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Commonwealth of Marathon

Started by thundercrack83, November 05, 2008, 02:08:19 PM

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Glad I could help.  Those new tunnel entrances look quite cool.  I like the gardens and trees on that second picture you've got there as well, you're doing beautiful work on this project. 

KoV Liberty

When will the TV station learn huh!  ;D :D Well I guess we'll have to wait and see!  ()stsfd()


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Dustin what more can I say??? I know I cant wait to see more of that Quay!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


David (dedgren): Hi, David! It's wonderful to see you here, my friend! Especially with all the amazing things you've got going on. Thanks for taking a minute away to stop in...now, get back to those wonderful things! Just kidding, my friend. Take care, David!

Alfred.Jones: Thanks, my friend! The reason that I switched tunnels was because the previous ones weren't working well with what I was trying to accomplish, unfortunately. Sometimes, though, you have to know when to abandon ship! Thanks for coming by!

Arthur (art128): Thank you, Arthur!

Battlecat: Thanks so much, Battlecat! I'm glad you like the area!

Driftmaster07: Ha! So sorry, my friend! Soon, though, I promise!

Pat: Thank you, my friend!

Well, I've been spending most of the night eating Wheaties straight out of the box—I need to pick up some more milk, tomorrow—but between handfuls, I was able to get a bit more done with the rails for our train station. Here's where we stand as of now:

So far I'm quite satisfied with things, though I wish I could get more props in the middle where the billboards are. The slope makes it tough to get them to look right, regrettably.

We're edging closer to putting this thing together, so stay tuned!

Now back to my Wheaties...


moin thundercrack83,

look great ...  :thumbsup:



Haha! Wheaties! Mmmmmm :P

That pictures looks fantastic! Those props in the middle look excellent. Love the attention to detail.

Can't wait for more Dustin :thumbsup:

Sim City 4 Devotion


Three wonderful new pictures in two updates there! Nice work! :thumbsup:


Lol, Dustin!  So, that's how you're doing this so well?  I should have known that your secret was Wheaties.  $%Grinno$%

Anyway, it looks as though the train station's really starting to shape up.  You have dealt with a good number of difficult building situations in the past, so I have had no doubt that you would be successful at completing the station.  Now, I'll give you a chance to get back to eating Wheaties, so you will do some more good work.  ;D

Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Hey cool, it's up and running!  Nice train models there, all the details look great! 


Dustin, you've done wonders with the train station - far beyond what I could imagine at first. As for props down the middle, the only thing I can think of is billboards turned at a 90-degree angle to the existing ones. Or, two sections of four billboards set in an elongated diamond pattern - catch 'em coming and going! The only other possibility that comes to mind is some small planters at the bases of the existing billboards, but I wouldn't want the job of going out there to water them!

Actually I think it looks fine just the way it is,
but clutter always has been and always will be a way of life in the advertising game! ::)



LoL Dustin gotta love the Wheaties yummies,

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie

KoV Liberty

Props or no props in the middle it still looks cool!!! :thumbsup:


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


beutelschlurf: Thanks!

Alfred.Jones: Thank you, my friend! I'm glad you like it!

bat: Thanks, bat!

metarvo: Ha! I think the Wheaties may be the secret! Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend!

Battlecat: Thank you!

Joan (Jmouse): Thanks, Joan! Unfortunately, the billboards will only rotate perpendicularly, so making a diamond shape seems to be impossible. Thanks for your wonderful idea, I wish I could have implemented it! Take care, Joan!

Pat: Wow! I feel like an Olympic decathlon champion now! I love it! Thanks so much, Pat! It's always great to have friends like you for support!

Driftmaster07: Thank you! I'm happy you like it either way! Makes my job a bit easier!

Presenting the North Station Quay
12 March 2009

Well, it's about time, eh?

The train station—officially known as the E. Randolph Thackeray Marathon North Station—and it's surrounding area, which is the North Station Quay, are finally finished. Let's not waste any time then! Let's check things out!


We begin in familiar territory, the Citroën Amphitheatre—home to, among other things, the Marathon Philarmonic and the minor-league hockey team the Marathon Nor'easters. Someone should have told the people that named the place, however, that I believe a prerequisite to being an "amphitheatre" is that it's an outdoor venue. Oh, well!

Here's the back end of the amphitheatre, with a crowd of people heading in for the game or show, or what have you!

Next we move over to...

...the North End of North Station Quay, where the reflecting pools are located. Below it is...

...an outdoor restaurant and café.

Above we have some of the trains heading into and away from the North Station.

And here, we have a monument to E. Randolph Thackeray, after whom the North Station is named. Thackeray was an important businessman and philanthropist in Marathon from 1880-1910, in addition to holding political office.

And we have the floral gardens, as well. Home to many a flower!


I do so hope that you enjoyed the North Station Quay! It's probably the biggest project that I've even taken on in the game single-handedly, and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out!

And of course...

Happy Birthday, 3RR!

Today is the anniversary of the opening of Three Rivers Region, so if you haven't already done so, head over there and check things out because I'm sure that our very good friend David (dedgren) has got stuff cooking!

Oh, and one last thing...

48 more...

Thanks for stopping by!


All I can say Dustin is WOW :thumbsup:

The attention to detail is amazing!
The whole station and quay fit in so well to the surroundings and look so real.

Awesome work!

And now only 47 to go

Sim City 4 Devotion


thats a really awesome bigpic :)

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Wow -- absolutely fantastic !
Dustin, that area is one of my favorite, and one of the best I've ever seen.
The Citroën Amphitheater looks excellent in this position, location and sector.
Also, yours lots are always impressive my friend, and always great to see..

Arthur.  :thumbsup:  &apls
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Oh my! This is incredible! The finished product is marvelous! :o &apls &apls :thumbsup:


 &apls &aplsAwesome work Dustin. The final result is perfect . You worked hard for it and you have done a great place to go. Congrats . Just asking , what are the little snack that you used for the outdoor restaurant and cafe. Thanks and have fun :thumbsup:


Wow!  Have to say all that work has really paid off.  The entire area looks amazing!  Of course now you'll eventually need to figure out what to do with those rails on the next tile, but I'm sure that's a job for another day.  Looking forward to seeing what's next for Marathon!


You never run out of things to do, do you?   :P

Fantastic use of custom lotting!  I have to say the new rail network is looking fabulous as well!

Awesome mosaic as well!  I really enjoyed this update!   :thumbsup: