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GWL workshop

Started by Gwail, May 18, 2009, 01:52:12 PM

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Shadow221, it's possibly. This is a Cemusa's design bus shelter (made for NYC needs), so you can see something similiar in many cities all over the world. May I have a little request for you? Please, use "reply" button instead of "quote", if it isn't necessary to bring the pics over, ok?

Something fresh and ugly, as usual:
My misc works thread:
GWL workshop


Wonderful work as always Chris! :thumbsup: I'm also glad you uploaded the bus shelters, they are really nice!  :)


Quote from: Gwail on October 11, 2009, 03:33:03 PM
Shadow221, it's possibly. This is a Cemusa's design bus shelter (made for NYC needs), so you can see something similiar in many cities all over the world. May I have a little request for you? Please, use "reply" button instead of "quote", if it isn't necessary to bring the pics over, ok?

Something fresh and ugly, as usual:



Hi GWL, I really appreciate your attention to detail on the NYPD ESS vehicl in particular the strobes on the front push bar. If you have come across my police cruisers on Simtrop you'll note my lights on the bar are eyecandy. Can u help me with how its done so I can modify them myself?


GWL u kno how u said it looks ugly? Well I got a way to make look more pridable to you (Not an Insult) Bring the bumper and face out a little


Merijn, thank you!

Jaat, glad you like it. Tell me, what you exactly want to know? The whole way of making lights animation or a specific part of?

Shadow, happy I've made you happy ;). I was only teasing, don't take it personally.

Although I don't have too much time lately and if I would find any, I'll spend it on the RMIP-3.1, you can expect a "meantime update". Stay tuned!
My misc works thread:
GWL workshop


Another brick in the wall ;). Here is the alpha version of MCI D4500:

There is still a bit to do about it - I don't like the shadows on the roof, there is no nite lights, some parts of textures have to be replaced for more variety (especially windows).

You can see 3 buses:

  • MCI D4500 with standard MTA livery
  • MCI D4500 with special painting - 9/11 never forget
  • MCI D4500 CT

I wasn't able to find out, what route number should I place on the 9/11 bus. Can any newyorker help me out?
My misc works thread:
GWL workshop


Very nice work man..I keep becoming more amazed at how well the buses you are working on look as time progresses..cannot wait til these lastest ones are done. Will be nice to see them running around my city...and cannot wait to have them in my bus yards that I plan to make after all of your buses have been released. Keep up the nice work.


Fantastic buses Chris! I love them!   &apls &apls &apls

Well, we have some nice buses, fire vehicles... and maybe you would find a little while and make some passenger cars? Not too much, 100 - 150 various types would be more than enough  :D

Adam  :thumbsup:
New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


SimNation, glad you enjoy it. I'm planning to make some BAT with NY bus depots, some day, maybe... For sure I will make all the buses as the static BAT props with different angles, unless the Cogeo's tool won't make it and the quality of the s3d model is sufficient. Since you're New Yorker, can you help me with that special MCI D4500 9/11 bus route number? It has number 2185, all I've found the bus belongs to Ulmer Park Depot. It services Express Routes: X25, X27, X28, X29, X37, X38. Which one does (did?) go the 9/11 bus?

Adam, thanks! You know, I'm too weak with 3d modelling to make such, you have to ask Mikeseith for more, if you don't like his latest huge american cars release. I will focus on finishing my buses, subway cars, and some more civil vehicles - another thousands of ideas are awainting in the query ;).
My misc works thread:
GWL workshop


I am not sure which one it is...but I can give you this for your future buses its a list of all the local and express bus routes in NYC. I hope it helps



The number to that is 2185 :D


Thanks, Brandon, I was curious about the route number, not side number :).

SimNation, thanks for the link, it's useful, although I've managed to find the number out in other way - YouTube came in hand. I think I will set the X27 on the display.

Something "new" (waiting over two months to complete). Has anyone called 911?

These are first ambulances of the bigger pack I'm planning to do - up to 8-10 vehicles in total (including FDNY EMS truck shown previously). If you have any good pics, don't hesitate to post them.
My misc works thread:
GWL workshop


Ya know it doesn't matter which route its runs on it matters that its here


hey shadow,
really nice work with all these. I am particularly taken by the bus shelters with advertising posters, finally realistic looking urban bus shelters. When we these be available? I'm off to look up RTMT, I've heard the phrase but there's just so much to catch up with on this game.


Sure, Brandon, you're right! But when I make the skin, every pixel is important. It's a kind of my little aberration ;).

thingfishs, let me answer instead of shadow ;). Glad you like my bus shelters, they are now part of RTMT ver. 3.6, available on STEX.
My misc works thread:
GWL workshop


oops, then great work there gwail  :thumbsup:, as tacky as advertising can be at times it's very much the norm in cities. Look forward to seeing these in mine, Cheers.


Hi  Chris ,

Beautiful thread here about your terrific work .  ;)

Well , we have had a few discussions by PMs untill now , but I decided to make them public from now . I was waiting for more tests and feedback before to make a decision . Now it's clear that I would need your intervention ... if you're still ready to give it some of your precious time .

I think you saw that picture from The Triumphal Way ;

As you can see , there's a terrible size difference between the RATP bus automata ( from Zaraza ) and the same RATP busses props from Vincent (Vnaoned ) - despite the fact the one seen on that picture is the trailered version . I've discussed about that point with Vincent and I rather aggree with his opinion : It's better to take the Sims sizes as reference than BATs around . So I think I'll keep his props and would need another automata ...

Is it your opinion , and so , would you be willing to realease it ? ( Nothing in that request hurry up particularly ... )

Thanks by advance , whatever your reply will be . :thumbsup:

Cédric .

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Le Grand Maitre has spoken, what a honour ;)!

Of course I still sustain my will to participate in your project (I've even chosen the pics for the Parisian bus shelters lately  :thumbsup:). Of course, it can last a bit, as haven't got too much free time and there's still so much to do around.

Speaking of the automata size. Yes, I know the problem and I still haven't made any decision. So far the size of my buses is accurate, following the Jan's (Swamper77) suggestion - if you put any of my buses, they would look like the Zaraza's one, I suppose (as almost all automatas, both Maxis' and custom ones - I don't know if someone else rescales his vehicles). I'm not sure if I'll go this way in the future. As most of the things around are rescaled, including the tallest skyscrapers, I'd rather remake all the automata to fit them better. I think I will contact Vincent to get some more info.
My misc works thread:
GWL workshop


Quote from: Gwail on December 15, 2009, 06:45:10 AM
Le Grand Maitre has spoken, what a honour ;)!

What an honor for me !

Great , great news . I'll try to follow this closer from now , you know I've got so many details like that to coordinate with many different members ...  ::)

Thank you so much !  :thumbsup:
I'm going to contact Vincent as well , so he should send you his props ASAP .


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