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Started by jahu, June 03, 2007, 10:15:49 AM

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Well, looks like no one replied to my issue after I went to sleep (not like I'm disappointed or anything), so...

After looking through my plugins, I couldn't find any suspicious file that would look to be causing this issue; so that leaves me with Plan B: take it all out and put it back in small amounts until the issue returns... %wrd

Edit: @j-dub: Yeah, I know; "Patience is a virtue" and "Good things come to those who wait"...

Anyway; I didn't post an in-game pic because I didn't think to take a print-screen of the route query at the time. &mmm
I'll take one next time it happens though... (This time I'm actually hoping it happens again so I can screencap it...)


Quote from: Cosmic on May 16, 2010, 09:56:16 PM
This is what my NAM folder looks like:

There's a second "Network Addon Mod" folder inside your Network Addon Mod folder - that one should be deleted. Also, delete the two *.sav files at the end of the list, thos backup copies should be stored outside the Plugins folder (the latest version of TSCT fixed this bug).


Quote from: Andreas on May 17, 2010, 10:16:05 AM
There's a second "Network Addon Mod" folder inside your Network Addon Mod folder - that one should be deleted. Also, delete the two *.sav files at the end of the list, thos backup copies should be stored outside the Plugins folder (the latest version of TSCT fixed this bug).

Oh, so the .SAV's shouldn't be in there? Alright, I'll take them out.
Also, will the shortcut cause any problems? Or is it fine to leave it there?
As for the extra Network Addon Mod folder; it's a leftover from when I installed the NAM essentials, I just forgot to delete it. :-[

Edit: @Andreas: Alright, done. So now my NAM folder is like it was in the screenshot before, minus the extra Network Addon Mod subfolder and the two *.sav files.
Anything else I should look out for?... If not, then I'll start Plan B and take everything out then start putting it back in a little at a time to see if the issue returns.
Perhaps I'll try switching the radical automata plugin for the standard version, too... just so I can say "I've tried everything" when all is said and done. %confuso


The shortcut won't hurt, but yes, remove the *.sav files, as the game reads any file in the plugins folder, regardless of the name, and if it's an SC4 file, it will be used.


Quote from: Cosmic on May 17, 2010, 10:26:31 AM
Perhaps I'll try switching the radical automata plugin for the standard version, too... just so I can say "I've tried everything" when all is said and done. %confuso

That's not necessary.  But do you have any game mods, specifically downloads that were put on the STEX several years ago?  Many of those are incompatible with the NAM.  (Most or all of them now say that in their descriptions.)  First, check the description of any such mods to see if it mentions NAM incompatibility; if so, don't use it.  But in general, game mods are a good place to focus your suspicions.


I have a problem that I believe is related to the overhaul of el-rail over road (adding draggable road stubs to the pieces and whatnot).  The elevated rail over pedmall pieces no longer can be placed directly on top of draggable elevated rail track.  When placed by themselves they don't have draggable el-rail stubs, so I don't know how else they could be placed.


@z: I looked through my mods already; and I couldn't find anything of the sort. I also tried using the cleanitol file that's included with the NAM, and it doesn't find anything, either. So unless the cleanitol file isn't complete or something, then I can't find any of the old STEX mods.  &mmm

I also avoid datpacking my NAM folder, so that's not the problem either... :-\


Quote from: Andreas on May 16, 2010, 07:42:26 AM
I've just updated the latest NAM, RHW and NWM releases, which contain all the bugfixes that have been posted so far. If you haven't downloaded the new releases yet, you don't need to download the bugfixes that have been posted in the forums throughout the last couple of days.

The NAM Essentials have been updated as well to fix a few bugs that have been reported. Furthermore, I've also updated some NAM Additional Bridges as following:

- Old Road Bridge by jeronij - fixed outer zoom level bug
- Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge by fukuda - fixed minimal length issue
- Millau Viaduct by fukuda - fixed zoom 3 issue
- Monorail Bridges by choco - added cable-stayed Monorail bridge
- Concrete Street Bridge by choco - updated models and nightlighting

Thank you Andreas and NAM-Team for re-upload and these hard work to correceted them.  &apls
I'd test latest-NAM with a Lef-Hand Version, there are some problems could not yet correceted I noticed.  ;D
1. Elevated Rail , Mono Rail crossing ( -> links to report)
2. Parallel Ramps (Ground HW to OWRoad) ( -> Links to report)
3. Avenue and diagonal Road crossing ( -> Pipelad reported)

Would you correcet them ? or are these inpossibility problem ?  ()what()
and would you tell us which bugs you corrected in a latest-NAM ?

by the way, I have to say again,
Thank you for NAM-Team !!  :)


Good day.  I would like to ask. when I have installed your 2010 NAM components, will they over ride my old set?  or do i need to Cleanitol them out 1st?   Next questian I have,.
I was trying to use the Urban Hwy's and on the on ramp components and the off ramp components ,. am un able to tie them in to one another.  what i may be missing?   I have seen your pic's and all where it's been able to complete.  but i think i must be missing something...  Next I would like to ask...  how to make a 90 on the urban Hwy. I looked at the tutorial. and I still get the diomond in the middle so when you see trafic in the curve it stops at that point.   so aparently not connecting, as i cant tdrag anything from one end to the other and have right lane left lane markings...  is it posible you can simply make a 90 in the tabbing menue for us :-).   Thank you, God bless///   P.S.  You do great work, keep it up :-)


Alright, I now have pictures showing what exactly happens (As the saying goes; "A picture tells a thousand words")... since the bug happened again when I rebuilt my city &mmm (Apparently "Obliterate City" does not clear the issue; only completely wiping the tile will remove it)

In this pic, you see there is clearly industrial growth, but the route query shows no freight truck traffic.

In this pic, there's lots of residential growth, but there's no commuters or anything. Note all the "No road connection" zots.

Final pic, again showing the industrial buildings. The query window reports "Short" freight trips. But there are no freight trucks being sent out.

In the second pic, all the automata you see are just the cement trucks (and possibly moving trucks; I wasn't paying attention, so I wouldn't know.) The simulator had ample time running to at least start showing the initial trips; but nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. &mmm
Yeah, I know... I should have done this from the start, but it didn't cross my mind >.>

Silhouette Saloon

Well, I managed to solve my problem. All my problem needed was a re-installation of the Simcity application itself. Everything is now working fine. I did have graphical issues due to the presence of the White Sidewalk Mod (http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/details.cfm?id=19425) so I just deleted it.


Cosmic, you haven't dragged the street all the way through the avenue So sims can not turn into the industrial estate, they would be able to get out but they can't get in.


Well, there's commercial right across the avenue in the lower right, and you can see it's connected there... also if you see the first picture it shows no freight trucks either; though maybe that could also be explained by the lack of street crossing on the avenue... I'll load Sim City 4 back up in a bit and try that.

(Oh, yeah: I forgot to mention: this is like a 50/50 thing whenever the aforementioned bug happens. Sometimes residential does not grow at all, other times [as in this case], it will but will not send out commuters.)

I'll edit this post when I come back with the results (if it changes anything...) Edit: @Jonathan: Sure, gimme a little bit so I can load up SC4.


Alright, so here's some pictures of 4 avenue intersections.

This is where you said that I didn't cross over with the streets. (After I took the picture, I did complete the street intersections)

This picture is a bit further to the right of the previous one. Notice the complete streetxavenue intersections.

This picture is even farther to the right; showing an avenue T intersection with more streetxavenue crossings on both sides.

I said before that there is commercial on the other side of the avenue from the residential; now you can see that, and you also see the complete roadxavenue

The lack of any development is because I didn't save the city before, in case you were wondering. After I finish this post I'll go back into SC4 and run it this city to see if the problem persists. (Who knows? Maybe this was all as simple as User Error...)

Edit: Alright; testing shows that fixing those street intersections does not solve this problem. I guess we can't tack it down to User Error just yet.
The city is still plagued with fields of No Road Zots on the residential lots, and industrial buildings still do not generate freight.
Checking the commute time graph shows a commute time of 0. (I'd assume that the traffic volume graph would also display 0 volume for all traffic types, as well) I suspect this might have something to do with it?...
(Guess this means I'll have to precision terraform the coastline all over again &mmm)


Hi all, sorry to bother you with that but I've got a serious problem after installing the new NAM release. Thats what I did:

(1) removed the old NAM folder from my plugins folder
(2) read any readme that I was aware of beeing available for the NAM, NWM and RHW
(3) installed those addons in that order

Wehn I restarted my game, I encountered both the SAM streets and the STR special pieces missing. That is, they don't show up where they are placed. I checke the old against the new NAM folder and encountered that the whole SAM folder was missing, so I copied it from the old to the new NAM folder. Problem seems solved for the SAM.

For the STR, I compared what's called the "Railway Addon Mod". In the new NAM this folder contains:


The old NAM's "Railway Addon Mod" folder contains

So I copied those two to the new NAM folder, but unfortunately with no effect. Im still missing the FARR curves, STR bridges, DTR/STR transition pieces, ...

So I'm kinda confused .... what would I need to get back my Single Track Rail??
If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

Visit my BAT thread: Slow BAT steady - Rady's first BAT attemtps


You should have two icons in your Rail menu, one for double-track wide radius curves, and one for single-track rail. IIRC, some FARR pieces and other stuff is located in the STR rotation ring, even though it's also for DTR.


Cosmic can you try bulldozing the NWM network you have running down the side of the avenue. If you have any other NAM networks remove them as well. That way we can see if it's a glitch with the game or just a problem with the NAM.


Edit: Conclusion: NAM is not the source of the problem. (thank goodness!)

Even in this freshly De-NAMified city, the problem persists. Still no traffic of any sort.

Now it has a friend; the Traffic Volume graph. Which is coincidentally empty. All boxes checked, all lines at 0.

Traffic Volume Graph has a friend, too; the Commute Time graph. Which again, coincidentally, is at 0. This problem is very bizarre. ??? Yet so easy to see what's wrong at the same time. ()what()


Quote from: Cosmic on May 18, 2010, 12:59:47 PM
@Jonathan: I tried that after I took the picture (sorry I didn't mention that), and that didn't work either.
I haven't deleted the tile yet, because I'm still clinging to the hope that it's salvageable...

Don't give up yet!  $%Grinno$%  If you've removed all the NAM content from that tile, try moving the NAM folder out of your plugins temporarily, and then see if your city works.