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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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OMG that's beautiful!!

Wouldn't a grill be a bit warmer than a computer? ;D
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Quote from: nerdly_dood on May 09, 2009, 07:22:38 PM
Wouldn't a grill be a bit warmer than a computer? ;D

Not in David's case.  You've seen what's been coming out of that computer...  :D


talk about smoooooooookin!!!!!! I think your computer needs a good nights rest there David before you really fry it lol....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


David, I can only echo what everyone else has already said.  These new intersections look fantastic!   &apls

Now, you know full well that I will be more than happy with anything you turn out from your computerized grill... but since you were so unwise as to encourage my list... ;)  A couple of my thoughts have already been mentioned, so maybe I won't feel quite so needy, but here are some of my thoughts:

John: (Mightygoose) mentioned intersections between FAR and diagonal roads, which I would certainly come in handy.

In reference to yesterday's question...

Jon, the ortho stub can go in any one or more of the six tiles of the intersection.  What, my friend, might you have in mind?... -DE

Splime also touched on exactly what I was thinking of.  For me, I'm looking ahead to FAR Road/orthoganal Street intersections on this one... although perhaps I shouldn't just assume that those are already on your list... but the concept is essentially the same.  Most of my smaller towns and villages use a 4 tile "grid" (I should say four tiles between each street)... so the flexibility beyond this center spacing would be ideal in such situations.  I completely understand that this could bring the number of pieces up to a very unwieldy number in quite a hurry (especially if one starts dabbling with multiple T intersections on the same pieces), but I was always told that it doesn't hurt to ask.  I can make up an image to further explain this if need be.

Looking at your latest offerings, I did notice one gap in the FAR-FAR crossroad and T intersections.  If I'm looking at this correctly, you have essentially rotated a 90 degree corner to fit the FAR angle of 18.5 degrees.  Would it be possible to also add a second alternative similar to these?  (Forgive my crappy illustration)

The final piece that I think could be very useful might be a smaller (perhaps 2x2) orthoganal-71.5 degree FAR curve.  I can see using this in more mountainous terrain at a T interchange where one road goes uphill while the parrallel road goes down.  (We have many instances like that right around my home here in northern California.)

Thank you for your consideration...  I hope I haven't become one of those nagging sorts who just asks for more and more and more!  (I can hear myself muttering under my breath about the same sort in my BAT threads, and heaven forbid I become "that guy!"  :D)

Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!

Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


MMMmmm  8) 8)
oooohhh.. not the keyboard! Dead from drooling &dd
Sendona... Coming soon!



Well, that certainly answers my earlier question about FAR-FAR intersections very nicely. Thank you.


Even if you are becoming "that guy" Jon, which I don't think you are (then again, I'm not the one grinding out the pieces), keep it up, these are some great additions we've been getting. Speaking of the additions, great shot from the path creator David. From what (very) little I know about pathing, that looks very intuitive, and I think your estimate of a hour without it may be generous. Excellent work. Hope the steak turns out just as well, if not better.


It's another wonderful transit addition, courtesy of 3RR.  The intersections look great in the in-game pic.  If this is the kind of stuff you grill, you must be really good.  :D

Keep up the good work, David!   &apls
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Euro textures look magnificent, thanks a lot my friend!



...and here I was, wondering what I would be doing in my retirement (even though it's a long way off)...

David, with each new addition you make to the game, such as these new roads, it's longevity increases by leaps and bounds. Thanks for making it so.

Great work,


It looks like I have a bit of a respite, as the deadline I was working against was not quite as firm as I had thought.

So I'm going to sneak another FAR intersection under the wire.

That's one of Jon's (JBSimio) ideas- a good one!  Working on this and "work" work this afternoon.

* * *

Here, by the way, is a pic from my GRVII region showing the a couple of the new intersections at work.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


As impressives as the new intersectionsare at work, what caught my eye in your pic were the rails at the bottom right. If Nardo's rail tutorial is any indication, it looks like your planning a rail depot. Nice stuff David.


Nice "grid" David!   :D  I've been following Bordertown quite a bit lately, and I'll be very interested to see what the judges have to say about all your new additions!  As Matt said, the rails at the bottom of the picture are also very interesting.  I'm still playing around with the rail spur to West Bend, but I haven't found a way to make it work yet.  I may just need to start my FARR list soon...  ::)  The new interstection looks great and I am truly honored!!!


Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


Hey David, I'm sorry for not replying here more often my friend, but I want to say that your work is sooo incredible !!
Also, on this last picture, I've see that you have a translation between the diagonal road and the street, I can't do that, did you do it ?

Take care,
-Arthur.  :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Rock on!  I'm always up for more of these fantastic new road pieces.  Looking forward to playing with the finished products! 


Nice grid David. I like the railway station layout ;) even though it shows one more puzzlepiece to do ...


Impressive work! It'll be fun to play with these once they're out.
Come and check out my BATting works at:
Just_a_Guy's attempts at BATing


Dave the Builder, can we build it?

Dave the Builder... yes we can!



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


*brain sparks*

Buildings?  Oh, no, it can't be!  To think I would actually see the day, that...


*throws breaker, turns it back on*


Yes, it looks like a nice downtown much like most American small towns have.  By the way, where did you get that road texture?  I see some good work per the usual, David.


EDITFound it sneaking around my graphics program...

If I have to do urban areas, I'm going to do them the way I want- not the way the game wants
. -DE

Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.