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Art128's SC4 Projects

Started by art128, August 12, 2009, 03:46:31 AM

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Lovely pictures there the city looks great in autumn with some lovely rustic colours and it looks really pretty at night



Well, I think you gave a very clear explanation about the power plant and stadium. :)
The Kremlin looks great, the parks and avenues inside are very well done. Also the new modern building in this central location is a good choice, and for the night view it makes all the difference.




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L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Tomas Neto - Muito obrigado, meu amigo!  ;)

Sheep49 - Some french words, thanks !  $%Grinno$%  Nice name eh ? it was inspired by your idea btw..  :P Yeah it's sure that the river goes though the city, i have a few ideas to make it more realistic by night, don't worry ..  ;) Also yeah i'll try to experiment with the traffic generators (luckily, I have some that are transit enable.. ) Thanks alot my friend !

Battlecat - Thanks a lot my friend ! I hope to see you around again !

djvandrake - Dj, thanks you very much for your always support !  :)

io_bg - Well, what can I do for that ? It's not my fault if mainly of the trees I plop aren't seasonal !  ;) Also these aren't waves on the canals, but reflections..  ;) Thanks anyway..

kbieniu7 - I don't get you about the corner tenements, I think they looks good there.. :P Yes, the boulevard are quite relaxing for walking in them.. Although only if you like the noise of the cars, buses, trucks and trams..  $%#Ninj2 Thanks a lot Kamil !  ;) (Oh, and, when you'll finish bating some prefabs, can you send them to me ?  ;D I'd like to try to build a town with them..  :D )

ecoba - Yep, Vratska is the capital of Svanskinahya (and the biggest city). Well Kremlin was Royal but a while ago, when there were still some kings and prince there in the region, but now it's only used by the presidential palace and some ministry, plus the Russian embassy (and the most famous school in the city (the old W2W at the corner of the Kremlin). Thanks anyway Ethan ! (And also thanks for getting in the Portugal support club in the Palvola sports bar !  ()stsfd() )

Gilikov1994 - Yeah, I spent some time developing the city, and also a lot of times creating the mosaics. Thanks a lot ! Hope to see you here again !  ;)

penguin007 - Thanks Will ! I must say that my favorites pictures of my city are bu night and autumn too..   ;D

kwakelaar - Really ? Thanks ! Yeah, at first I thought that modern building was a too big "break" in the classic environment, but well it seems that it fits in there just perfectly ! And for sure by night it makes all the difference ! Thanks a lot Gjermund !

citymax - Thanks you very much, Max mon ami::)

kelis - Gracias amigo  ! Yo veo tu fotos en Flickr, fueron muí buen ! Qué cámara fotográfica estas usando para tomar tu fotos ?

Sciurus - Merci bien, Guillaume !  ;D

Hello Good people, today I have a small update for you !  ;D
This update is composed of two mosaic about two totally different parts of the capital.
The first picture shows you the Sieg Kreisverkehr Spalte (victory roundabout column - It's the only monument in the region that is in German language..) This monument was built after the victory of our army during the second world war.
The second mosaic show the monsters of the city. Those monsters are made of steel and glasses.  ;D

I hope you liked this update !
As usual comments are welcome also as critics is encouraged !  $%Grinno$%

-Arthur. :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Very cool! :thumbsup: Nice park and canal layout!
QuoteWell, what can I do for that ? It's not my fault if mainly of the trees I plop aren't seasonal !  Wink Also these aren't waves on the canals, but reflections..
You could wait until the next ingame summer! And that effect is called "ocean ripple", which means "wave", doesn't it? ;)
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *

Fresh Prince of SC4D

Foggy effects are awesome, and the kremlin-style gov't center is sweet. The park with the bike path was a nice touch too. But where did get those fences/hedges surrounding the park?
Returning from Call of Duty . Must rebuilt what I destroyed....


Beautiful park in your first mosaic by the column.  &apls

And I like your "Monsters" of steel and glass.  Very nice work!  :thumbsup:



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Both mosaics are great, but I especially love the second one...something about the fog and the river just does it for me :) Great shots!


io_bg - Actually this effect was called Glass ans not wave. ;) Anyway thanks for the comment and congrats for your OSITM !  ;)

Sciurus - Merci !  ()stsfd()

Fresh Prince of SC4D - Thanks ! I'm glad you like this update as well as the Kremlin. The fences comes from the LEX, they were made by our local master Jeronij !

djvandrake - Thanks Dj ! I'm glad you like the monsters !  :D

kelis -  Hmmm, Que Cámara muí buena ! Bravo por tu fotos !  ;) y Thanks for the comment !  ;D

kwakelaar - Yeah, It's nice, plus that those monsters are only a few of all the monsters in the CBD.. Here are some more - Not in the CBD - for you !

nedalezz - Thanks Nedal ! i'm glad you enjoyed the second mosaic, it takes some time to make it !  :)

Hi there people, it's time for an update !
I've been playing, yesterday afternoon, on the area around the park. Some W2Ws have been built but also 5 big towers, four of them are sisters and the other is a bit different. This area is inspired by a real place in Moscow, where the real buildings (Thanks to Master SimFox for these superb re-creations ! ) stands. Let's go for the pictures ! Oh and now the capital city - Vratska - count more than 65.000 habitants..  :)

Vratska's Four Sisters..

And here are some more monsters from the business district.

I hope you liked this update !

More to come in the next days ! (I'm in my last holidays week..  ;D)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Very nice update Arthur.  I really like the last picture.   :thumbsup:
I see some very interesting buildings in your collection.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Superb!  Those towers that seem to widen out at the top look very cool!  You're really building up an amazing collection of custom material! 


Offcourse I'm back ;)
lovely pics you showed us~!, like the four sisters, amazing! &apls
Check out my LOT thread, and also the EBLTeam!

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Teriffic update.  &apls  You've got a wonderful layout and those buildings are just the perfect touch.   :thumbsup:



Thanks everyone for the feedbacks and comments !
A new update is coming in two days on something you never seen in one of my MD...  ;D

BTW - Robin, it's nice to see you commenting my MD again, thanks a lot ! Your comments are really well appreciated !
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

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