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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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first forums inhabitant from Uruguay..   first forums citizen from Uruguay..  first forums councilman from Uruguay..   first forums mayor from Uruguay..  first forums governor from Uruguay..
...i'm still the only one from Uruguay!



Quote from: Blue Lightning on July 17, 2010, 12:00:25 PM
I'm going to pull another "oh by the way" thing here...

Why Vince, you tricky little fellow, you. :D :D  That's awesome--an RHW-16C!



L i s t e n  T o  O u r  F a m o u s  T h e m e
http://www.supload.com/listen?s=PVfnXk">We Are Borg


Except the wider the highway is, they all feel, well 99% of 'em them anyway feel like they need to speed faster. I have been on a Real 10 lane highway , and they will go past 100 if not, at least 90mph, despite the speed limit, including curves If your going to drive the minimum speed limit, your as good as dead.

And I know the east coast of the US does have at least a 16 lane wide highway, somewhere.


Quote from: j-dub on July 17, 2010, 08:10:08 PM
And I know the east coast of the US does have at least a 16 lane wide highway, somewhere.

The I-75/I-85 "Downtown Connector" in Atlanta, GA . . . that thing's huge.  Though I think it's only 15 lanes at the widest spot. ::)

There's a section on I-5 near San Diego that rival it, though, just north of the interchange with I-805.  It appears there's a point there where there's at least 15 lanes plus another 3 C/D lanes on either side.



Don't forget Houston's I-10, at some intersection it has like 21 lanes


The 401 in Mississauga swells to 26 or so lanes near the 403/410 interchange.

...And organizes itself to 18 through lanes a little east of it.

A little off topic, but interesting conversation nonetheless.  &opr


Quote from: j-dub on July 17, 2010, 08:10:08 PM
And I know the east coast of the US does have at least a 16 lane wide highway, somewhere.

I know that the Garden State Parkway (in New Jersey) is 16 Lanes wide at Exit 125.

It's also 15 lanes wide going over the Driscoll Bridge.
I'm sure that there is some point along I-95 that is 16 lanes or more.

Nice job Blue Lightning. Keep up the good work, everyone! I can't wait for RHW v4.1.


With 16 lanes the widest European highway that I am aware of is close to The Hague in the Netherlands: Link.
However, the 16 lanes are split over several roads. They connect five highways.

Only a few toll booths are wider, like this one close to Paris: Link.

With up to 10 lanes the widest normal highway in Germany that I am aware of is close to Frankfurt: Link
This highway exchange close to Wuppertal has 13 lanes : Link.

Anyway, I would think that the present RHW is wide enough to create real highways.


The most lil ol' blighty can manage is 10/12 lanes on the M25! Never been...Preston Bypass is more my scene.


I don't think Finland ever manages more than 8 or maybe 10 lanes near junctions in Helsinki. Nowhere else I've lived has either (Chicago~12 lanes, Milwaukee~10, Sioux Falls 8) but this spot in nearby Minneapolis gets up to 14-15 lanes, albeit on separate roads (EDIT-Link removed after realizing I don't know how to post links from google maps ;) ). I think having 6 or more lanes per direction would be a really great addition to RHW though, as even though long stretches of ultra-wide motorways aren't particularly common in RL, areas like that approaching and leaving large interchanges are not so rare. Also, I think there's plenty of people out there who just want ultra-wide networks whether it's realistic or not  ::)

Thanks Vince!  :thumbsup:


Chrisim: there is a wider highway in Europe, in fact, it's also in the Netherlands. It's the A15/16 between Ridderkerk-north and -south, which is 17 lanes wide: 8 to the north, 9 to the south. Basically, the A15 and A16 run side by side, with the A16 in the centre, and the A15 around that one. However, it is a very short section. [linkie]
And how do you get to 5 highways connected by that point? You've got the A4, which is the highway the basket-weave is located on, the A12, and the A13. That makes three highways, so where are the other two?



I think Chrisim meant that there are five "arms" stretching from that heap of interchanges that gobble up within very short distance. Personally, I think it's not really necessary to have such ultra-wide highways, as they merely serve as a huge "parking lot" during rush hour - it's much more crucial to design the interchanges themselves for higher capacity. The Frankfurter Kreuz is one of the busiest interchanges in Europe with over 300,000 cars per day, and yet the A5 and the crossing A3 "only" have five lanes per direction. Granted, there are still traffic jams, but driving was a true nightmare before they remodeled the interchange a few years ago.


Quote from: j-dub on July 17, 2010, 08:10:08 PM
Except the wider the highway is, they all feel, well 99% of 'em them anyway feel like they need to speed faster.
I haven't noticed anything like that on I-405 through Greater Los Angeles, even at night, when the traffic finally dies down. At that time, motorists seem to just drive a few mph over the limit. Most of the time, though, it's impossible to go even that fast, since traffic on the 405 slows to 10-25 mph while the sun's out.

Anyway, enough of this off-topic stuff. Vince, that RHW-10C looks great; I hope to see it in a future release!

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


Quote from: Andreas on July 18, 2010, 02:08:36 PM
Personally, I think it's not really necessary to have such ultra-wide highways, as they merely serve as a huge "parking lot" during rush hour.

Is that why they call them 'parkways' in the USA?  :D

Of course this prompted me to go find the widest freeway in Perth. I was thinking it wouldn't be that big, but there's a short section with 16 lanes, including C/D and ramps. 


Quote from: Blue Lightning on July 17, 2010, 12:00:25 PM
I'm going to pull another "oh by the way" thing here...

I made these prototypes about 6 months ago.

And the way the lanes are set up you can also do this

sorry I saw that you started doing RHW 10 with barrier
so my question is how can I make them just that by the middle tower light
perhaps with programs such as SC4 Tool, LE or reader
problem is not to detect textures RHW
anyway props for lights and barriers they have in LE


I don't understand why the Freeways are so wide in America. Cities in Europe are on par with the population of Cities in the US, and our highways are usually half the width of US highways.
Darraghf on SC4D, Rainyday on ST, Darraghflah on Simpeg


Maybe it's because in Europe you may only overtake to the left lanes (or right lanes in the UK and Ireland). In the US you can overtake to the left lanes as well as the right lanes. In Europe this results that slow traffic stays on the outer lanes and faster traffic moves in the inner lanes, while in the US you can't see this system.

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


I do not think that Sim City is required to highways are more than 6 lanes because traffic is not as busy but also can hardly do the exact proportions to be responsible for 3 or 10 lanes
This not  makes sense because their construction will have had no effect on traffic


We are indeed carrying what amounts to eye-candy to the extremes