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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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David.. those new textures are sure looking good!

Caint wait to see them in game.

Henrik Sedin: 82gp 29g 83a 112p - 2009/2010 Art Ross/Hart Trophy winner!


249630, a mere 400 to go, at 1.34 am GMT-9 (Alaskan time)


249666, and still counting... Ah, dang! I lost the competition  :(
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


If I can change my guess on who will win I will say pvarcoe. 250000 - 249689 = 311 to go for the views.

:3 Proud to be a 3RR Regular and SimCity 4 Fanatic :3


Each one of those new textures is yet another example of 3RR at its best.  Nice work per the usual, David.  :thumbsup:  As for our competition, it's starting to look like I made yet another mistake, this time in my prediction for the winner.  Oh, well, it was fun anyway.  :)

249720.  280 to go!
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


I just keep watching for the 250000th view for 3RR and were getting close. 250000 - 249801 = 199 views to go. This is going to be such a record for 3RR, and will be glad to experience it.

:3 Proud to be a 3RR Regular and SimCity 4 Fanatic :3


[tabular type=4]
[row]   [data colspan=3]
Contest Entries
[/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]
[/data]    [data]
[/data] [data]
[/data]   [/row]
[row]   [data]
[/data]    [data]
Date and Time for 250K
[/data] [data]
Views per Hour Needed to Win[/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]   FrankU   [/data]    [data]   March 1, 9:14:36 AST   [/data][data]   57.143   [/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]   pvarcoe   [/data]    [data]   March 1, 9:30 AST   [/data][data]   50   [/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]   kimcar   [/data]    [data]   March 1, 10:00 AST   [/data][data]   40   [/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]   Korot   [/data]    [data]   March 1, 10:00 AST   [/data][data]   40   [/data]    [/row]

Since David is probably asleep right now, I decided that, with 199 page views to go, I'd update the 'sweet spot' area. David was right, there is a drop in page views when he's asleep.
BTW: Time: 6.25am GMT-9 (Alaskan time)

EDITI'm up, and will use Korot's post here (thank you so much for updating the table, my good friend, as will be explained you have solved a dilemma for me) to post this- I don't want to skew the numbers, and I know that usually right after my first and sometimes second post an any given day there is a surge of page views.  I watched ever since just after 6:00 a.m., which almost perfectly coincided with passing through the "200 left to go" barrier.  We've now gained over 70 in the subsequent hour- this is pretty fascinating.  SC4D, while attracting folks from around the world, still has the majority of its members drawn from the US and Canada, where most folks are now up and around.  Europe and the nether side of the Atlantic are getting ready for bed.  Whoever wins, though- it'll be, as is often misquoted, a close run thing [linkie]. -DE
Edit2: We here in the Netherlands aren't geting ready for bed, it's 17:11 over here, but in Russia it's probably bed time.
Edit3: Updated table at 17:30 GMT+1 = 7:30 GMT-1, looking at the table, the views/hour are back to normal.


To dedicate this moment of joy I'd thought I'd add a estimated linear relationship equation to be used to determine future milestones for views. Presented below for use. Just use your calculator and you can estimate what I think of an average view per hour/day. Just adjust and make it higher or lower, since this is just a estimate. I think with this we can all guess that we will get 500000 views at x time then 750000 then a million, and so on.

y=40x+250000 (per hour)
y=800x+250000 (per day)

EDITI never thought I'd be able to say "linear regression analysis" and "3RR" in the same sentence.  That just goes to show that you can teach an old dog new tricks. -DE
EDIT: I figured I'd bring it up as maybe 3RR could use it in the future to guess a range of when the next milestone would be hit. And this would make it months and months from now if it was a half a million, which would be a good milestone.

:3 Proud to be a 3RR Regular and SimCity 4 Fanatic :3


noone recognized 7k posts, I do though congrats, come on, soon im gonna read all 350 pages. not now though. this things on  &hlp

EDITMy friend, that is an excellent point.  I missed catching that, although nerdly_dood and Ryan (burgsabre87) remarked on it starting here [linkie].  There have been seven 3RR Regulars (anyone who has posted at least once here or, in the olden days, over at 3RR-ST) who have rung the Triple-0 bell: Alex (Tarkus) #1,000 and #6,000, Jeff (kalanc69) #2,000, bat #3,000, krbe #4,000, Ryan (burgsabre87), #5,000, and most recent Derry (TheTeaCat) at 7,000 [linkie].  -DE
Rednecks aren't country Music Stars, they're Rocket Scientists.


Nothing like a thrilling competition coming down to the wire. $%Grinno$%
...this space to be filled soon...


Quote from: simsamerica on March 01, 2009, 08:25:57 AM
noone recognized 7k posts, I do though congrats, come on, soon im gonna read all 350 pages. not now though. this things on  &hlp
And which week have you reserved for that? As I've read to 300 of them (there were only 300 at that time) and it took me a week or something.

EDITHeh!  That's one of those "pack a lunch" tasks, my friend. -DE


250000 - 249906 = 94 to go. A golden moment is coming right up. Meaning within the next few hours. I'll see it! I'll see it!

EDIT: 250000 - 249928 = 72 to go!
EDIT2: 250000 - 249943 = 57 to go!
EDIT3: We broke the 50 to go barrier and at about 40 to go, for more updates from me please see my newer post.

:3 Proud to be a 3RR Regular and SimCity 4 Fanatic :3


Just 70 55 posts to go now!

7000 posts, that's amazing! :thumbsup:



50 to go!!!! :D 
You can call me Grif

--Currently out of the office, will resume SC4 7/19


Indeed bob, so I updated the table
[tabular type=4]
[row]   [data colspan=3]
Contest Entries
[/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]
[/data]    [data]
[/data] [data]
[/data]   [/row]
[row]   [data]
[/data]    [data]
Date and Time for 250K
[/data] [data]
Views per Hour Needed to Win[/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]   FrankU   [/data]    [data]   March 1, 9:14:36 AST   [/data][data]   35.2940   [/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]   pvarcoe   [/data]    [data]   March 1, 9:30 AST   [/data][data]   30   [/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]   kimcar   [/data]    [data]   March 1, 10:00 AST   [/data][data]   23.077   [/data]    [/row]
[row]   [data]   Korot   [/data]    [data]   March 1, 10:00 AST   [/data][data]   23.077   [/data]    [/row]


249964 - 46 more to go...

Man, such excitement!  &hlp

%confuso %confuso %confuso


This post builds off my last post where I was counting down the last moments. Now we stand at this stat: 250000 - 249974 = 26 to go!

EDIT: About 20 to go!
EDIT2: 14 to go!
EDIT3: 7 to go!
EDIT4: 5 to go!

We hit a quarter-million views. Picture of proof. I caught the moment!

EDIT6: Fixed image size.

:3 Proud to be a 3RR Regular and SimCity 4 Fanatic :3


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :D :D :D :D :D :D $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$%
Sendona... Coming soon!


You can call me Grif

--Currently out of the office, will resume SC4 7/19


I can't stand the suspense .. 8 to gooooo!!
Please call me Roz.
Visit my BAT thread .. http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=11464.0
The Beginning of Knowledge, Is the Discovery of Something We Do Not Understand ...

I Refuse To Have A Battle Of Wits With An Unarmed Person.