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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Shaping up great! i think this mod just gets better and better!  &apls &apls &apls &apls &apls &apls &apls &apls &apls &apls


I don't know why, but I can only make an entrance ramp for certain sections of RHW, and not an exit ramp.

As in this picture, even if I press insert or delete, the ramp remains an entrance.  How do I get an exit there?

Also, cars on RHW drive extremely slow, even slower than they do on streets.


Yes, this happens sometimes. The easiest way is to delete the dragged RHW, place the exit, then connect it back up.


Quote from: Moonraker0 on February 08, 2010, 02:20:15 PM
Also, cars on RHW drive extremely slow, even slower than they do on streets.

Unless you're referring to points where there are Street/RHW intersections (which can cause slowing due to network hierarchy), you most likely have some sort of incompatible traffic simulator installed, possibly even one that doesn't assign a speed to the network.



@Moonraker0, Furthering Alex's statement, I suggest you take a look back at the top of this thread, and take a look at Simulators A,B, and Z. Refer to the Capacity for RHW Networks on Per-Tile Basis chart for commute statistics.


Thanks Dragonshardz, I will try that.  Tarkus and j-dub, what I mean is that the automata drive very slowly, not the actual commute time.  Sorry for not being clear on that.  I use Simulator Z Low.


As far as the slow automata goes, the reason I mentioned the Traffic Simulator is because there is a tie-in between it and the Automata Tuning Exemplar (which controls the automata animations and speed).

It sounds like it may be the Automata Tuning Exemplar itself.  Which NAM Automata Plugin do you have installed?  I've been using the Radical 24-hour one without any issues on my RHWs.

Is it only slowing down in specific spots (i.e. around Street intersections or places where there are starter pieces/drag stubs) or across all network segments?



It slows down everywhere except for where there is a road intersection with the RHW.  But if the automata plugin is the problem, then it's probably because I use a plugin called TrafficFixes.dat that replaces the NAM's automata plugin.  It is a plugin to make cars not disappear so frequently like they do in the original game.  I would rather have non-disappearing cars than fast cars on RHW, though, if I need to delete that plugin.


Quote from: Moonraker0 on February 09, 2010, 02:31:36 PM
It slows down everywhere except for where there is a road intersection with the RHW.  But if the automata plugin is the problem, then it's probably because I use a plugin called TrafficFixes.dat that replaces the NAM's automata plugin.  It is a plugin to make cars not disappear so frequently like they do in the original game.  I would rather have non-disappearing cars than fast cars on RHW, though, if I need to delete that plugin.

Had to look that one up, but I take it you're referring to shadowman131's fixes from this thread at ST? 

If so, he actually released a fix for RHW automata speed issues, TrafficFixes_ANTFix.dat, which you can pick up here.  I'd give that a try.



Thanks Tarkus, I will try it.  I guess it's been so long since I downloaded TrafficFixes from that thread, I didn't remember that there was a fix for RHW when I downloaded RHW.


Been awhile since I've posted anything developmental . . .

The new textures are in really good shape now . . . just added the "wealth-level grass" to prevent sidewalks from poking through.

Still some color correction to do here, but it'll give you some idea of what's to come in terms of interchange possibilities . . .



Excellent work, Tarkus. I was wondering, could you add an invisible sidewalk texture instead of the grass? This would greatly reduce the jagged edges.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Also a MIS intersection is missing. Actually it would be a MIS split.


Quote from: RickD on February 11, 2010, 02:09:48 AM
Excellent work, Tarkus. I was wondering, could you add an invisible sidewalk texture instead of the grass? This would greatly reduce the jagged edges.

A good question.  Unfortunately, the way the game handles transit networks that are adjacent to zones, if a texture with transparency is used for the various "wealth-levels", sidewalks will always poke through in those transparent spots.  One could theoretically make the sidewalk textures transparent, but that would then mean no sidewalks anywhere, even in urban areas.

Quote from: strucka on February 11, 2010, 06:02:17 AM
Also a MIS intersection is missing. Actually it would be a MIS split.

Which one are you referring to?  There's an MIS and EMIS Y-Split (orthogonal with diagonal split) already included with Version 3.0, and another MIS Y-Split (diagonal with orthogonal split) planned for 4.0.



Awesome!  The new pieces looks excellent already!



Is there a transition piece for RHW-6c to RHW-8 or am I stuck using RHW-6s for anything I need to later upgrade to RHW-8?


You probably won't need any such transition. RHW-8C is in the works, or so I hear.
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


jmvl did make an actual RHW-6C-to-8 transition piece--I think I might have even shown a picture a few pages back.  It will definitely be included in Version 4.0.


Monorail Master

I'm just wondering. How's the progress on the other elevated networks? In choco's bridge topic, I saw some pictures of bridges for the 6S + 6C, 8, and 10. And Tarkus, I'm now happy about the diagonal MIS under EL-MIS or EL-4. What about the same bug involving that and diagonal RHW-4s and vice-versa?
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