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Commonwealth of Marathon

Started by thundercrack83, November 05, 2008, 02:08:19 PM

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Nice tutorial! :thumbsup:
Edit: congratulations on the 1500 comments! I actually didn't notice that until bat wrote this :)
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Nice work on that little tutorial there! And that picture looks really great! Nice cloud-effects! :thumbsup:
Congrats on over 1500 comments and over 42300 views! &apls


Man thanks again...but the photoshop that i have there is CS3 and i just can't do the things like the tutorials that i see on the web
the things on my PS is always different from the others  :'( ,but Good luck with marathon...
Tu és
Time de tradição,raça,amor e paixão,
Ó meu mengo...
Eu,sempre te amarei,
Onde estiver estarei
Ó meu mengo


Good tutorial, Dustin. I've often wondered how to achieve unrealistic effects but never took the time to experiment. Guess some are pretty easy, though, if you know which buttons to push.


KoV Liberty

Hey great photoshopping technique! Unfortunately I cannot use photoshop for SC4. Since I had a Virus (Trojan Horse  &cry2) it deleted my albums folder. Hopefully I will get it straightened out because you inspired me to make my own CJ (if I could  ;)). Also if I create a folder named "Albums" do you think it would work?


EDIT: Also where did you get the stadium on the end of the sports complex area? Not the Toyota Center the other one. Thanks!

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Excellent tutorial there Dustin, last time I wanted to make a picture of sunset with a day one, the result wasn't really great. But with the help of your tutorial, That's simply awesome !!  &apls
Can't wait to see more.

take care,
-Arthur.  :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Hey Dustin....where are you.
No updates for a two days now....I'm starting to shake and twitch.
Please....I need my fix.

::) :D

Robin  :)
Call me Robin, please.


Pat: Thanks, my friend! And, hey! Don't worry about missing stuff either. You've got a new machine that needs care, right? Good luck!

Robin (rooker1): Hey, Robin! Sorry to hear that you're still waiting on your computer, my friend. That's a tough thing to wait out! Thank you for your wonderful thoughts and your suggestion about the break in the buildings, too. I'll have to look into that! Hope all is well, Robin!

Jon (JBSimio): Hi, Jon! I'm so happy that you enjoyed our last teaser, my friend, as well as the Photoshop tutorial. Though, I don't think I'd call myself a "Master," though! Maybe "intermediate?" Thanks for stopping by!

io_bg: Thanks, my friend!

bat: Thank you so much, bat!

Luke (Luke09): No problem at all, Luke! I hope, though you have a different version of Photoshop, that you can get some use out of things! Take care!

Joan (Jmouse): Hey, Joan! Thanks so much, my friend. Pushing the right buttons is all it's about, I guess. I just hunted and pecked my way through until I figured things out. Hope the tutorial gives you some tips!

Alex (Driftmaster07): Thanks, Alex! I'm not sure if just making a new "Albums" folder will definitely work, but it would be the first thing that I would try. As for the stadium, that can be found here. It's in Japanese, but fairly easy to navigate. Just make sure you get the dependencies, though. Good luck!

Arthur (art128): Thanks, Arthur! I'm glad you were able to use the tutorial, my friend!

Robin (rooker1): Ha! It has been a bit of time, hasn't it? How this eases your twitching, Robin!

It's been a bit of a busy week for me. I spent yesterday afternoon in central Philadelphia, then the evening driving home, so I haven't gotten a whole lot of work done, but...

...we've getting somewhere...slowly.

More on the way!


Ahhhhhhh, I feel much better now.
Great pic, love the underpasses and the lottong of the building.  But I do hope you aren't finished it.  ;)
BTW...I got my computer back now and I'm waiting on something from you.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.

KoV Liberty

Cool! What is that building? Can't wait to find out!  ;D


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Dustin lovin that Macy's there wow!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Dustin, all good and worthwhile things take time. This is an enormous project which requires a lot of trial and error, but I'm sure the end result will be worth the wait. And it's OK to have a life outside of Marathon as long as it doesn't take up too much of your time! :D




Robin (rooker1): Hi, Robin! Whew! I'm glad that helped and that you feel better, my friend! Thanks for your very kind words!

Alex (Driftmaster07): Hey, Alex! The building is Macy's Department Store by seraf. Hope that helps!

Pat: Thanks! It's a great BAT, isn't it?

Joan (Jmouse): Hi, Joan! Thanks so much for your support, my friend. I don't want to rush things, but I don't want to drag my feet either. I think I've got a good pace, though. And you're right about having a life outside of Marathon, too—it does get in the way! Take care, Joan!

Our friend Robin (rooker1) said...

QuoteGreat pic, love the underpasses and the lottong of the building.  But I do hope you aren't finished it.   ;)

Ha! I was thinking about stopping there, Robin! But then, I thought...

...how about this!

I still have to finish up the diagonal section with a few smaller lots, but other than that, I think this section is on the books!

Oh, and I think there may be some news to come here soon...

In a bit!


Nice new lot there Dustin, I like the diagonal transition between these two texture. Also, the little garden (don't know how it's called in English) just in front of the building is a great touch of realism !  :thumbsup:
Looking forward to more.

Take care,
-Arthur.  :thumbsup:

BTW, congrats for your move to the HOF my friend, it's very deserved!
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Nice work on that details of the building! It looks great! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Wow, it's been a while since I've been here. Glad to see you're still keeping busy though. I like the photoshop tutorial on the previous page. I may have to see if I can mimic that somehow. At any rate, I think I know the news you are talking about, but for now I'll say great work on the previous stuff here (the area around the chapel is looking great). Take it easy Dustin.


Hey Dustin, its looking awesome as always :) Congratulations on the MD HoF appointmentship :) You really deserve it, and in such a short time too :o.

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Hello Dustin,
I knew you were going to do more, I was just teasing.
Fantasic work, I too like the garden in front, the diagonal base textures and....and....well, I like it all.  Although, it might be a good idea now to move over the bus station in front of that walk way to Macy's, along with the stair prop.  May look a little more realistic.  Add more buses and a lot of people waiting.  Maybe even a taxi stand.
These are just ideas that I'm spewing out......

Congrats on getting this awesome MD into the MD HoF!
Your MD will be exactly where it belongs....with the rest of the great ones.

Have fun! and I'll see ya around my friend.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Congratulations on making the MD HoF, Dustin!  You have most definitely earned this honor with all of your hard work and dedication.  That divided avenue has been done quite well, and the Macy's store and the surrounding lots are very nice as well.  Good job, Dustin!  You have earned a double round of applause.

&apls &apls
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Congratulations Dustin!  &apls

Now our MD HoF group is even stronger! I hope you will continue your work for a long time, it is a real source of inspiration for a lot of people!  :thumbsup:

New Horizons Productions
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