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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Joel, it sounds to me like you've run into the infamous "sinkhole" issue.  It's a RUL-related issue having to do with how the CheckTypes are set up on that piece.  It's on my list, though I haven't gotten around to it yet.

And kings_niners, good question.  More left exits are planned.  I can't say for certain whether those will be in Version 4, but it's a possibility.  Especially given that there's been some interesting developments in ramp interface technology lately . . .



Infamous? I've never heard of it before..... Is it confined to the LHD version of the mod?

Anyway, I can get around it fairly easily so it'll be alright.

Also, I was wondering, I think I may have suggested it somewhere else, but is anyone planning a MIS ramp to connect to maxis ground highway?
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian

Ramona Brie

No, it's not just an LHD issue. My game is RHD and I ran into it.


Hey tarkus, for some reason I'm unable to download the new update for June 21st, 2009. When I click on it, it gives me another window but no place to download from.
Your Friend;
Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation!)


Do you have a seperate LEX login? If it's a path fix, it will be attached to the bottom of the post!
Sendona... Coming soon!


i love to see a inside version of the c ramp and a rhw 10 split  into 6c and 4
Live YOUR life


Erm...Alex, I can't download attachments due to the group I'm in. Got a Rapidshare link or something for that Pathfix?

Check your PMs. ;-) -Alex



I encountered a problem with building rail overpasses over the RHW-6. I found the puzzle piece in the railroad menu, but no matter how I try it won't let me build the overpass. First, I tried to plop the puzzle piece over the existing RHW-6, but it wont align with the existing RHW. Then I tried to put the puzzle piece first and then connect the RHW-6 by dragging it towards the puzzle piece - but the RHW wont connect to the puzzle piece.

I tried the same for the other RHW railroad overpass puzzle pieces available (e.g. RHW-2) but with the same result. Given that the RHW-6 e.g. occupies tile 1 and tile 2 the the puzzle piece always ends up on tile aside (e.g. on tile 2 and 3):

(RR denoting the three lanes of the RHW-6, PP the puzzle piece)


Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?
If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

Visit my BAT thread: Slow BAT steady - Rady's first BAT attemtps

KoV Liberty

It is a bit wacky at first (and frustrating) but it is one tile off. You must place it carefully to get the hand of it!

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Quote from: Driftmaster07 on September 03, 2009, 03:25:01 AM
It is a bit wacky at first (and frustrating) but it is one tile off. You must place it carefully ot get the hand of it!

ooooookayyy ... gonna give it a try

If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

Visit my BAT thread: Slow BAT steady - Rady's first BAT attemtps

Ramona Brie

I have Photoshop. If I make an RHW-4C texture (4 lanes on 1 tile), how wide do the lanes have to be and what is the size for the texture?


Quote from: Tracker on September 03, 2009, 09:39:37 PM
I have Photoshop. If I make an RHW-4C texture (4 lanes on 1 tile), how wide do the lanes have to be and what is the size for the texture?

I am no expert, but I have worked with RHW images to make custom textures in photoshop before. I've lost most of my files when my laptop decided to take a coffee bath, but I did manage to quickly make up a 2x1 texture (meaning two tiles) for a 4 lane highway. See here:

But you want to make a "super" compact 4 lane highway on only 1 tile. So let's do the math (and hopefully others could catch any mistakes I make). First off, one tile is 128 pixels (it has been a long time since I've created textures, but I'm sure that's right). It also appears that the solid white and yellow lines are each 2 pixels thick; the lane divider line appears to be only 1 pixel thick, but casts a shadow of 1 pixel on each side, making it 3 pixels thick. So, 2 white solid lines, one yellow line (because you won't have a median I suppose for this compact tile), and two white dotted lines, that means your lines will account for 12 pixels of the texture's overall thickness. That leaves you with 116 pixels for lane distribution; Four lanes will need to be 29 pixels each. Counting the amount of pixels on the texture I provided above, each lane takes up 41 pixels (if you don't count the dotted lane shadows).

I really don't know what you are trying to make, but I guess you could just decrease the size of lanes from 41 to 29 pixels and you'd be set. Well, wait a minute and I'll try and do that real quick on Photoshop.

Ok, did you wait? Good. Here's the modified texture:

It looks pretty compact: no shoulders or median. This is my first post on sc4devotion so I hope this all works. PM me if you want the psd files, I'll email them to you. Otherwise you could just download the jpeg files I put here. Good luck.


At least here in Sweden (and prolly rest of Europe) we have something called "narrow motorway". It can be as narrow as 16,5 meters. There's also a 18,5 and a 21,5 version.

To illustrate


I haven't seen one of those before, doest look that safe to be honest. What's the speed limit on those things?
RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

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SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project

Shadow Assassin

I think this idea would be best used for compact diagonals, rather than orthos.

It could potentially mean that avenues could directly be upgraded to RHW-4 within the same right-of-way.
New Horizons Productions
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Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Well, can't you do that already if you just use a tile of OWR at the conversion point?  :-[
Visit my MD Respublikii Anaksii , or the reboot CJ "Kara`i Shores" since the region wiped, at http://www.simtropolis.com/cityjournals/?p=toc&id=919 !
All comments are welcome! (Hopefully someday I can re-splice 'em together, but we'll see)

Shadow Assassin

I'm not sure what you're saying about the tile of OWR... but having compact diagonals would make the RHW otherwise identical to an avenue, and it's pretty easy to drag out... however the RULs may pose to be a little challenging.

The RHW-6 and 8 diagonals are examples of that challenge.
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Oh, I'm sorry--- I missed the diagonal part. Ignore my first post, derp me.  ::)
Visit my MD Respublikii Anaksii , or the reboot CJ "Kara`i Shores" since the region wiped, at http://www.simtropolis.com/cityjournals/?p=toc&id=919 !
All comments are welcome! (Hopefully someday I can re-splice 'em together, but we'll see)


Quote from: WC_EEND on September 08, 2009, 06:44:56 AM
I haven't seen one of those before, doest look that safe to be honest. What's the speed limit on those things?

In Germany, there would be crash barriers (or Jersey barriers) in the middle, then they'd allow 120 km/h at least. If there aren't any barriers, the limit is 100 km/h here.


Quote from: WC_EEND on September 08, 2009, 06:44:56 AM
I haven't seen one of those before, doest look that safe to be honest. What's the speed limit on those things?

I would guess that the speed limit is 110 km/h (68 mph), since this is usually the case on motorways here in Sweden.

- riiga

EDIT: Found a Wikipedia article

"Skyltad hastighet blir dessutom 110 km/h och bygget blev klart i slutet av 2007" = The speed limit is 110 km/h and the construction of the road finished in 2007
Link to article: Riksväg 51 (in Swedish)