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NWM (Network Widening Mod) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, May 03, 2007, 08:47:23 PM

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"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


I'm staring at it...still staring....

       -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Amazing work, you guys. Can't wait for it, but I will.  :D



This really is going to be awesome!  I am really excited to re-do a downtown area with 4 & 5-lane one-way streets.  Here in Minneapolis almost all the downtown streets are 4/5 lane one-ways, so with the tools we already have it's been difficult to replicate the same kind of "feel" in my SC downtowns as I experience in real life.  The pics shown so far are just amazing!  Can't wait!


I must agree with you, I'm totally redoing my Manhattan style downtown (with a lot of Manhattan building's) after this is realesed. Same goes for the main avenues of my city (which is European actually).


I do agree with strucka! I'll demolish some of my existing avenues in order to put that beautiful MAVE when it's released! It'll add so much variety!
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Brilliant pics! They look so realistic...
I've just started a region and in the process of working out my main roads etc but in essence, I don't want to start it yet cause there's so many new mods being created! The day/s MAVE and the new RHW comes out will be the best pressie ever. You guys are doing such a great job!

KoV Liberty

Nice work! I think I got a solution to the streetlights, whatever Maxis put streetlights on, put streetlights on those intersecions. :) A little thought...


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Lovely look on the transit running through the NWM tarkus. Glade to see how functional it will be.


This is not a request but is it possible to have NarrowTLA-5? Here in Beaumont we have them all over.


Realisticly, no. The TLA-5 is the same width (2 tiles) as the maxis avenue because it has the same width lanes. If you were to squeeze those same lanes into one tile, the 4 of a maxis avenue fit okay (see nMAVE), but only barely on a tile. There is simply not enough room to fit a fifth unless you narrow the lanes, which are already just wide enough for automata.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Hello everybody
I have a some  suggestions to the  creators of NWM.
I think it will be great to make some avenue with 3 or 4 lanes with grase and street lights in the midle of this avenue. Also will be nice to have one more avenue with 3 or more lanes and the last one to be a BUS lane. For a cross avenue I suggest to make 1 line for left 1 for right and 2 or more for straight. And my be the last offer is for 5 lines avenue is when is crossing with same like this one to have
1 lane just for left
1 lane for left and straight
1 lane only for straight
1 for straight and right
1 only for right

If this is not to complicated and its possible to create you cen used in the crossing of one way streets with more of 3 lanes.
Thats all now for  me I hope that I'll be useful with my ideas.


Your first idea has already been incorporated into the NWM (AVE-6).
Your other ideas, however, sound more along hte lines of TuLEPs [link].
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


It's look nice but I don't understand what you think for avenue with bus lane


Quote from: ivo_su on April 13, 2010, 12:01:11 PM
It's look nice but I don't andurstent whot you think for avenue with bus lane

Dedicated bus lanes are not possible in SC4.  Even if they were possible, they would be outside the scope of the NWM project.




Well, I have a rather interesting development to report here . . .

Originally, we stated that the NAM's Road Turning Lane (RTL) Plugin would not be compatible with the NWM, due to significant difficulties involving re-overriding the RTL's changes to the Road network with NWM coding, which both jplumbley and I thought was virtually impossible to overcome back in 2008 after numerous failed experiments.

However, as the result of some experiments I undertook yesterday which went much better than expected, that has changed.  The NWM will be fully-compatible with the NAM RTL upon release. :thumbsup:



Fantastic development Tarkus! Thank you for your hard work on this project. I can't wait to play with the results someday soon.


Whoo! That's great news! Though I would still prefer to use TuLEPS
It's great to hear of more progress.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley