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Crystal City

Started by football_fever, February 15, 2007, 10:58:17 AM

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Ok...sorry for the depressing update.  This is where we finally get into the good parts of the story.

Fledder200:  Ferry, you've read the whole thing.  You even left you pom-poms in chapter 15.

Fred_Ginger:  I'm trying to get the updates out quickly.  I'm about 10 updates behind ST at the moment.  Which part did you leave off?

dedgren:  Yeah...that's probably my least favorite update...but it shows the optimism of Delsa, which becomes important.  And as cool as it would be to have SC5 already, that pic is indeed from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.  The city where most of the flashbacks take place is Alamosa, which is modeled after LA.  Los Santos is a great GTA version of LA

threestooges:  GTA: San Andreas...you are correct.  I also enjoyed episodes I and II, just like I enjoy the first part of this story.  But just remember that the best is yet to come.

Cali:  Thank you.  This is getting to be a much better part of the story.

Fred_Ginger:  hehe I'll try to hurry.

Everyone:  this update sets in motion the end of the world.  I hope you like it.  And also, in the next update you actually get to see Crystal City.

Elizabeth Banks
-5 days before the end of the world

Liutenant Hardy called me at 0800 that morning.  He obviously didn't say what the situation was, but I was sure it
was going to be like all the others.  At a base that trains Navy pilots, you don't expect to see much action.  You're
ready for it, but you just don't see it.

I was stationed at Naval Air Station, Key West.  It was very beautiful...and very very boring.  Most days involved
training on some sort of fighter plane.  Sometimes we'd fly to Pensacola to land and takeoff on aircraft carriers.
Maybe that sounds exciting to you, but after doing it 3,000 times indifference really takes its toll.

I was sitting in a briefing room with a small group of pilots when Liutenant Hardy walked to the front.

Liutenant Hardy: ladies and gentlemen, you may be expecting another drill today, but we have a real situation.
A small group of Cubans have stolen a nuclear weapon from the Naval Reservation north of Key West.

We all looked at each other in suprise. The nuclear arsenal was under such tight security that anyone that actually
has any business being near them had a hard time getting there.  A trainee named John rose his hand

John: Sir, may I ask how they managed to steal a warhead from a secure area like the Reservation?

Liutenant Hardy: That's a good question, son, I wish I had the answer.  But what you and I need to be concerned about
is not letting them get to the mainland.

"we've traced their vehicle to a Uhaul rental on East Rockland Key...seen here"

Liutenant Hardy: your job is to patrol the Overseas Highway, and spot their van.  We've contacted Uhaul and ensured there
are no other vans on the road.  If you see one, it's them.  Notify us immediately.  Dismissed...Banks...come see me please

The other pilots walked out of the room and averted their eyes.  I was in trouble?

Liutenant Hardy: Good morning Ms. Banks

Liz: Sir...

Liutenant Hardy: This isn't going to be a suprise to you, but...

Liz: but they aren't Cubans?

Liutenant Hardy: correct.  These "Cubans" are different.  We're not sure exactly what they are, but they managed to slip past
all of our security and slip out with a dangerous weapon.  Be careful out there.

Liz: I will sir.

Liutenant Hardy: If you see them, you have permission to engage.  Take out that bridge.
Nothing gets to the mainland, understood?  No one else has permission, only you.  My authority overrides those giving
you orders in the air.  I'll show you this map that I didn't show the others.

Liutenant Hardy: this shows their last known position.  Go there immediately, and if you do not have a visual, proceed with the mission
that was given.  Patrol the highway.  Hopefully you get to them before they get to Seven Mile Bridge.  Good luck, Banks.

I walked to my plane, a Harrier.  The others had taken off already.  I took off and went immediately to the location Liutenant Hardy
had shown me; the eastern end of Key West.

I flew over several times hoping to see the van.  I scanned ever single vehicle, but it was useless.  It was like playing Where's Waldo from 5,000 feet in the air.

Damn it.  I was hoping this would be over quickly.  I proceeded to fly along the Highway.

Keith: Hey Lizard, what did Hardy want?

Liz: We told me to shoot you down if you keep hogging the radio.  What's your position?

As soon as I said that his plane lit up on my radar.  Then, as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished...only to reappear two
seconds later.

Liz: That's a good trick.  If Hardy knew you were using his Harrier as a toy, he'd break you

He was flying low to the water to avoid radar detection, and would lift up until he was visible, and would lower himself to the water again.
Flying low to the water is a no no in this area.  There are more boats than cars on this island.

He joined my flight pattern

We were about to fly over the Seven Mile Bridge

Liz: You know they can see that on the radar at NAS, right?

Keith: Chill out, Lizard, they don't take away your....oh my god, there they are...

Liz: NAS come in, bogey's spotted going east on seven mile bridge

NAS: Rodger that unit 2...pre...da...gr.........

Liz: I did not copy, please repeat!

NAS: Do....fly....rop....sd...pol........

Liz: Keith, did you understand them?

Keith: not a word...what do we do?

I remembered my orders.

Liz: prepare to engage

Keith: ENGAGE?  Are you crazy?

Liz: I have orders

Keith: So do I, remember?  They're the same orders!

Liz: I have other orders...from Hardy.  Follow me

He followed.  I hope I was doing the right thing.

Liz: Keith, are you with me on this?

Keith: I'm with you.  What do we do?

Liz: We take out the bridge.  They can't make it to the mainland without a road in front of them.
                   Prepare Maverick missiles......Lock on..................fire...........

Dammit...our missiles hit the supports under the van.  I had to hope against the worst.


Keith: Liz, what did we do?

Liz: We made a mistake...I was told to take out the bridge...We need to get away from that thing...top speed...NOW!!!

The worst had happened...and I was responsible....I thought....
If girls quoted Winston Churchill and Aristotle in their AIM profiles instead of "Rent," we'd all be so much more erudite. That means "knowledgeable," but you didn't know that because girls quote "Rent" in their AIM profiles.
- Dan Gurewitch


Just love those pictures Football!  &apls &apls &apls   I got so impatient for an update that I read the update over at ST. :thumbsup:
My name is Vicki
Fred and Ginger were my doggies
RIP my babies


Quote from: Fred_Ginger on March 27, 2007, 09:35:08 PM
Just love those pictures Football!  &apls &apls &apls   I got so impatient for an update that I read the update over at ST. :thumbsup:

That's crazy!  I usually have a hard enough time getting in there and getting the things I need without a server error...
If girls quoted Winston Churchill and Aristotle in their AIM profiles instead of "Rent," we'd all be so much more erudite. That means "knowledgeable," but you didn't know that because girls quote "Rent" in their AIM profiles.
- Dan Gurewitch


Yeah, usually, but I did good today!
My name is Vicki
Fred and Ginger were my doggies
RIP my babies


Hi football_fever ,

Hehe , there's something from  24 ( hours stopwatch ) ! Where is Jack Bauer ? ;D

I don't know how many time and work this kind of scene required , but the result is wonderful . &apls

°   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °


Oh, great- now you're blowing up south Florida...

...where's Ahhhh-nuld when you really, really need him?

I'm still depressed.  A fan, but depressed.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


while going through that last bit, i was sure i saw that sequence of events (in the animation) in a movie before. you got to it first, david. hahahah gov-nah ahhh nuld! hahahah omg that was a cliffhanger. what happens to liz? if they arent cubans, who are they? oh my oh my!!!


Quote from: dedgren on March 28, 2007, 07:43:25 AM
Oh, great- now you're blowing up south Florida...

...where's Ahhhh-nuld when you really, really need him?

I'm still depressed.  A fan, but depressed.


I thought those shots of the bridge blowing up looked familiar! Great update, football_fever!


Quote from: dedgren on March 28, 2007, 07:43:25 AM
Oh, great- now you're blowing up south Florida...
...where's Ahhhh-nuld when you really, really need him?

Ummmmmmmm, David, Ahhhhh-nuld is in California playing Governator - trying to work things out with the girly-men in the legislature....
My name is Vicki
Fred and Ginger were my doggies
RIP my babies


great pictures and wonderful story! :thumbsup:


Fred_Ginger:  I hope you liked the update here a little better.  I made the animations a little better...hopefully you didn't read too far ahead...

Badsim:  I learned gif animation specifically for this scene.  It was a good thing, because I've included some pretty neat gifs since then.  Glad to have you in my CJ MD

dedgren:  Don't worry, thing pick up pretty soon.  This is a very short update, but starting with the next one I have plenty going on.  Ahh-nuld is watching all this happen from a chopper...hehe.  "Nice shooo-teeng Mah-reens"

Heinz:  hehe, yes I try to end each chapter with a cliffhanger.  This was one of the better ones, don't you think?

thundercrack83:  Yes, one of my favorite sequences in all movies.  They actually blew up a piece of seven-mile-bridge for it.

bat:  Thank you!  Glad to see you here.

This is a very short update, but it gives you your first glance of Crystal City.  It's also the first time I use The Sims 2 in an update.  I pretty much got the game just for interior shots for the story.  These pictures are from when I was first learning how to use that game.  Maybe I'll update them sometime...but for now, I don't like seeing myself at the bottom of the MD Classics page...so here is the update.

Chapter 8 - Welcome to Crytal City

Elizabeth Banks
-Present Day

I awoke from what seemed like the deepest sleep I've ever had. I was dazed, dizzy, and confused. What I was seeing didn't make sense to me.

You see, I felt myself die. The icy cold hand crept up my back in a way the cold of the air only imagined.

The room I was in was completely white. Top to bottom, side to side...it was almost hard to tell where the wall ended and the floor began. Maybe I was dead...it was very peaceful...

The only peace a military girl like me has ever known.

Man: Good morning

That voice! It was so soothing I almost wanted to wrap up in the blanket and fall asleep again. That is, if my curiosity wasn't able to force my head to see who or what said those words.

I looked over to see a man dressed in all white studying a hand-held computer. He looked to be about 30 years old. His eyes looked quizzically from the computer, and back to me, then back to the computer.

Man: ...G...goood...mo...morn...ing...

Liz: Do I know you?

Man: Ah...I was afraid I was saying that incorrectly

Liz: Who are you? and where am I?

Man: Do not be afraid, young Liz, my name is Ashraf. I am an administrator of this facility. We found you and your friends wandering through the mountains...very dangerous for someone that is not a citizen of this city...

Liz: The others...are they ok?

Ashraf: Of course they are

He looked slightly confused, as if there was no other option

Liz: and also, how do you speak my language?

Ashraf: This device has been analyzing the speech of you and your friends. So far we have 78 percent of your language decoded

Liz: That's amazing

Ashraf: We find it much easier to learn the language of visitors, than for them to learn ours...I will let you get some rest...goodbye...

Liz: Wait! Can I see the others?

Ashraf: In time...but now you must rest. There are events being planned in your honor. An assistant will be by to assist you...goodbye Elizabeth

The door closed. Everything he said was in such a soothing tone. I wondered where I was...everything had gone black, and next thing I know I'm laying in a white bed with white sheets and blankets, wearing white clothes.

Except the word "white" doesn't do this color justice. It was whiter than white. Impossibly white.

I walked around the room for awhile, before laying back onto the bed. Never have I felt a bed so...perfect. I wasn't tired...but I fell asleep anyway

Woman: Good morning, Miss Banks

I woke up more refreshed than I was before. Another pleasant sounding voice. I saw a woman, also dressed in white, who looked to be in her mid thirties.

Liz: no language confusion this time?

Woman: yes, we have your language 100 percent decoded now.

Liz: I see. What is your name?

Woman: I am Grand Caretaker Kuhala. I it is my job to welcome you to our city. And then if you desire, you may become a citizen.

Liz: Will I get to see the others soon?

Kuhala: Most certainly. There is a banquet tonight in your honor. We don't get visitors often...so this is a very special occasion. Follow me please...

I followed Kuhala out the door. There was a long hallway - all white of course. I hadn't seen a different color, besides the hair and skin of my hosts. Workers dressed in white stared at me as they walked by.

Ahead, I could see beams of sunlight shining through the window. As I approached it, all I could see was very bright light...and something...blue? Did I see blue?

Liz: Kuhala...is there somewhere nearby that I can see out a window?

Kuhala: You will see the city very soon. You must have patience

I had patience...but this was absurd. We finally reached a room with people working on fabric.

Kuhala: Please stand on the circle, Elizabeth. We are creating your formal attire for tonight's banquet.

I stood on the circle. Immediately they went to work, measuring...cutting...verbs we don't have words for in our language...the gown seemed to be alive somehow. It was appearing from nothing, then a piece would dissapear, only to reappear on a different part, or not at all.

The end result was possibly the most stunning dress I've ever seen.

Kuhala: Please follow me again...

I was speechless. I simply followed her. We walked out the door and into an elevator.

Kuhala: Do you like your dress?

Liz: I love it! I don't even know how it was made!

Kuhala: Your questions how and why may not make sense in this city, Elizabeth.

The elevator stopped. As the doors opened there was a blinding white light. As my eyes adjusted, I began to make out a million points of light. As the white cleared further I could see that each point was a reflection from the window on a building. And as it cleared further...

Kuhala: This is what you wanted to see, Elizabeth. This is our city. On behalf of all citizens, it is my pleasure to welcome you...

to Crystal City

If girls quoted Winston Churchill and Aristotle in their AIM profiles instead of "Rent," we'd all be so much more erudite. That means "knowledgeable," but you didn't know that because girls quote "Rent" in their AIM profiles.
- Dan Gurewitch


Ooooooooooh, slick the way you made the picture appear, I'll try not to read ahead anymore but you've gotta be more consistent with your updates (I need my Crystal City fix!) &apls &apls &apls
My name is Vicki
Fred and Ginger were my doggies
RIP my babies


you're right, FG.  Since the last update was so short, I'm including the next one with it.  How about that?

Greg Maddox
-6 days before the end of the world

Violet: baby, will you get one of your guys to give me a ride to town?

Greg: take the ferry

Violet: I don't like taking the ferry, it's-

Greg: TAKE the ferry, Violet

She walked out of the bedroom.
Why the hell was she bugging me this early in the morning? Women are supposed to be more perceptive to body language...what was it about me laying in bed trying to sleep told her "let me go find a boat for you?"

Besides, it was a big day for me. I was about to find out if the biggest investment of my life had paid off. I was either going to be very rich, or I was going to jail for a very long time.

The phone rang at 11am. I told my assistant to go away. He told it was a call I wanted to take.

Nick: Good morning

Greg: holy **** is it good to hear your voice. I take it things went well

Nick: Amazingly well. For a job this big, it didn't stray too far from the plan.

Greg: So where is it now?

Nick: on it's way to the Ibella refinery in Alamosa. Oil tanker smuggling was the best way to get it through security checkpoints.

Greg: Good work. I'll cover that expense. As long as it gets to me safely.

Nick: It will, don't worry. I'll talk to you later, I need to call Andreas

I hung up. This was excellent news. Most excellent. Even being experienced with this kind of thing, I had to sit on the edge of my bed for a few minutes.

Greg: Juan!

Juan entered my room

Juan: yes, sir?

Greg: I'm going to need the plane ready in a half hour.

Juan: I'll make the call, sir. What is the destination?

Greg: Alamosa. I'll need to stop in Vegas first

Juan: Very good, sir, it will be ready

I was packed and dressed in ten minutes. I could take a boat right to the airport; just one of the beautiful things about living in Key West.

I landed in Vegas that afternoon. I went directly to the Neyorka Bay Casino to talk to Sonny. Sonny Santoro is not someone you want to owe money to. Not only was this going to get me out of debt with him, he might have to owe me a favor as well.

Sonny: Good afternoon, Mr. Maddox. I take it you have good news for me.

Greg: Absolutely. I talked to Nick...he said everything is done. The painting is being shipped to your cousin's refinery in Alamosa.

Sonny: Andreas will go there to intercept the painting and accuse us of losing it. I will let Franky know not to let Andreas and his men anywhere near the refinery. Now go...go talk to Nicholas personally, and then go see Franky at the refinery.

Greg: What do we do when Andreas attacks?

Sonny: Wipe them out...all of them

I got back on the plane to fly to Alamosa.

Pilot: Mr. Maddox, I'm getting no response from Air Traffic Control.

Greg: What do you mean?

Pilot: All I have is static....wait....they're back...that was strange, this is a top of the line plane...sorry to bother you, sir

Once I landed I realized I had a voice message from Nick.

Nick: Greg, this is Nick. I met with Andreas. I'm staying at the Atlantic Hotel on Wilkinson Blvd. under the name Thomas Kessler. I'll meet you at Ferguson's on 18th Ave.

Looked like I was going to Ferguson's

And it looked like this day was getting very interesting...
If girls quoted Winston Churchill and Aristotle in their AIM profiles instead of "Rent," we'd all be so much more erudite. That means "knowledgeable," but you didn't know that because girls quote "Rent" in their AIM profiles.
- Dan Gurewitch


Hi Mike :)
awsome as always!!
CC is a true Classic!!  &apls
can't wait for the next one Bud!
Life is too short to wear bad clothes...and ugly shoes!


Another MD first!

Crystal City: First nightie to appear on SC4D (4-3-07)

...some folks will do anything to get readers...

Hey, f_f, at least you didn't blow anything up this time.

Another fine update- great work on the story!

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Yippee!  Thanks Football! &apls &apls &apls
My name is Vicki
Fred and Ginger were my doggies
RIP my babies


hello! im back. my man... cliffhanger: crystal city, huh? lol. i love the first sighting of cc! keep em coming!

Shadow Assassin

I'll say this: you've got me hooked. I've never seen your CJ over at ST, so this is definitely most interesting. Wonderful story. I wanna know what happens to Earth when it goes boom, damnit! :P
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


 &apls  Nice story you have done . I really enjoy the scene from the True Lies movie . Very well done.   :thumbsup:Looking foorward.


Another boring Friday night at work.  Time for...

Fledder200:  good to see you're still around.  You must be spending all your time at sc4d now, eh?

dedgren:  sweet!  A new sc4d record!  Now that I think about it, David, you're right...I didn't blow anything up in that last update.  You'll see in this one that I still find ways for people to "leave the story".  It's done in a tasteful way though, don't worry.

Fred_Ginger:  It's all for you, Vicki

Heinz:  You'll see plenty more.  I'm actually still building it too.  There's about 7 circles, and I have 4 of them filled.  It's tough to make it look beautiful and different.

Shadow Assassin:  Hmm...you may have to wait a bit.  The anticipation is building to the destruction of Earth in flashbacks and something equally exciting in the present.  muahahahaha

kimcar:  Thank you, I hope to see you around some more.  The story is just starting to pick up

everyone:  The story takes a different turn in this update.  It might be somewhat shocking.  As far as I know I'm the first one to have something like this in a CJ or MD.  I hope you're ready for some crazy sh....stuff.

Chapter 10 - Welcome Party

Greg Maddox
-Present Day

I stood in awe of the city in front of me.

It was shining and glimmering from every possible point. I thought the interior was impossibly white...this...this was just impossible...

Kuhala: You will get to know the city very well, Mr. Maddox. Hopefully you will come to love it as I have. I couldn't dream of any place other than this.

Greg: This place...it's like a dream itself

Kuhala: Please follow me, Mr. Maddox. Dinner is ready

I followed her through a series of hallways that were now completely empty of people. The sun was setting, and there was a glow that bathed the pure white hall in orange.

Kuhala: I must leave you to tend to the banquet. Through this door is the grand banquet hall. Enjoy your meal, Mr Maddox.

I took a deep breath and walked through the door.

I thought the city was impossible...the hall is nearly impossible to describe...it was simply the most amazing room I've ever been in. It was huge! The ceiling was hundreds of feet high, and looked to have clear flying buttresses everywhere. The entire thing seemed to be made of crystal so clear it resembled ice. And yet is had an impossible amount of detail decorating part of walls and buttresses...I was simply in awe.

My stares at the meeting hall were suddenly directed to the large crowd of people that started clapping as I walked through the door. Everyone was wearing the same white outfit that Kuhala, Ashraf, and now I was wearing. Someone was directing me to a stage in front of them.

Emcee: Please welcome the last of our visitors, Mr. Greg Maddox

The crowd was clapping and cheering. The rest of my group was on the stage already. Allison looked back at me as I walked to the stage. The others were smiling or staring at the crowd.

Emcee: Now that everyone is here, let the festivities begin!

There was hoops and hollers from the crowd, and they filed into rows. From the floor, tables were raised with steaming plates of food on them. They sat down on chairs that were not there a second ago.

A table rose from the floor in front of us with plates of food. A waiter motioned for us to sit down, and there were chairs under us without warning.

Greg: What is going on?

Allison looked at me in bewilderment

David: I guess we're supposed to eat...

We looked at the plates in front of us. This was a strange world...what was the food here like?

It didn't matter. He had eaten freeze-dried food for so long, it could be monkey brains and we wouldn't care.

Delsa: Oh, my god...this food...

She had a look of amazement. She began devouring everything on her plate. I picked up a piece of food and slowly put it in my mouth. Saying that it was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted does not do this food justice. It was as if the impossible beauty of the city and banquet hall had been transferred to this bite of food.

The others had the same puzzled look on their faces. How could it be? What was this place? We ate until there was no way we could eat another bite.

After the meal we were escorted to our rooms. It wasn't the same room we'd been in before, but rather the place we'd actually live.

Alex: What do you make of all this?

Theresa: there aren't words to describe it.

Nick: I don't know how any of this is happening.

Alex: My thoughts exactly...I'm thinking that if they want us to live here, then we should probably find out the rules of this place. What are their laws, what do they do for a living...how do we get more of that food!

We chuckled in agreement.

Our guide heard us talking and approached us.

Guide: Any time you have questions about the city, you may simply call for a caretaker. They are happy to answer any and all questions you may have.

Allison: can you answer any questions?

Guide: Of course I can

Alex: It's night now, is there some sort of curfew?

Guide: Curfew...curfew...I believe that is one of the words we don't understand from your language. We have it decoded, but many of your words have no meaning to us. What is curfew?

Alex: it's where people can't leave their rooms at certain times to prevent crime and things like that

Guide: Hmm...unfortunately...crime was another of the words we do not understand. You may need to talk to the Caretakers. Good night

David: well, if they have no crime, that would answer the curfew question

Allison: but in a city this big, how is there no crime?

Liz: Kuhala told me questions like how and why may not make sense in this city...it doesn't make sense, but I don't think there is a way we can understand it. We just need to accept it

The others left for their rooms, except me and Nick. We walked to a balcony overlooking the city.

Nick: It's been awhile since we've been able to talk one on one, hasn't it?

Greg: Yes it has. What are you going to do about her?

Nick: I don't know. Sometimes it seems like she doesn't care about what happened, and other times I see her glare at me whenever I talk.

Greg: I've noticed that too. We'll have to see what happens. For your sake, you're lucky they haven't invented crime here yet.

Nick chuckled and headed for his room, two doors down from me. I returned to my room, and saw that all my clothes and everything I had with me were waiting for me in my room. I picked up my gold watch and put it on. I didn't know how time would be configured here, so I left it alone.

Greg: hmm...almost 1pm.

It was nighttime on this planet. I lay on the bed thinking about my home. Key West had been obliterated the day after I left for Alamosa. It was now 1pm in the desolate wastes of my island home. Somewhere back on Earth were the remains of my house on the beach...what had happened to my assistant Jose? What happened to my girlfriend Violet? I was in Alamosa...what were my friends doing when they had met their violent death? My daydream abruptly ended with a very loud, very familiar sound...

A gunshot two doors down jolted me to my feet.


Without thinking, my legs carried me out the door and into Nick's room. I was joined in the doorway by the others.

We stared in disbelief at Allison, who was holding a smoking silver handgun

She was standing over Nick, who was on the floor

With a pool of blood around his head

If girls quoted Winston Churchill and Aristotle in their AIM profiles instead of "Rent," we'd all be so much more erudite. That means "knowledgeable," but you didn't know that because girls quote "Rent" in their AIM profiles.
- Dan Gurewitch