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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Wow! Personally, I much prefer SA's textures (I drool every time I look at them)
I'd love it if you could check out my photography! Click on of the links below:

Monorail Master


But what about 90 degree curves for RHW-6S?
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into
(")_(") your signature to help him gain world domination

Blue Lightning

Also, will the Darkfault be an option in the original release or will it be a separate add-on?

Only thing I would suggest is broken lines on the accel/decel ramps...
We don't use those in Ohio unless its a lane that's breaking off (or a solid line). OH-21 has an example of a A/B style ramp that doesn't have dashed lines yet has no accel/decel lane.

Thanks for the feedback!
Also known as Wahrheit

Occasionally lurks.

RHW Project


Wow! (where's my jaw?) &apls &apls &apls

I have a question though, how did you create the RHW? I mean like what programs do you use?

Just curious. ;D
Coastland Region: The SC4 Story:
The story of two major counties, Ashville and Coastland, battle out to have an individual city reach 1 million sims, but a major storm destroys one city, and a major. What will now happen?
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Fantastic, Alex! No doubt this will make a lot of people happy. One question, though, about the wider RHW diagonal puzzle pieces: I have a lot of trouble plopping them; it seems that I have to plop them in a certain direction in order to be able to plop all of them, and when I get to the end of one side of the RHW's diagonal stretch, I have to plop the pieces for the other side in the opposite direction (if that makes any sense). Will these puzzle pieces be easier to build in RHW 4.0, now that the coding is more stable?

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


Quote from: CityMaster563 on April 27, 2010, 05:42:11 PM
I have a question though, how did you create the RHW? I mean like what programs do you use?

Just curious. ;D

The textures are made in Inkscape as vector graphics, then exported to .pngs, converted into .fshs, and imported into .dat files that the game reads.
Then an accompanying path file for each tile is made in Daeley's Path Creator and also imported into the .dat file.
Lastly, "instructions" explaining what the game should do with this stuff are written in the form of RULs. These RULs specify the size of each puzzle piece, what textures and models are applied to what, etc.

That's the basic rundown, but the process is in actuality a lot more complex, particularly in the RULing department, as the RHW consists of tens of thousands of lines of RUL code.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Quote from: Monorail Master on April 27, 2010, 02:09:05 PM
But what about 90 degree curves for RHW-6S?

A picture tells a thousand words, they say . . .

Quote from: woodb3kmaster on April 27, 2010, 05:47:04 PM
One question, though, about the wider RHW diagonal puzzle pieces: I have a lot of trouble plopping them; it seems that I have to plop them in a certain direction in order to be able to plop all of them, and when I get to the end of one side of the RHW's diagonal stretch, I have to plop the pieces for the other side in the opposite direction (if that makes any sense). Will these puzzle pieces be easier to build in RHW 4.0, now that the coding is more stable?

There was some weirdness with the CheckTypes on the RUL entries before.  They were basically orthogonals underneath before, but now there's proper diagonal layouts underlaying them.  It should be easier to construct them in most situations now, and you should even be able to plop them over top of draggable network sections.



Nice to see these  :thumbsup:

Yay for flexibility!

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


My BATs or here but it is in french ;)


Question/Suggestion: Will there be Elevated RHW-6 in v4.0? It could be really helpful when building more REAListic elevated highways through populated areas. ;)

Edit: Also, will RHW v4 be in HD?

Monorail Master

....and is there going to be double-height EL-MIS and EL-RHW-4? Also, what about EL-RHW-2?
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into
(")_(") your signature to help him gain world domination


Quote from: Nego on April 29, 2010, 05:02:37 PM
Question/Suggestion: Will there be Elevated RHW-6 in v4.0? It could be really helpful when building more REAListic elevated highways through populated areas. ;)

Edit: Also, will RHW v4 be in HD?

No on both accounts.

Additional ERHW widths are planned for a future 4.x series release.  As far as HD goes, I had looked into it initially, but the filesize quickly becomes astronomical . . . you'd be looking at a 100MB+ mod when it's all said and done, which isn't feasible to distribute.

Quote from: Monorail Master on April 29, 2010, 06:17:00 PM
....and is there going to be double-height EL-MIS and EL-RHW-4? Also, what about EL-RHW-2?

Eventually, yes, but not in 4.0.  Additional heights are planned as the "flagship" feature of the Version 5.0 release (which will be preceded by the 4.x series).  ERHW-2 is planned for the 4.x series.


Blue Lightning

Well, finally got to redoing the ramp interface textures for Darkphalt. Heres the B ramp.

(Click for full)
Also known as Wahrheit

Occasionally lurks.

RHW Project

Monorail Master

*me drools
**friend who is a German exchange student is standing behind me is drooling a lot.

Nice job BL.
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into
(")_(") your signature to help him gain world domination


The default textures aren't looking half bad either.

A motorist's dream

More on that later.


Cool! I've never seen how the US textures of my cosmetic pieces turn out from up close. As far as I can see, they look good  ;)
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Is that the RHW-6s farr? =) or just the S curve? Whatever it is, this is dreamy.


None of both. It's actually a RHW-6S to RHW-6C transistion
Lurk mode: ACTIVE

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