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Spa's Atlantic Retreat

Started by spa, February 25, 2007, 01:13:45 AM

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Thanks everyone. Just incase you missed them, Foreign Affair, Mills Brothers and Winsbys are all now available on the LEX. Just a few replies for now.

Cammo2003: Thanks. Although I didn't reply here promptly I took your suggestion (one of the BSC guys said the same thing on the BSC board) and added some "noise" to the wall texture. On the final released version, if you look closely you can make out what would appear to be smudges or cracks in the plaster. The purple roof though stayed. I kind of like the shade I got it too and I after spending hours making that roof texture and then fiddling with it I had hit the limit. Thanks for your suggestions :)
Cali: Thanks for the suggestion. I actually deliberately left the bottom floor rather windowless figuring that the apartments on the top floors would have more windows while the bottom floor would be storage space for the store. About the lot, I personally like the w2ws so I didn't include a wrap-around sidewalk. Feel free though to use the lot editor to make it yourself if you want. Thanks for the suggestion.
Jacqulina: Thanks
Rooker1: Thanks. I'm glad it fell on the positive side of things.


Glad to be of help!  :) Having now used it in game, it's a great BAT and will probably become a focal point of a few smaller districts in my cities. And the purple roof has grown on me, I'll have to admit.  ;) I thought it'd stand out a bit in-game, but it turned out fine. I haven't really made a close inspection of the building yet, so I'll do that shortly (I'm in-game as I type - I can actually run the game windowed on this computer!


Cammo2003: Thanks. I hope you get some use out of it. I need to remember to play the game now and then myself (it can be tought to remember sometime between batting, school, my other games and life in general).

So I haven't been around for the last little while. I had a big school project and a paper due but they're both done now. Still one big paper left but it's not due until mid-April. So I have had time to go back into the bat. I have dusted off the Sovereign Building and done some more tinkering with it. Below is where it is now

Most of my time went into tinkering with all that brick texture. Still might lighten the area between the 3rd and 4th rows of windows but otherwise I think I'm done with it. There are also, of course, still lots of little details to do. The ground floor needs some grated windows and doors for the sides and back and the roof needs to be done. Still, this one is coming along and it should all be fairly routine. This could be ready for BSC internal packaging and testing shortly.


I really like this kind of building.  I can't wait for you to add the roof junk.  What does the front look like?
Great work!

Robin   :thumbsup: &apls
Call me Robin, please.


Robin: Thanks! I did post a picture of the front on the previous page but the building didn't yet have a back or sides. Here's what the front looks like with everything enclosed.


That's perfect, thanks.

Robin   ()stsfd()
Call me Robin, please.


wonderful pictures of this building, spa! :thumbsup:


Rooker: Thanks
Bat: Thanks

Well school is manageable again so I have been picking away at the Sovereign Building and it's now very close to finished. Below are some pics.

All and all I don't think it turned out too bad. Since the last update, besides adding all sorts of little details, I changed the ducting to a more greyish and less blue colour. The window textures saw some significant work too as did the stone window sills. The only thing that I'm not entirely pleased with right now is the roof colour. I like the texture and the dark and light spots, but I'm not sure about the colour shade. The dark ashfault like colour goes well with the brick, but I find it doesn't look so great on the front view next to the stone facade. I'm thinking of adjusting it to a more beige version along the lines of what I used on the roof of my TD Bank.

Anyway, there's going to be one more render at least before I hand this over to Barby so there is still time for any last minute suggestions.

Sim Shady

one thing, seeing this is a w2w style, how deep are you setting it?  Like, will it match up with jbsimio's stuff, something else, or is it just random?

btw, the building looks fabulous  :)


Dude... that looks awesome.

I just noticed this thread!  And I have to say being a member of the GTA.... I cant wait till that CBC building is done.  Do you have any recent updates on that one?  Im eagerly awaiting that one!  I have downloaded Simcoe Place and Roy Thompson Hall by 698.... what ever his number is!  This will fit right next door :P
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Great looking building.  Will you add some garbage stuff in the back?  I love the duct work!!

Robin    :thumbsup: &apls
Call me Robin, please.


Just a few replies today. Haven't had much time to bat lately as I have had to start paying attention to school again.

Sim Shady: Well with this one it's kind of just a random setting based on the real world building. It is 3 tiles deep which means it won't connect with the small town set (it doesn't really fit anyway because it's such a big building). That said, I could see someone getting creative and using the small town set around this so the alley textures are the same concrete as JB used.
JP: Thanks. I haven't updated the CBC in quite a while... mainly because I haven't done anything in weeks. It's such a big project and I was getting burned out so I needed to take a breather. I did put the complicated roof on, however, before I took a break (no texturing so I don't have a picture yet) so what's left is the roof details and some texture detailing here and there. Still a hefty bit of work given the size of the building but I do feel confident that I will finish it by the end of the summer at the latest.
Robin: Thanks. When it's time to fine tune the lot I'll add some garbage along the very edges. Not too much mind you, just enough for that alley feel.


I don't mean to bump my own thread but since my last post was just replies I'll quickly show you all what I have been up to over the last few days. I haven't had that much time to bat as I'm trying to get a law paper on restrictive covenants off the ground in just a few days (due Thursday 15-20 pages double spaced). No time for anything big and demanding so I started two small projects, one of which is ready for a preliminary viewing. Below is a picture of the real building.

It's a two storey commercial office building from the Dartmouth side of Halifax Harbour. It's home to ABL Environmental Consultants. ABL is an engineering firm that specializes in waste water (they mainly design sewage treatment plants). Batting this building now kind of came about as a favour to the old man. He and two other engineers founded ABL a decade ago and it has grown to support 10 employees. I know my dad will get a kick out of seeing his office in Sim City. Anyway, below is a picture of what I have done so far.

It's really just a small little bat, but it should fit in with the other small town stuff and might even broaden the set a little since this is a more modern building that will grow on the Houston tile set. Still a fair bit of cleaning up and little details to do. Electrical wiring, roof junk, eaves trough and some texturing all need work, but it's coming along.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll have much time to work on this in the coming days but I'll update again if I do.


Quote from: spa on March 29, 2007, 09:08:52 PM
Cammo2003: Thanks. I hope you get some use out of it. I need to remember to play the game now and then myself (it can be tought to remember sometime between batting, school, my other games and life in general).

So I haven't been around for the last little while. I had a big school project and a paper due but they're both done now. Still one big paper left but it's not due until mid-April. So I have had time to go back into the bat. I have dusted off the Sovereign Building and done some more tinkering with it. Below is where it is now

Most of my time went into tinkering with all that brick texture. Still might lighten the area between the 3rd and 4th rows of windows but otherwise I think I'm done with it. There are also, of course, still lots of little details to do. The ground floor needs some grated windows and doors for the sides and back and the roof needs to be done. Still, this one is coming along and it should all be fairly routine. This could be ready for BSC internal packaging and testing shortly.

I don't know what it is, but those side and back windows look rather large for side and back windows. Looks fine on the front, though. Loving the textures, though (particularly that brick texture, the effort shows).

The new new one looks pretty close to ready to me, heh, are you going to plonk an aircon on the roof like the actual building?  :D


i agree with cammo about the windows, very rarely do buildings of that type have the same windows front back and sides as for the new one it looks great.
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Cammo: The side and back windows are the exact same size as the front. There is just less stuff to distract the eye with :) You're right though, the windows are a little on the large side. That's deliberate here as this building is notable for it's very large windows.
Mightygoose: Thanks. As I mentioned though abouve to Cammo, this building doesn't fit the typical mode. It has large windows and no parapet.

Well, it has been a while since I updated. The school rush ate up most of my time and then the day school finished I had to head out to my parents place to house sit for the week while they were in Cuba. Dial up internet out there meant I didn't log in all that much. I did however make some batting progress on their computer. I have a few new Halifax buildings underway, four in fact. All four are 1x2s and are high wealth. Should help further broaden the small town set since most of the existing North American 1x2s are medium wealth. Anyway, below is a real life photo of one of my newest projects.

The Galleria is a high-end craft and furniture store on Halifax's Gottingen Street. I pass by it on the bus every day on my way to school. It's a really odd building in that it's high-end and it's located on Gottingen Street. Gottingen Street was once Halifax's main retail strip, but it has gone down hill sharply since the 1950s. It's now, generally, a street of vacant storefronts, abandoned lots, public housing and social agencies. There have been signs of life lately though as the artists have begun colonizing the area. The Galleria may be among the vanguard of a Gottingen Street renaissance... or maybe not. The jury is still out on Gottingen's future.

And this is my version:

Over all I like how this one turned out. It's a really simple model (most of the time in this one went into making the back stairway), but I think the pieces fit together well. Unless there are any suggestions I'll send this one on to the BSC testing and packaging phase. I'll probably update again tomorrow with pictures of another nearly completed bat (I'm texturing right now).


I see you skipped the half arsed fire-wall it had :thumbsup:

looks better though, woulda look strange with some firewall with rests from an other building not hanging out there :P



Good model. I like the blue texture. These small commercials are always welcome  :thumbsup:
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If you need some inspiration, i took a picture of a building in my hometown that might be suiting to your style :)