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FrankU's Lottery - Space Center update

Started by FrankU, October 19, 2009, 02:43:51 AM

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Nice set, I'm downloading them atm
I'll try to make them growable for my own pleasure

New Horizons Productions
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Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4



Great work Franku, these look excellent. Congrats on getting it out.

Quote from: wouanagaine on December 14, 2009, 02:06:32 PM
I'll try to make them growable for my own pleasure
I too would love this... These are great looking factories and having a growable version as well would be the icing on the cake.


When you make them growable, you need to give them road access. On purpose I did make them not that way, because for a good looking result you need to fill the area with trucks and stuff. Of course you can build your own large lots with the prop families etc, but that should be considered relotting. Something that is always welcomed, but it is more than just "making them growable".
Although I considered to give the lots a backyard with road access, so that the front yard still can be designed with the separate lots. And maybe that will be what I do with them in the end....


I agree with Frank, impossible to make them growable, not in this style anyways. As he mentioned, growables need roadaccess, but there is a way to combine a few lots of his with propfamilies and make these growable. I know it won't be the same, but these are surely wanted and maybe even needed. We don't have enough busy Warehouses like this.
I would make them, but I got too many things irl at this moment, impossible to concentrate on much else, maybe later this winter, unless Frank wants to make 2 or 3 of them, 'twas his idea anyways.... ;)


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Hi Fred,

Sure it is possible to make some large "all in one" lots that can be made growable. I could do that too, although my time is also limited. But the idea is OK.
If someone else feels challenged: sure, go ahead!



First of all, I gotta say that your work on the Modular Warehouse Pack is excellent but i got a problem with the dependencies.
Can you make a new list of all the dependencies click able links? I would really appreciated  :)

Thank you in advance  :thumbsup:



This is obviously not a Lot Editor project, but I hate starting new threads for small issues.

I made my first real mod: the Loading Texts Mod - Dutch version.
And I released it on the STEX.

Pegasus released not too long ago his own loading texts mod: it is a list of phrases that are randomly shown on your screen while the city loads. When I opened his mod in the Reader I saw it is a very simple list of textfiles, so I thought: well then, I can make my own version. And I did.
It is in Dutch. Some phrases might sound mysterious to Dutchmen, so probably they will be more mysterious for the non-Dutch speaking members. Who knows, that might even raise the fun?

Let me know what you think of it.

It is here: http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/details.cfm?id=23010


This is my 1000th post at SC4 Devotion. A good reason for a special issue.
Althoug I must admit this is more of a coincidence than on purpose.

Some time ago already I downloaded Tag_One's beautiful Container port lots. He released only two lots, which was sort of a disappointment for me. How could I build a nice Containerport with these two lots?
Look what happens: a bit repetitious, isn't it?

Nice, but in no way comparable to the large ports we all can build with Soulstealer's lots.
Like something I did already quite some time ago:

So I decided to edit Tag_one's work.
First I decided to split up the crane areas and the storage areas. I made four lots that contain the cranes. They are all a bit different. The shore looks like this now.

Then I made some storage extensions with blocks of containers. There are three different ones. They make use of propfamilies, so there is some variation in them.

Also Tag_One had another kind of storage area. Also of this kind I made some variations: two different ones.

These storage types get both their own extensions in order to be able to make even larger areas.

And the other type:

I am not too familiar with modding. I don't know how to edit the number of jobs, so they all have the original amount given to them by Tag_one. Was it 250? Something like that. I am sure I will be able to change that. But that needs some studying. Also I am not completely happy with the variations. Maybe there are too many container straddlers and cranes?

Anyway, my lots give the opportunity to build this:

And an overview of a large container terminal in construction. I combined the new lots with my own Warehouse Lots.

What do you think?


My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)



Wow wonderful work Frank! :o great to see you're making some more lots with my container terminal props. Once I  planned making a bunch of lots, but the project kind of died due to a lack of time. Only two lots were released and six others disappeared in the depth of my hard disk. I kind of forgot about them  &mmm
It's great to see you're extending my container stuff with some wonderful lots. I can't wait to download them  &apls &apls &apls


Hi Tag_One,

Surely you guessed that I was curious about your comments on the lots.
I edited them a bit by making some special propfamilies, so that there will be more variation in the details.
For uploading there are some problems still.
Because the lots are variations on your lots they all have the same number of jobs as your lots, which seems a bit much to me. And they also have your custom query, which will make everyone think that you made them.
I have intended to relot my lots on a park building, so that there will be no jobs, no Tag_One screen and no need for road access, but lots without a real function are a bore.... So I don't know what to do. Making my own screens is beyond my reach and editing the number of jobs seems to be harder than I thought... :'(

And one other thing: the sidewalk texture fits awfully bad to the base texture of the lots. is there something I can do about this? Is there some sidewalk texture mod that I could use?


Hi Frank,
Your lots are really great and I like the fact that you want to keep them functional. Changing the custom query (that yellow screen that provides info about the lot) and the amount of jobs isn't very hard. But you need to know what you do, otherwise things go wrong. I tried it myself with the x-tool but I wasn't able to do it easily, so the best thing is to do it manually with the iLive Reader. I made a screen shot of one exemplar to clarify my little tutorial a bit :)
Ok let start with the begin. Find your lot in the plugins folder, make a back up of it and double click on it. Tell windows to open it with the iLive reader. You can also open iLive reader and select the lot if it's not in a subdirectory of your folder. Than click 'fill the list' and you'll see the same as in the picture I posted below.

First thing to do: make sure you have no question marks under Compressed. If you safe the file and there's a question mark, the file is corrupted. You'll only need to click on each entry once. When there's a Y or a N after each entry you're done. After that's done you can change the properties of the building exemplar. There are two exemplar files, one describing what prop is placed where on the lot and another telling how the lot functions in the game. You'll only need to change the last one. 

basically there four kind of properties to take care of.
- the custom query
- the ones with a orange frame
- the ones with a orange frame and a green dot in front of it.
- the others

Double click on Query Exemplar GUID and change the property from 0xEFFEC002 to 0x2A567DC1. Now you got rid of my custom query and you should get the default maxis industrial query. (or not if I made a typing mistake)

The properties I framed orange are related to the lot name, description, amount of jobs etc. You can change them to whatever you want. The ones with a green dot in front of it are related to the amount of jobs on the lot. Be a bit careful with those, they can unbalance your city. If you understand what you're doing, you'll probably fine though. Most of the values are hexadecimal, keep that in mind when changing a value otherwise you get strange results ;). You can use the Windows calculator in expert mode to change from hex to dec.
If you reduce the amount of jobs to, let's say, a half, than you should reduce the other properties by a half as well. It's not the most precise method, but I don't think it will unbalance the game. Just play a bit with it and test it in your city carefully.

The properties without a frame are the most simple. No need to change them, you can leave them alone :)

Hope this tutorial is a bit understandable :D Don't hesitate to ask a question if something doesn't work ;)


Hi Merijn,

Thanks for the tutorial. It is quite clear to me and I am quite sure I will be able to do it. Not today, but maybe the weekend.
Thanks a lot.

And I found a sidewalk mod that changes the sidewalks to the default Maxis industrial base texture. Do you know if it is easy to edit a sidewalk mod so that the texture I use for the containerport will show up in my sidewalks?
The mod I mean is by SAP23, from the STEX: Take a look

Edit 2010-05-10
And I did it!
I changed the query... no problem.
I changed the jobs... no problem.
I opened LEProp to edit plopcost, bulldozecost, air and water pollution, garbage, flamability, power and water consumption.
Then I reopened Reader to edit the building value.

It worked: I halved the values for my crane lots and quartered (can you say that in English?) them for the storage lots.

It's really a pity that the LEProp does not contain the possibility to edit building value, item order and jobs. Because in that case the reader would be of no use to me anymore.

Everything seems to work OK. Would you care to take a look at them before I upload them to the STEX?


Hi to all of you,

I just released my Container Terminal Lots on the STEX. Take a look at them here.
A separate upload of three necessary prop families can be found right here.

I hope you like them.


Thank you for this set.Port will now look like port :)
But I have one question.You can do some of these LOT diagonal?
Ports also have a coastline diagonal.This would be a nice addition to the port.
Thanks again for the opportunity to build a normal port


Quote from: FrankU on May 25, 2010, 01:16:38 PM
I just released my Container Terminal Lots on the STEX.

May I suggest that you let the LEX scrutineers have a look at them (and your modular warehouses) as well? :)


Yes sure!
I never did a LEX candidacy, because I fear for a lot of extra work, like making decent icons and readme's. Because my SC4 time is very limited, due to children, job, family and friends, I don't want to go too deep into these activities. But hey, maybe it's not so much...

Surely you may take a look. Do you want me to do something?

And Neofita: diagonals would be fun. There are diagonal seawalls that I could use, but there are no diagonal ships nor containercranes, so the possibilities are limited.  Some diagonal container stoing lots would be possible though.... Maybe I'll take a look into it.