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DanielCotes mountain village: Torrington

Started by danielcote, November 22, 2009, 02:28:29 PM

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Indicative view

1 Kenton Memorial Ball park
2 town hall
3 River run apartments
4 St Jacobs church and cemetery
5 Anna Doreans Public library
6 rail station
7 Blue rose gas
8 Shannon brook office building
9 Best Westurn
10 Park Administration
11 Shannon Brook Lake
12 Green Leaf Local school
13 3 sticks motel
14 local Tim Hortons coffee shop
15 local pool and seasonal rec center
16 pumping station est 1952
17 Lancaster center Park
18 Torrington, Willow Tennis courts
19 Mayors house
20 pit and balcony theatre
21 post office

Shannon Brook lake

Shannon Brook camp ground




Heres the Budget view. About the 999,999,999,999,999,999.99 , It is a money mod that I couldn't find to delete for the competition even for my life so you'll just have to bear with me on this one. Other than that I think my town is doing well financially, my profit is much greater than my expenses.

Heres the Overview I forgot. I added some farms because I thought it would look better that way. I hope you don't mind.  :thumbsup:


How come every ones commenting on eachothers but no ones even posted a nice or even a criticism.  ()what() I don't understand, I feel like no ones even carred to look at my town after all the effort I went through.  ()sad()


Well, I'll be brutally honest. I looked at it, but I never commented because nothing really jumped out at me, good or bad.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


Silence is by no means a sign of mediocrity. It's a busy time of year, so I would assume posts might be a bit sparse. That being said, I should really try to get around to these threads here more often. I'm a bit of a train fan, so I like the fact that your station is a fairly central point of the town. One critique I'd give it though (and I'm sure Nardo might say the same) is that most railroads tend to keep their tracks going straight if they can help it (excess turns slow trains) and would move the station to keep things going straight. I think that could be applied here and have the mainline go straight through. I like the parking lot and siding though. Things like those are easy enough to overlook, yet they're common, at least around here. Glad to see you added them. I'd also suggest that you leave an extra space between your pictures. In my opinion it makes viewing easier. Also, removing that little menu button at the bottom is a good touch for any picture. Overall, I like the area. Good selection of JBSimio and Spa's stuff in addition to the others.

I think we still need to see the overall view to verify that there are the required budget and population to accept this as a complete entry.



Hi Daniel

Just a reminder that you are running out of time to finalise your entry for
the first Thematic Comp. Entries will close 12 Midnight 3/12/2009. I don't think we
have any entrants between west coast USA and the dateline, so lets say midnight
west coast USA time as the deadline.

In anticipation of judging, please ensure that your entry is contained in one clearly
marked post within your thread as we will be moving your entry to another
board for judging.


PS. I believe all we are waiting on to complete your entry is the budget pic :)


I like your bush campground & amphitheatre setup, where are those camps from?


Very nice indeed!  That campground looks like a great place to stay!


Alright I added the finishing touches.  ()stsfd()

Thanks for you're support guy's.


The bottom region shot helps a lot, it's a nice area you have created.
However my main criticism involves my favourite part, the campground. There doesn't seem to be any direct road access to the main buildings, only the paths. Yet the buildings lot has dirt roads on it. Also usually such a sized camping area is there for some kind of local attraction and it would be nice to know more (ie. your entry would benefit greatly from having some captions/history.)
btw still keen to know where to get the camps from.


Its name is shannon brook camp ground and it was built in 1989 when the tourist boom happened and it is a very nice camp ground. The reason there is no road to it is because its a pedestrian camp ground every one parks thier vehicles at the bottem though people with campers can drive up there if they wish.

Thier pegs mountain theme camp grounds on stex.


Hello DanielCotes

I like the shots you've labeled as 'downtown'. It really does look like a small rural community. Especially the park. Normally I have symmetrical pathways but your offset pathway is different in a good way because it really captured my attention and made me think "hmmmm, that's a good idea". And capturing peoples attention in a competion can be a good thing   ;) 

Good Luck.

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)