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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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Quote from: z on July 17, 2009, 01:49:12 PMThe first way, which is probably the simplest, involves first taking the building in question and making it another prop on the lot.  I believe that this can always be done, although this is at the edge of my current knowledge.  The slot in the building exemplar that was formerly used to specify the building would then contain an RKT3 property that would point to the sign.  The advantage of this method is that the civic building would then show up in the new Zones view, which is available in the latest NAM.
I really really like the sound of this :) you guys have some awesome ideas :)

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


In theory , what you've described doesn't seem that difficult. The main issue would be updating lots. I had asked about a specific "trigger"exemplar to do something similar, just not exactly how the RTMT was done , and was told that there was not one. So, after thinking and seeing your post , I figured I'd shoot you that question. I will check out the link later. Thanks again!


So, welcome to page 420...anyone know what time it is (old stoner joke, sorry)?

David, it seems I am ever going off topic here, so I'll stay with what has probably become expected and do so once again.

I have been looking at options for ploppable water and water mods, hoping to find a combo that will allow a decent transition between sea level and plopped water...and am still looking.  Right now I have the Edmonton v2 water mod installed and am not liking it much, but because I also finally downloaded and installed the Edmonton Mayor Mode water plob tile I thought maybe usung the "matched set" would work for game/plop water transitions.  It doesn't (at least not to my satisfaction).  I like the rapids and waterfalls you created for the Edmonton water plop but my game is having issues with using them in that if I lay the plop water tiles first, your rapids/waterfall tiles, when plopped over them, erase them.  I am able to go back and infill somewhat, but still end up with grassy spots in the middle of my streams.  I have also downloaded PEG's PPond kit, so I guess I could go back and infill the grassy areas with small rocks, haven't tried that yet, but just was wondering if maybe I've got some plug-in conflicts I am unaware of that would make your tiles malfunction.

I am loving the PPond kit and know I am going to use it extensively.  Not terribly fond of the grey tone of the Tahoe water plop, but liking the 1/4 cell tile quite a bit, even if it doesn't show up in zoom outs.  It doesn't have the transperancy jeronij's plop water has, which I really like, nor can I use your rapids tiles with it.  It also fades nicely when it meets game water.  I had removed PEG's "Brigantine" water mod, thinking it too slatey for central CA Ocean/SF Bay but it's possible the Tahoe plop water will fade better into a PEG water mod than any other.  I am going to download the other PEG water mods and see if they work any better, because I really do like the PEG water mods best of all I've seen so far.  It's just finding one that works with a plop water...

I also downloaded dogfight's water mods, all three of which were developed to match jeronij's transparent water plops but found they didn't in shallow water transitions, which is what usually is the case when a creek or river meets the sea.  Especially in the far reaches of a large todal bay like SF.  I by far like jeronij's plop water best, the blue version, but I like the fact that I have the option of a greener version as well as a muddy brown version and don;t have to switch water mods to use all three.  Also love the 1/2 cell tile (again, even if it doesn't show up in far zoom outs). 

I'll keep playing around and see what I can come up with.  Right now all my river/sea interfaces are extremely shallow, which makes the game water very light, almost white, regardless of whether or not I have a water mod installed.  I am giving thought to lowering sea level, digging deep channels/cliffs along my river banks, then raising sea level back to usual, just to get the color of the game water and the plop water to  be closer to matching each other.  Underwater terraforming, if you will.  Most rivers actually have deep water channels flowing out to sea, so this may be the way to go.

Just chiming in...


I forgot to add when I posted this last night that I remember seeing someplace a nearly seamless transition of plop water to game water, but I don't remember now where I saw it.  Can anyone refresh my memory? 

David, I also wanted to ask about your Water Table lots, whether they use the Edmonton Water texture.  I think I am planning to use the Water Table lots for lakes and ponds rather than plopping individual tiles, but if your lots are Edmonton dependent and I decide to use a different plop water, that could scotch that idea.


Greetings from beautiful Valdez, Alaska!

There's a bit of a story here- a couple of years ago Heather's mother gave us a fairly decrepit mini tow-behind camper after my sweetie's step-dad died.

The tip-out canvas covers were mildewed and rotten (a product of being used for most of a decade around Memphis, Tennessee, where the humidity is always turned up to 11) and there was a lot of other work that needed to be done to it.  So, after gracing a corner of our yard for several years, we decided to fix it up, and received it back from our local repair shop just before we took off to see the boys.  This, then, was the maiden voyage.

We figured since the weather had been so nice in south-central Alaska this summer Valdez (pronounced "Val-deez", as in "Exxon Valdez") would be a nice spot to head for the weekend.  The mountains rise straight up from the water here and the Valdez Arm of the Prince William Sound is spectacular.

And this is what it's been like since we arrived Friday.

Those are beautiful mountains covered with cascades (behind the clouds, anyway- you'll have to take my word for it).  The current weather forecast...

Ah, well...  at least one of us is a happy camper.

We're headed home this afternoon.  I'll post tonight and show you what I've been working on.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren

Ryan B.

David, what are license plates from Alaska looking like these days?  I remember the old blue on yellow ones.

I ask because I saw Alaska truck plates at the truck stop a few months ago.

EDITRyan, a blank of the current one, which celebrates 50 years of statehood.

and a sample.


OP EDITThanks very much, David!  -Ryan


Murphy's Law is hard at work, I see.  $%Grinno$%

Hope you enjoyed your little break, anyway! Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us this time.  :)


I wish the weather was like that where I live. We get lots of rain during the summer but it's always hot.

Bad weather for camping though. But just getting out of the normal rutine of life is fun I guess. I hope you had a good time there!
Come and check out my BATting works at:
Just_a_Guy's attempts at BATing


Did you say Memphis, TN? But what is humidity level "11"? ::) I've traveled quite a bit across the states but my hometown is the only place that I've been to that can cause you to be completly soaked by just standing outside... :-[


That's "11" on a scale of 1 to 10.   ;D


Again I am totally OT, but I lived in Champaign, IL for about 6 months back in the mid-70's.  It's a farm town, nothing but corn for hundreds of miles in any direction, gently rolling prairie which to my eyes looked flat as a pancake after years of living in coastal SoCal. 

The humidity was like nothing I had ever experienced.  I had air conditioning in my tiny apartment, which I kept on 24/7 once the warm weather hit.  My mailbox was was just outside my door and in the afternoons, after the mail had been delivered, I would open my door a crack, snake my arm out to grab what mail I had recieved, and quickly pull the mail back into the cool interior of my apartment.  In that short few seconds of being out of doors, my lower arm would be covered with a fine dewy layer of moisture as I pulled it back inside...that's how intense the humidity was. 

The days were murder, sometimes literally as folks dropped dead on the sidewalk from time to time.  But the evenings were very nice.  The temps would cool down 20 degrees or so, slowly, the fireflies would come out and dance, and folks who hide indoors all day would come out to stroll in the evening coolness.  There had usually been a daily thunderstorm, with attendant tornandoes in the area, so while humidity was still very high, the whole world smelled fresh and clean...and like newly washed corn. 



I question for ya David hows the Internet Access in most of Alaska ()what(), is it strong , weak, ?  Nice Photos btw  :thumbsup:


For those who are interested in the transit station highlighting I mentioned a few days ago, it is now finished, and you can read all about it in this post, which is full of pretty pictures. :)


QuoteWe're headed home this afternoon.  I'll post tonight and show you what I've been working on.

That was 3 days ago....Should we start sending out rescuers to find David?  ;D

Quote from: z on July 22, 2009, 03:29:14 AM
For those who are interested in the transit station highlighting I mentioned a few days ago, it is now finished, and you can read all about it in this post, which is full of pretty pictures. :)

Amazing work ...can't wait to see the "secrets"and to find out if my crazy convoluted idea could work!

You know...I've been thinking that 3RR should have a logo or something...I put this together , and I know its not perfect...but maybe someone would get inspired to do something?

Maybe make a banner?



OT once again, so sorry.  I would like to post on the "Brainbusters" forum board here on SC4D a new thread about PW/game water transitions but the main forums page explains that new topics to that forum board must be approved by a moderator before being posted.  Problem is, no moderators are listed, so how does one gain permission to open a new topic of discussion? 



Lora, strange thing is you are a Moderator , but I'm not and had no issue being able to start a new topic:



Can you also post the topic, or is the typing area the furthest one can go, without permission?



moin everybody,

to dedgren: have a nice trip in valdez!

QuoteYou know...I've been thinking that 3RR should have a logo or something...I put this together , and I know its not perfect...but maybe someone would get inspired to do something?
sounds good to me, mate! and you've done one allredy, what looks quite interisting!  :thumbsup: ... why not making a kind of competition throughout SC4D, where in the end everybody can vote for there favorite ...
hey, ... that was just a thought ...  ;D



Hope the trip went well David. Looking forward to hearing how everything went (and if you saw some sun).

Quote from: ldvger on July 22, 2009, 08:04:02 PM
OT once again, so sorry.  I would like to post on the "Brainbusters" forum board here on SC4D a new thread about PW/game water transitions but the main forums page explains that new topics to that forum board must be approved by a moderator before being posted.  Problem is, no moderators are listed, so how does one gain permission to open a new topic of discussion? 


Lora, is it just that you can't post a new topic (something prevents you) or are you just wondering who to contact? If it's the latter, a PM to basically any global mod or above should work. Just include the basics (or even better the actual first post).



QuoteLora, strange thing is you are a Moderator , but I'm not and had no issue being able to start a new topic:

Well, I am a moderator here on THIS board, 3RR, but does that make me a moderator for ALL boards?  I have no idea. 

QuoteLora, is it just that you can't post a new topic (something prevents you) or are you just wondering who to contact? If it's the latter, a PM to basically any global mod or above should work. Just include the basics (or even better the actual first post).

Well, I am pretty sure a few nights ago I tried to post a new thread to the BrainBusters forum.  I seem to recall selecting "New Topic" and typing a post and then hitting Reply.  Now, I'm not 100% positive I hit Reply...it was late at night and I'd had a couple of glasses of wine and I have "lost" posts before under similar circumstances.  Regardless, when I checked back the next day to see if anyone had responded to my new thread, the thread wasn't listed as a topic on the board.  That's when I read the fine print that said I needed to have a moderator's permission to start a new thread/topic of discussion.  I have not attempted to create a new thread again since then because I figured that, if I had hit Reply, the thread I had created had been removed by one of the mysterious moderators because it was posted without permission. 

So.  sithlrd98 says he was able to start a new topic without problems, maybe I just hit the wrong button when I tried to do the same.  I'll try again, maybe this is all a tempest in a teapot over a wine-induced error on my part.  Wouldn't be the first time, probably won't be the last...



Well , I was able to go through the motions of starting a new thread...I don't have any "Brainbusters" to talk about...well some , but I usually just wait and see!
