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iLives Reader 1.x Official support thread

Started by ilive, March 16, 2010, 08:37:56 AM

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I know that it may be hard to do but whether it is possible to translate the Ilives Reader Polish language ???
A lot of players are in Poland, and not everyone speaks English at a level to use it without trouble or use the google translator.


@Jonathan : alpha threshold bugshould also be fixed
@Neofita : check this thread http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=10619.0. In the attachment, there is a file which includes english sentences to be translated (there are some more sentences in version 1.3 ...)
the only problem is there are so many sentences to translate that it is a bit boring  ;)


Hello ilive! Good to see progress being made here on the reader, keep it up. :)

However, in 1.3 I've encountered a strange bug, one that causes reader to crash upon startup. Now, via some patience and a little ingenuity ( ::) ) I managed to not only fix it, but narrow it down to a specific cause. ;)

Now, running reader for the first time, it works fine. It was only after setting up the configuration that it began crashing. So, I tried removing the registry keys, one at a time, until one particular setting made the difference. Sure enough, it was the setting for the default SC4 folder that was the root of the issue. Not sure if anyone else has experienced it yet, but thought I would let you know. :)


Hi Ilive.    One small request (yet to use the new reader :P)

would it be possible to have a rotate/flip function for .fsh files? maybe on the image preview window ect.

this would help by cutting the time down it takes atm to import/export files just to rotate, especially when Network textures are involved. The Nam LHD plug-in for example  :)

thanks in advance,




@Travis : I will take a look on your trouble
@superhands : no pb, I'll do this on the next release


I am having trouble editing a .dat file. The file is named "CP_PropPack_Vol02.dat" . I was trying to add some properties to the two building exemplars in the file. (To find the two files, sort by Entry column and the two files I am trying to edit are in the bottom of the group of exemplar files.)

After trying to insert and edit 'item name' and 'item description' properties, some LTEXT files get scrambled. Also I get errors when clicking on the LD files and a couple times crashed the program.
I have successfully edited the propPack .dat file with the SC4Tool, (renaming one of the exemplar names and some of the LTEXT entries) without any problems. (But I can't add any properties with that tool.)

I have successfully used the Reader to edit smaller files. The .dat file is about 2.5 megabytes in size.

I am running on WinXP sp3, with dual AMD processors, and 2 gigs of ram. I am using version 1.3 of Ilive Reader.

Thanks in advance.

Additional Bug: Clicking on Navigator causes the program to crash.  Edit: This item fixed in version 1.3a.


I have the same bug as Travis.

It's odd, because it was working fine but then sudenly started not working...


Ok figured out the bug.

If you have an empty .dat file in your plugins folder, plus have the sc4 path set, then the editor crashes on startup.



version 1.3a has been uploaded :)

v1.3a : Bug fixed
   - Crash in an empty dat is in plugins directory
   - Crash when clicking on Navigator button in some cases

   Features added or improved
   - Add Flip Vert. and Flip Horz. options for FSH preview files


That was fast!

Are you still publishing the source for the reader? I'm thinking of making a plugin for it / using some of the sources for something I'm working on, so if you could publish that would be awesome.


Quote from: swamp_ig on June 23, 2010, 03:57:03 AM
That was fast!

Are you still publishing the source for the reader? I'm thinking of making a plugin for it / using some of the sources for something I'm working on, so if you could publish that would be awesome.

Sourcecode of the 1.3a version is now available on sourceforge.




New minor install bug. The files new_properties.xml and settings.ini, are in a subfolder called SC4pim. By default, Reader is looking for these folders in the same directory as reader.exe. Instead of changing the directory in the options menu, I just moved the two files to the same directory as reader.exe. Changing the directory in the options menu to point to the subdirectory works for the new_properties.xml file, but not for the settings.ini file.   
P.S. Thanks for fixing the 'clicking the Navigator button' bug.

Edit: Another bug. This one not so minor. Enabling the 'Reload the last file' option caused Reader to lock up and display the 'Failed to open ...' pop-up error window. Clicking ok results in the same error window displayed in an infinite loop. You need to use Task Manager to kill the program. Repro steps: 1. Install program, run and open any SC4 file. 2. Open the options menu and select the 'Reload the last file' option. 3. Close Reader and restart. 4. Note that no file is automatically opened. 5. Open the last file in the file menu. (Round Icon in upper left of Reader.) Note: to fix this I had to run Regedit and set the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\iLive\Reader\Settings\autoload key to 0.


@jamiechi : thanks for your reports. I fixed the 'reload last file' bug.
For the install bug, I have no right on new_properties.xml and settings.ini and it's why I put them in another directory. These files were created for sc4pim tool and so all honors go to the developper and contributors of this project.  If I put these files in the reader directory, someone could think that I created these both files.

For information, sourcecode of the Reader is available through SVN on SourceForge


How do I run this program? I downloaded it and there is no "Click here to make it go" button.


Okay, the problem is the link provided leads to a small file without the EXE. After some digging, I found the EXE.


the Fsh flip option is really quite useful ilive :thumbsup:

one issue that i know that comes up now and again in conversation is the 1 pixel clipping of the preview image when viewed at normal res.

maybe in the the entries window, files like fsh's could have a background colour that would identify groups of 0-4. so say you click on the instance column, it returns as a alphabetical list, with the first 0-4 with say a dark grey background, then the next 0-4 with off white, and so on down the page. 

bug report: Reader crashes when flipping textures H or V, for zooms 0-1.
