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Avenue Railroad Crossings

Started by Frankie, April 07, 2007, 09:02:22 AM

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Well, I was playing SC4 the other day, when I realized, I hate wig-wag style crossing gates. They are cool for older cities from the 1930's-1950's, but not for those of us with modern cities. Here's what I went for:

It looks good for urban areas no?

Here's what I got:

Fukuda was kind enough to mod the test models for me:

and now it looks like:

I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on how to make it better, or any other criticisms you may have (feel free to be as critical as you want, I want to hear it). I'm still a BAT beginner though, so have a little mercy :P

I have absolutely no idea how to animate, so I just made the lights static, same with a crossing gate if I do add one eventually.

Let me know what you think.




those crossing arms are looking pretty good.  I've seen (have) a mod that changes those wig-wags into the regular crossing gates, and I'm pretty sure that you could make those show up on RR crossings.

One suggestion: add in a gate.  No need to animate it, but it would add to the already excellent model you've produced.

Great work!  I'll be keeping an eye on this  :thumbsup:
You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


Looks good to me
Maybe you can put an underground passage for sims ?

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Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


Great start Frankie! Now from the depths of my memory...

In the RHW thread on ST someone had made AMAZING models and there were plans to have them as Type 21's on the RHW. Unfortunately, I don't remember what happened to the project. I'd say its around page 35 or so if you want to check it out.

Good luck.



Meinhosen: I too have seen such a mod. However, usually busy city crossings have the gantry too  :thumbsup:

wouanagaine: please elaborate, do you mean a small pedestrian tunnel?

BigSlark: lol, I was posting an update when you posted. I recall pics on the RHW thread of these such gantrys, however I made my own anyway. I will look at the thread, if you find them first, feel free to post pics here :P If the models are still floating about, then they can modded onto the avenue network tile.

Anyway, i made some gates, static of course, but they are gates none the less. Besides, most SC4 tracks are more empty than occupied anyway :P

I hope it's what you meant, meinhosen.

Now, with that, I believe these are already finished, they still seem to be missing something though...



Check my MD:               


sebes: Thanks!

Oh, and progress:

Here's what I have (with thanks to fukuda for modding them :) )

They also look quite good in a suburban setting:

Well, what do you all think?


Signature comming soon


Frankie- I hadn't realized these were missing, you are so right! They look great- good job &apls


I agree Frankie, I think this is excellent - great job!


it is very nice, but shouldn't there be a striped bar that extends out when a train is coming, so the cars don't just drive out in front of the railcars? :P



BAT models can't be animated. They are fixed (static) models.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


Frankie, the models are looking really nice and eye-candy. I like them. How do you plan to release them?. A TE lot?, a mod that replaces all the rail/avenue intersections?, just curiosity  ::)
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Shadow Assassin

QuoteBAT models can't be animated. They are fixed (static) models.

However, there is a way, but it involves rendering multiple models (ie. gate up, gate down - lights flashing), and putting them as an animation.
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
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I'll go ahead and make some quick responses:

derek_pearce: thanks!

EDGE4194: i couldn't help but notice they were missing! lol

Bobbo: Thank You! Took a bit of work getting these right, especially with the scaling issue  &mmm but I think they turned out quite well  ;D

Gecko: Well I did include the gates, in the upright position, animation is not exactly easy...(for me anyway)

Swamper77: Well they can be to an extent, but it is no easy process

jeronij: Thanks, i'm glad you like these :) I plan to release them as a mod, completely replacing the default rail/avenue intersections  :thumbsup:

Shadow Assassin: Indeed, and rendering that many models is a slow and painful process, especially if one wanted to make it look good.

Currently trying to work out some kinks in the modding, should see some updates soon if all goes well.


That is looking very great, Frankie! :thumbsup:


The only problem with a mod, is that all will be replaced. These wouldn't look right in the rural/farming areas. I would like to use these but only in the urban areas and only for more more modern time periods. A TE lot would make it easier to control where they appear- just a suggestion...  :)


Release these NOW!

now i say! nooowwwww!


I wouldnt mind a mod converting all crossings to this type, though I understand some would want a TE lot
War Kittens !?


Quote from: EDGE4194 on April 09, 2007, 04:58:51 AM
The only problem with a mod, is that all will be replaced. These wouldn't look right in the rural/farming areas. I would like to use these but only in the urban areas and only for more more modern time periods. A TE lot would make it easier to control where they appear- just a suggestion...  :)

Actually, Network Tiles (which are what the Type 21 exemplars are) can be defined for specific zones and wealth levels. So a separate version will need to be created to not replace every instance of the avenue railroad crossings with the new gantries.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


Very nice Frankie...It's great... :thumbsup:
