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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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I've just completed another Path Fix for the RHW, Version 3.24, which is attached below.  It primarily fixes some issues with the One-Way Road and Elevated One-Way Road intersections with MIS Ramps. 

Thanks to Karsten (Schleicher68) for pointing them out!

Just unzip this file to your Plugins\Network Addon Mod\Rural Highway Mod folder.  All previous Version 3.2-era path fix patches are incorporated into this release, so you don't need to go searching for those if you have them already.  You do not need to worry about deleting any old path fixes you may have, as this one will load after.



Now I can hopefully build those "budget motorways", thanks riiga  &apls


Quote from: riiga on July 18, 2009, 09:07:59 AM
I had a go at creating textures for the RHW-3, based on this road just outside my hometown:

Here's the result:

2 tiles (with space for a barrier)

and 1 tile (no barrier)

- riiga
I think this should be on this page, too! Great job, riiga! :thumbsup:
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Look what we've got here:

The texture for a RHW-3 Lane Shift (with stubs, so the actual size is 1x3)


Here's a RHW-3 to RHW-2 transition (with stubs, actual size is 1x3)

- riiga


thats looking awesome Rigga, how about a RHW2->3 and a RHW4->3 ?

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms

KoV Liberty

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.

Ramona Brie

I always thought the RHW-3 would have one lane in each direction plus a suicide lane (inside turn lane used by each direction of traffic):

(Not to scale, not actual textures)


To all of the modders,

Excellent work you guys are doing. Eventually we will enjoy playing the game when we get new mem and a hard drive. You all have peaked our interest in RHW's. ()borg()

L i s t e n  T o  O u r  F a m o u s  T h e m e
http://www.supload.com/listen?s=PVfnXk">We Are Borg


@Tracker. I would probably want to call that a medianised RHW-2. Which could possibly be made too. I might would very much like to work on textures for it.

Today I worked on newer, better, bigger (seriously, they're HD) textures for the RHW-2 system: We have a Roundabout, a 4 way Intersection
and an all new T-Intersection

I was also thinking about basic textures:

These are the main types of markings we would see here in NZ as well as the double yellow lines, and I was wondering if it was possible to use one tile as a transition, and starter piece with two different overrides at the ends? This would allow easy transitions. Wide Radius Curves would not usually need to be retextured as yellow lines mean no passing, which is often the case around bends. As I see it only the Ortho, diag, 45 degree and 90 degree pieces as well as X and T intersections would need to be made and overridden. I do, however still realise the enormity of the amount of work that this would require.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


joelyboy, absolutely fantastic work here!   :thumbsup:  Those textures are just stunning, and I'm sure the Kiwis out there will be glad to see NZ RHW textures.  To answer your question about the different striping patterns, what I implemented in the first Alpha Build for RHW Version 4 was a series of "cosmetic" RHW-2 puzzle pieces, similar to the NAM Rural Roads Plugin that David (dedgren) released back in March. 

That appears to be the most feasible way, at least for right now.  There are a limited number of "false intersections" for starter pieces available, and I've still got a few other new RHW networks planned.

And riiga, those textures are absolutely fantastic, too--I'm very impressed.  :thumbsup:

I'm absolutely ecstatic to see so many folks eager to create new textures and RHW content--it's kind of how I always envisioned things.  I'm planning to continue doing what I did with the new HD RHW-2 orthogonal texture and let more of those out, since it seems to have had such a positive result.  Keep an eye out here. ;)



I was also wondering if you've ever seen anything like that T-Intersection in the US? And could you also upload or send to me the diagonal updated RHW-2 Texture. Mostly I want to make the diagonal entrances for the roundabout, however, if the road is exactly the same width (is it?) I suppose that could be acieved by rotating the present texture. As for the puzzle pieces for centre line variability there could some sort of optionality, perhaps there are two puzzle pieces and any two from whatever selection can be chosen. So, I as a kiwi, can choose the two I created, but Driftmaster as an American can choose the types you just showed. Others could be submitted.

SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


Quote from: joelyboy911 on July 18, 2009, 11:01:22 PM
I was also wondering if you've ever seen anything like that T-Intersection in the US?

I can't think of an example off the top of my head at the moment, but it looks familiar--I'm sure there probably is at least one over here.

I've attached the new RHW-2 diagonal below, too.

And as far as your thought on the center line pieces, basically, that's it exactly.  It would work just like the Rail Viaduct options or the various texture replacement mods (like the Euro mod) out there.


Edit:  Is that . . . what it appears to be?!


QuoteEdit:  Is that . . . what it appears to be?!
Superb!!!! :o
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Cool. I'm about to update the roundabout now.

EDIT: Here we go:

Please, Click for the full resolution.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


Alex, thanks for the path fix (the next time I'll flip the paths instead of mirroring the models). Also, great work on those textures, joelyboy911 and riiga. They look amazing.


I'm not really sure if I should redo all my previous work as HD, or just make my textures HD from now on? Or maybe stick to SD?  &Thk/(
What difference does it make?

- riiga


Well, when you're using HD textures there's more detail in zoom level 5 and 6 than when you're using SD textures. Also, at zoom level 6 your textures will look much better when you're using HD textures instead of SD textures.

HD textures have a resolution of 256 x 256 pixels and SD textures have a resolution of 128 x 128 pixels. That means that a HD texture (256 x 256 pixels) has 4 times more pixels than a SD texture. So, when you're making HD textures, this will take 4 times more time than making SD textures.

If you decide to redo all your work as HD, please notice that there will be a visible difference in quality between your (HD) textures and the other (SD) European textures for the RHW Mod. For the best results, the other European textures should also be redone as HD. I don't know who is going to do this, but I can tell you one thing: redoing the other European textures as HD is very much work.
Edit ends

I hope this answers your questions.


So, here's my first HD texture:

The RHW-2

And surprise, surprise! The Euro version of joelyboy911's T-intersection

(click for larger image)

Here's a version without sliplanes

By request from metasmurf, I made this single tile four lane highway. However, I doubt that it'll be implemented..

- riiga



What is a SPUI? I only now that word being a street somewhere in the Netherlands, I don't remember which city.
I assume you mean that it is some sort of diamond interchange, because that is what it looks like.
