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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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Nice update.  That's a great selection of pictures.  I really love the coloration of glacier ice! 


Nice pictures. I like the one with bears on the road  :thumbsup:. Never witnessed that myself, only reindeer and elks.


Great updates, David!   &apls

I really enjoyed pictures of the church (3) and the Stabbur (5) in the beginning of the update.  The river pictures are all nice ones, making it impossible for me to pick a favorite.  (I should also mention that I love the little eco-lessons you scatter throughout your posts, not only here but in general.  Given what I do, many of these asides are known to me already... but the educator in me still likes to see them!)  The bridge (21) and the waterfall (22) at the very end are both great shots.

But the glacier pictures!!!   :o  :o  :o  "Incredible" simply pales as a description!  All the pictures I've ever seen have been of glaciers as the reach and fall into the ocean.  I've never seen pictures of the inland side like the ones you show here.  To see something like that as it is undoubtedly carving the valley beneath is something quite amazing and special.  The close up in picture 20 really puts the size into perspective too.  Just an amazing set of pictures!  Thank you so much for showing them!


Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


Amazing series of updates there. Great pictures, especially the last two (21 and 22). Liking the bears on the road as well.


The glaciers were amazing!!!

Ive never got to see one up close but my wife did.  I think it was called East Glacier or something like that.  Its near Juneau.  She went to a convention for the National Guard back in 2007.  Shes a Public Affairs Journalist for the 179th Air Lift Wing in Mansfield Ohio.  She took some 600 pictures with our digital and when she got to the glaciers the SD card was full.  She didn want to delete anything.  SAD.


Thanks for the neverending entertainement provided here in 3RR. You really managed to give life to the landscapes we doodle on and give a new purpose to SC4.
I wish I was less of a pessimist concerning the eventual disappearance of the glacier in 2080, but at the current rate of global warming I am afraid it won't even see 2010...  ()sad()

On another topic, I heard yesterday on CBC Radio 1 an American economist about the Alaska Purchase of 1867 being a rip-off. Wonder what you Alaskans thought of that. Here is an article documenting this: http://www.adn.com/3437/story/1002457.html

Have a nice and costly Alaskan day  $%Grinno$%


Ryan B.

Great three-part update, David.  I enjoyed that look!

Today, lest we forget . . .

A special "thank you" to those who have served or are currently serving in our armed forces; and to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may sit around computers and discuss a certain city-building game in relative peace.

From a grateful citizen, you have my heartfelt thanks and continued prayers.



Great new updates, love the pics, you must be a master Photoshopper.  I would love to volunteer to help you with this quad but my own MD languishes these days as I venture into the world of 3D modeling in an effort to boost my resume and find work. 

About oxbow rivers, you are just a tad bit off.  Oxbows form over long periods of time and only in what are, basically, very old watercourses.  I took a course in Stream Dynamics in college many years ago and while I am no expert, by any means, oxbows in rivers don't form from water bouncing from side to side of an enclosed valley of harder rock.  At least, that is not the PRIMARY reason oxbows form.  Oxbows form as a watercourse silts up it's bed and thus raises the underlying elevation of the existing watercourse, forcing the watercourse to seek a new, and lower, elevation to flow across.  Brand new watercourses, which probably exist only in laboratories, run pretty straight downhill across a very predictable path of contours.  Watercourses create the flattened landscapes they flow across.  The river didn't find a valley to run through, the river created the valley it runs through...which I am sure you are fully aware of.  If you look at aerial photos of shallow valley rivers you will see that they are not only oxbowed and braided, but have many oxbow lakes as well, which are old oxbows of the river that silted over at head and mouth as the river moved to newer and lower ground. 

In this I show myself as the true nerd that I am, as I found my Stream Dynamics class one of the most fascinating of my (all too brief) college career.  Few folks know or understand this, but water, in it's many forms, is the number one shaper of the planet and environments we live within.  Understanding how water affects us and shapes the landscape, well, to me, was one of the biggest eye-opening experiences of my life.  I can't travel anywhere anymore, by any means (car, foot, air, train) without seeing and recognizing ( and expounding on to anyone who might listen) water created features in the landscape.  Powerful stuff, water. 

Keep up the good work and please don't mind my occasional butt-in-skies.



Hi, David ...
Waiting Your excellent life minds, pictures and thinkings about all ...


great work, you should have a motto, if the tools dont work, make better tools....
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Were those in game pics? :D I wouldnt be surprised

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


I think, all SC4 Devotion Inhabitants waiting YOU, David ...
Best regards - thank You ...


Wow did this thread actually die? ()sad() $%Grinno$%


Nah, if anything I would assume David's just taking a bit of an hiatus. He'll post when he's good and ready to. Until then though, there's plenty here. Hope all is well David.


3RR never dies! It is still in the warming up stage  :D
Please take David some rest, he deserves it  :)

New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


Well yes, but in taking a rest, he has thrown of all our guesses for the 500K views, which BTW has only 885 views to go.



Real Life sometimes happens.

Unless you have something nice to say, please don't post at all!
David will be back when he is ready and well rested.

Robin  ;)
Call me Robin, please.


Quote from: Korot on December 08, 2009, 04:22:05 AM
Well yes, but in taking a rest, he has thrown of all our guesses for the 500K views, which BTW has only 885 views to go.


Korot, our concern right now is for the well-being of David and his family. The "contest" is trivial, and IMO, your post was in very bad taste.


Albus of Garaway

David, I hope all is well with you and your family. I'm hoping you're just taking a long, well-deserved rest from all the hard work you've been doing. We're here for you! :)



All the best Dave!  I hope nothing to serious has happened in Real Life!