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General BAT Tutorial for newbies

Started by HabLeUrG, April 03, 2007, 10:40:54 PM

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Hey!  ;D

Tutorial 1:
Ive made a very simple tutorial for newbies (no ofence) this is if you dont understand tutorials for BATs, i made this simple by a big image that will follow you in each step at modelating, texturing, lighting, etc...

view here the big image tutorial!
(please wait for the image to load, image size: 5175x5471)
hope you find usefull this tutorial! and tell us if you really really learned  ;)
Any question about this tutorial or in bating, just ask here, dont be shy  :)

edit: Please follow the steps by the way and some tips (always look around of the image) follow the step and the letters a, b, c, d, e, etc for get the correct process

Soon a other small tutorial for edit mesh, making small details and other modelating tricks!  ;)


Tutorial 2: edit mesh, making small details and modelating tricks...
before to follow this tutorial please watch the first one

view here the big image tutorial!
after finishing and understand all tutorial now you should know the basics for make a BAT, try making your first creation soon!  :thumbsup:

anything you need or any help post in here...

soon a last 3rd tutorial  :)


While I wait for the first pic to download...  ::) ... , I want to thank you for trying to make life easier for all the members interested in learning to BAT  :thumbsup:
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

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thanks jeronij!  ;D

Tutorial 3: this tutorial will explain you how to make a building, (you need to know every step from the tutorial 1 and 2 for follow this one) this will show you some more tricks for make your building and will allow you to make your first building for SC4!...

view here the big image tutorial!

if you understand every step from every tutorial then you are ready for make BATs for sim city and share it to all!

Welcome BAtter!  :) &apls


HableUrG &apls..... many thanks to you..... this is what i call a GREAT TUTORIAL!!! Simple, full pics... and Understandable!!! Is there any tutorial more?? i'll bee waiting for them!!! Go Go HableUrG!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

please wait for my return :D
-AsianEvolusioner AKA Sarungman


HELLO!!! i would like to thank you for that. when i get home, i will go and try that process out. and while i'm here waiting for the picture,

do you have any idea on how to make a container ship? i cant find one that fits the bill for me so i want to try making one. can you help? please? lol


Thanks so much for this. I have tried to bat many times but find the tutorials on other sites just a bit much. this looks easy to understand and shall give it a go pretty soon.

Kettle's on mate :thumbsup:

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
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thanks to everybody  ;)

Special tutorial: night lightings, this will follow you in making night lightings and make you understand how it works...

this tutorial was requested by derek, that he really learned from this tutorials  :thumbsup: &apls

for follow this tutorial you need to know tutorial 1, 2 and 3...

View here the tutorial!

enjoy! if you need a better explanation about something, just ask and I make you a tutorial!   ;D


Nice work Hableurg! I think I'll take a shot at some of this sometime soon, my work using Skethcup is not working well in GMAX.  :angrymore:


I've downloaded the tutorial images and think I might just give it a go! I would like to make the Southern African Rondawels, and this will be very useful!

Thank you very much for the time and effort put into this, and of course, for sharing it with me, and us.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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freedo50: hope you do! anything else you need just ask, no problem  ;)

M4346: no problem thanks to you for watching the tutorials  ;D I cant wait what u do in batting  :thumbsup:

general: if you can understand something "basic" in bat you can request here for a tutorial like those..  ;) dont be shy and ask!  :)


Hi im with your tutorial, but I have one problem,I build exactly the same as in the tutorial, however I can't add texture with the biggest central block..




I spend hours trying a few weeks ago and finaly gave up after only being able to make some shapes and move them and gave up.  ???
Just 40 minutes ago I downloaded the first tutorial, shaped something that looks like a house[see picture] and even put some texture on it.  :thumbsup:


It's not so much how it looks it's more like getting the hang of how things work.  ;)
Oh, I did put texture on the door before seeing the step about handling doors and I couldn't find how to undo that as there is no way to put texture on texture.
Same for the purple cube, I made it transparent, wich I can't seem to cover with texture or undo the transparancy.

Thanks for this tutorial Heblem.  :thumbsup:


Where can i download B.A.T. for my simcity?  simcity4.com sends me to another website that says they dont have it, i really want it  ()sad()   and i have Gmax already

any help?  :) &hlp


The Building Architecture Tool can be found here at SC4D. Take a look at Maxis Support Files.


I have a dream... building an Amarrian city (from the sci-fi Eve Online), which means basically an all-new set of custom-made buildings.

I have a problem...zero experience at this, and zero ability to follow written tutorials, I need to be SHOWN stuff, the more the better. And I find video distracting, having to constantly pause and restart as I try to follow along.

This image tutorial is hands down my favorite of the several I've looked at over several websites. I know it's several years old by now but I wanted the author to know that his (her?) efforts continue to be useful and appreciated, so please keep the images online for others!


I wholeheartedly agree, I'm just a couple months into BATting and these tutes helped me a lot as well :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Great tutorial  :thumbsup:
btw, how did you get the image of the door on the door?



Hey HabLeUrG,

Just wanted to say well done! I've been looking everywhere for a nice, simple tutorial to explain the basics of BAT-ing for AGES and haven't been able to find one...until now. It's nice to know there's SOMEONE who can be bothered to take the time to make something like this.

Thanks again,



Thanks very much for this tutorial. &apls &apls :thumbsup: Cause of you , i will give a chance to the bat again. Maybe one day i will do my first box :D