will jump between the levels. Thanks

DTP: Thank you!


I'm such a tease  :P

Link to origonal post: LINK
Also known as Wahrheit

Occasionally lurks.

RHW Project


A very talented and relatively new young Modder has appeared on the RHW scene and he goes by the
name of Blue Lightning .. Blue has shared his work with many of us at Simtropolis Chat.. And he has come
very far in a very short time.. His new, main ,and current project hes working on is to double decker the RHW 4
over avenue. And all of us are very excited about this new mod hes working on.. And Im sure we will all be
hearing more from him about it quite soon..

I wont come right out and say he WILL be the next young Tarkus.. But im sure alex will agree with me he does
have the kinda potential..

Blue is a fine young man also, and as most of you already know Transit modding in the game is the most difficult
and complex area of our game Such that a person even attempting a project of this magnitude with only a few
months experience in modding and batting deserves a ton of credit in my humble opinon .. And I place no
expectations on him in whatever the end results may be in such a challenging and complex Mod.. But I
appreciate that he has the courage to attempt such a modding transit project..

Anyways , I hope all of you will give Blue your support in the RHW thread (and elsewhere at Devotion)..
           and make him feel welcome here in this thread..,

Sincerely, Brian


Quote from: Xyloxadoria on February 21, 2009, 07:49:13 AM
This is a variation of the mod that i made earlier. All thats different is a few props. So heres your personalized version of my mod. (And i figure others would want it too)  :thumbsup:

Thanks, Xyloxadoria! Can't wait to try this out.  :thumbsup:


I wholeheartedly agree, Brian.  It's easy to support and welcome someone who produces such a high quality of work, as Vince has.  I must applaud his work on the double-decker highway, and I look forward to seeing more.


Keep up the good work, Vince!  :)
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Quote from: metarvo on February 22, 2009, 02:44:48 PM
I wholeheartedly agree, Brian.  It's easy to support and welcome someone who produces such a high quality of work, as Vince has.  I must applaud his work on the double-decker highway, and I look forward to seeing more.


Keep up the good work, Vince!  :)

He's frequently found in ST chat where he posts teasers of his work all the time.  If you want to see what he's been working on (as well as others) just drop in sometime!    :thumbsup:

b22rian:  That was quite a speech, its ironic because today is the day of the Oscars!  Anyways I'm sure we will see more of Blue Lightning later on. 

Xyloxadoria:  Great work with the standard lights in the RHW-6C median!  Personally I like the high mast lighting better, but its always great to have options.  Thanks again and great work on your new tutorial!



Reviving the thread after almost a full day of silence...

I found, (guess what?) another glitch!  :P Though Hal says it was functionality never even intended to be included in RHW 3.0

The paths are all correct, but that's the texture that appears in all rotations as far as I can tell. In the meantime I've reconfigured that ramp though.

So can anybody else confirm what Hal said?

And as for Blue Lightning, really impressive stuff, as I've said in chat!  &apls Can't wait to see this in game... (hint-hint bl, you know what I mean!  :P)
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Quote from: deathtopumpkins on February 23, 2009, 06:55:53 PM
Though Hal says it was functionality never even intended to be included in RHW 3.0

Putting me on the spot eh?    %%Order?/

Like I said, I do know that MIS was supposed to connect to diagonal road, but I'm not sure about road connecting to diagonal MIS.

I'm sure Alex will clarify this.  I would also anticipate this to be in the next release.



Quote from: deathtopumpkins on February 23, 2009, 06:55:53 PM
I found, (guess what?) another glitch!  :P Though Hal says it was functionality never even intended to be included in RHW 3.0

The paths are all correct, but that's the texture that appears in all rotations as far as I can tell. In the meantime I've reconfigured that ramp though.

I've noticed that too dtp.  &apls Just never got around to checking the paths and posting it. Glad to hear it's at least functional.  ;) As Alex says "Functionality first" or something like that.  ;)


Are there plans to make the RhW4 and MIS On-Slopes T On slopes like highway onslopes where a network could go under the drag stubs?
Because the current RHW onslopes are useless IMO ()sad()
Leoland coming Spring 2009


LEO, I have invented an entirely new kind of drag starter to allow networks to go under the "drag stubs". (I made the current highway OnSlopes, and I also invented the original drag starters.)  It works very well except when you drag the same kind of network under it; in this case when you drag RHW under it.  I think that I can make this work as well, but I have very little time at the moment.  It will also need to be tested, so you will not see it for a while.


The Highway Revolution goes Euro!

Here are some pics from my last MD update...

It's not finished yet, but it should be finished shortly.

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Looks awesome!

A small request though, could seperate the different T21 mods? One for lights, one for barriers and such?
Friend of the Certified Drama Queen :)


 :o Looks great! Btw can you replace those white "triangles" next to the exits (pictures 6 and 7) with "stripes" like those on the RHW 4 to RHW 6C transition (4th picture)? I hope you understood me ;D
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Wow, Maarten, who made those?  :o Are they SA's?
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


deathtopumpkins, to answer your question, it looks to me there like a partially-complete feature.  I think I had put everything in place for the Diagonal MIS/Road + Intersection, but hadn't really done much with the "T".  The reason that Avenue piece shows up there seems to be something odd in RUL 0x10000001.  I'm looking into fixing it.

The next actual "release" will probably just be incorporated into a NAM Essentials update that will basically just fix a few issues, stabilizing the ERHW-over-RHW overpasses (re-wrote hundreds of lines of code for the 4th time ::)) and fixing the issue dtp pointed out with the MIS Orth-Diag-into-Intersection issues, which affected the Road T, OWR T, Avenue +, and RHW-2 T.  RHW Version 4 is still underway as well. ;)

I said "no pics", but I might as well show my "stability test" pic, showing what the improved RULs will allow you to do with the Elevated networks.  Not that anyone will do this, but it should be stable enough to allow it now.

Also, in order to address the Elevated LightRail overpass issue that was pointed out earlier, I've finished up a "Path Fix 03" attached below--so we're technically at "Version 3.13" now.  Just install to your Network Addon Mod\Rural Highway Mod folder.

And Maarten, excellent, excellent work there!  The European/non-North American users will be very happy!  (For anyone wondering, they're not SA's.  They're a "Eurofied" version of my Default North American texture set that Maarten's been making.)


Patricius Maximus

Just would like to say that everything looks and reads good. And with that "actual release" we'd be then at 3.2, would we not?


Will stabilizing the el-rhw allow us to cross it over the wider rhw networks?

Henrik Sedin: 82gp 29g 83a 112p - 2009/2010 Art Ross/Hart Trophy winner!


Actually, that looks like it would be a good way to get an elevated multi-RHW to cross a ground multi-RHW, even though the RHW-8 now provides an alternative to multi-RHW's.  Honestly, I'm surprised to see a development pic of any kind, but maybe the surprise is the point.  :)  It's accompanied by a path fix, too, bringing this from 3.12 to 3.13.  You know what that means.  Unless this gets upgraded to 3.2 soon, one more path fix will be rewarded with a certain dessert that Joe mentioned earlier.  $%Grinno$% JK
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Quote from: Patricius Maximus on February 25, 2009, 12:51:37 PM
And with that "actual release" we'd be then at 3.2, would we not?


Quote from: wes.janson on February 25, 2009, 02:29:41 PM
Will stabilizing the el-rhw allow us to cross it over the wider rhw networks?

The RUL Stabilization itself won't allow ERHW-over-Wider RHW crossings, but it will lay the groundwork for their addition in a future RHW release.

Quote from: metarvo on February 25, 2009, 02:44:58 PM
Unless this gets upgraded to 3.2 soon, one more path fix will be rewarded with a certain dessert that Joe mentioned earlier.  $%Grinno$% JK

If someone finds a faulty path between now and whenever the RUL update is put in place . . . then yes.



Quote from: Tarkus on February 25, 2009, 03:05:48 PM

The RUL Stabilization itself won't allow ERHW-over-Wider RHW crossings, but it will lay the groundwork for their addition in a future RHW release.

So not imminantly?   :D

But with the new stabilization we will be able to cross side-by-side multi rhw4s.. that, along with the rhw8-dual rhw4 transistion, will be an easy work around for crossing the rhw8.

Thanks for the continuing hard work Alex.  :thumbsup:

Henrik Sedin: 82gp 29g 83a 112p - 2009/2010 Art Ross/Hart Trophy winner!