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iLives Reader 1.x Official support thread

Started by ilive, March 16, 2010, 08:37:56 AM

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Thanks for french language in version 1.2  :thumbsup:
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Sorting still isn't working in the new version. That's really the only thing preventing me from using the new version full time. And I'd still like to confirm if it's only me that has the sorting issue since if it's just me I can fix it somehow.

ou si c'est plus facile en francais: je ne peux pas trier les fichiers par les colonnes. Je voudrais savoir si c'est le logiciel, ou moi... peut-etre un probleme avec un DLL systeme ou quelque chose.


Yes the column sorting does not work.  :(


hhmmm... do you speak about these columns ?

If yes, do you have the problem on all columns ?


I can confirm that, yes, there is a problem on ALL columns. Sorting doesn't work period.


I don't have the bug on 7 but the problem appears on XP (perhaps Vista).
could you confirm that you use XP or Vista ?


XP here, and yes it's all those columns.


Quote from: fafalone on May 10, 2010, 12:13:13 AM
XP here, and yes it's all those columns.

I found the problem... a variable was not initialized...so the problem may appear on 7 too...
fix will be available on next release


Quote from: ilive on May 09, 2010, 11:50:23 PM
I don't have the bug on 7 but the problem appears on XP (perhaps Vista).
could you confirm that you use XP or Vista ?

Nope not XP nor Vista. Bug (sorting not working) occurs on Windows 7 x64.



i found a minor display bug on the tweaker building for the landmark effect and Park effect the same value is displayed : The amount effect is displayed on the radius too.

But it's works for edit : The edited value is really changed



I noticed you used the Ribbon in the new reader, however, I can't find it in VS2008. Can you tell me where you got the component from?

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


Well you can't use the official microsoft ribbon with .net languages (Well you can't add a ribbon with VS straight out of the box), and you can only use it with C++.

However there are ribbon librarys made for .net available on the internet


When I link the reader to the new_properties.xml I start having all kinds of problems. I was trying to make a propfamily, and reader kept setting Exemplar Category to 0000000A, Building/Prop ID to 0000000A, the resourcekey to 00000000, I was getting no where.

And when I went to add a new property, it listed all of them twice.

I got rid of the line linking to the xml, and everything worked fine.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


@RebaLynnTS : The ribbon is included in the VS2008 Feature Pack and is only for MFC. Microsoft buy it from BCGSoft company...
It is a standard component in VS2010 but I don't know if MS extends it to other langage (C#...).
About your problem, where do you set the new_properties.xml file ? Could you check in regedit under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ilive\reader\settings that you have only PROPERTIES key (and not PROPERTIES0, PROPERTIES1...) and the value of that key is the path + filename of new_properties.xml ?


Quote from: ilive on May 16, 2010, 04:19:08 AM
About your problem, where do you set the new_properties.xml file ? Could you check in regedit under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ilive\reader\settings that you have only PROPERTIES key (and not PROPERTIES0, PROPERTIES1...) and the value of that key is the path + filename of new_properties.xml ?

The ilive section is not even in my registry at all.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


sorry the right path is :



Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


what version of the reader do you use ?
do you have the right to write in registry ?


Quote from: ilive on May 16, 2010, 11:37:06 PM
what version of the reader do you use ?
do you have the right to write in registry ?

I actually have .93, 1.1, and 1.2

I was using 1.2 when I was having the problems. Right now I am back to .93.
Once I am finished with my current project, I'll be happy to reinstall 1.2 for more testing, and trouble shooting.

I have all admin rights. After all, I built the dang thing :)

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


@RebaLynnTS : could you try the 1.3 version ?
If yes, create a debug key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\ilive\reader\settings (key has to be DWORD) and set the value to 1.
Once done, launch the reader and click on colums. A file called trace.txt should be generated. Could you send me this file by PM ?