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The Royal Gansbaai Kingdoms - The End; A New Revolution

Started by marsh, May 12, 2010, 04:19:50 PM

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     Hello everyone, I have not updated in a while for one reason... (Ill give you the short story) - There was a thunderstorm, lightning struck a powerline, Power-surge, my computer is fried. All memory of SC4, pictures, Cities, Backups, are most likley lost. I've been currently using my parents computer, (which is realy slow), and I cant realy play SC4 on it. I have to wait untill I get a new computer, so that I can start on the Gandsbaai Kingdoms again. I have no idea how long it will be, since it has already been a few weeks. But hopfully I get one soon and I can start right back up.

Don't despair though. This MD/CJ will be back. I will showcase a different citie however. I would not rebuild Zukuraai. I was alredy working on some different areas, like a small island chain in the Canary Islands. (One pic of it was fetured in CSGdesigns MD, Natural Growth.) Untill then.... this journal is on hold.



Oh rubbish man! This was a really nice kingdom. Well good job on things so far and hopefully you will buy yourself that thingy, that stops power surges (they're like 15€ and so forth). So you don't get another KFC (Kritically Fried Computer) =)

See you soon I hope.


Yea, that was somthing stupid of me. My computer was too far away from a outlet, so i used an extension cord, but it didnt hgave a surge protecter.  &mmm Next time it will.


All humans learn on their mistakes. Btw, where did you get the desert ground texture? Do you make these yourself?


That's bad news marsh, this was some of your best work yet. :thumbsup:

Hope to see you back soon. Your MD will be waiting, and so will we.



That airport is just .... amazing !!!! &apls &apls
you're a new SC4 Master :)
wish you all the best,

- Giel :thumbsup:
Check out my LOT thread, and also the EBLTeam!

==> http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=10509.msg318190#new <==


strucka: I dont know which texture your talkni about. If you mean terrain mod, ive used the Grandcanyon terrain mod in Zukuraai. For the Oil refinery i used Heblems destert terrain mod. (http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/details.cfm?id=20589)

tooheys&Gilikov1994: Thank you very much.  :)


   I thought id post these just for the hell of it. This is some stuff I was working on. I dont think the work I did should go to waste. :)
I was working on a few different things. I dont know if this is lost yet. My computer still works, just doesnt boot up, I do not know yet if i can save my cities. But it is most likley that I cannot.

Warning--- Pics all over sized. I will post thumbnails, with links to the pictures below.

This computer does not have PS, so all pics are plain.  &mmm

     This was a small tropical/medditerrainian island chain i was working on. THIS, I will recreate once I get a new computer. I realy love the concept of it. Although I may use a different map.
It was to be part of the Canary islands. The largest here still being smaller than any other of the Canary Islands.

This picture was older, but I had about half of an island finished.





CSG also used it as a location for a family moving from the island, to his Boston Natural Growth Journal

This was the begginings of Al Aaium. I did not like how it was turning out, so I was going to re-do it anyways.
(Biggest problem, the main island was to small for a downtown.


And I was also working on an airline.


Again... I REALY wish I could have photoshopped these, or even just change the contrast, but this omputer doesnt even have MSpaint its about 10 years old, and Was deleted years ago due to a virus.

And finaly.... A funny picture I found.



Check out my LOT thread, and also the EBLTeam!

==> http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=10509.msg318190#new <==


The City & County of Honolulu, a Mayor Diary based on Honolulu, Hawai'i.

mark's memory address - I've created a blog!


What a terrible shame about your computer.  I hope you manage to retrieve your stuff, you've done a lot of great work here! 


     Hey all. To start I will say.... I got a new computer! 1terabyte HD, 3GB memory, 2.80GHz. (yea pretty big) Also a kick-ass 23inch screen with 1920x1080 resolution. (Needless to say its pretty awsome).

So.... Ive already started on The Gansbaai Kingdoms again, in a different city. The city of Nouadhibou. (You can find it on the map on the first page) Needless to say, its a desert city on a peninsula surrounding a bay, and surrounding that is the edge of the Sahara.

So less words, more visual.

Heres a small teaser to keep you interested.
(Not photoshoped, again just a teaser... also, that sand to the left is a beach to yet be detailed.)

Also, I relized I never wrote responses to the airport update, so......

QuoteGood job on the airport marsh.

Thankyou very much  :)

Quote:Yeap, very well done  :thumbsup: .
Just wish somebody would finally LOT a couple of Airports to plop around for ignorant folks like me (know how to use an Airport, but couldn't build one if my life depended on it  &mmm ).

Thanks. There are some Airports lotted I think somwere. Im not sure though.

QuoteWow, very good. Excellent airport. I've been trying to master the RMIP set since quite a while so I can imagine how much work you have put in there. And the shoreline detailing is also really good. And I even like your photoshopping which is quite a compliment since I am usually not a big fan of too many effects in MD pictures.

The only critcism I have are the trees between the runways. It is very dangerous because leaves and branches could damage the turbines of the planes.

Thankyou very much  ;D Im realy glad that you like it.

QuoteWow, very good J  How long did it take you to finish it?

I slowly worked on it for about 2 weeks. I dont know the exact amount of time.  :-[

QuoteI spy with my little eye, tadasu's terminals.   You've used those in a great way in this update, very nice aeroport.


Thank you ethan. Im glad you like how I used them.  :)

QuoteWOW great airport my friend

Thanks  :)

Tomas Neto:
QuoteWooowww...!!! AWESOME!!! AMAZING!!!

Thanks alot  :)

QuoteFirstly, that airport is just incredible. Fantastic detail in every aspect, and the way you have set up the terminal is very realistic.

Secondly, your MD in general is just genius. In terms of originality, nothing tops it today. I recently when to Bamako, Mali, and although the architecture is different, the terrain reminds me very much of it.

Fantastic job here!

Thank you alot nedalezz  ;D Im very glad you like it. Im not recreating anything. Im going for my own style here which alows me to try and be as creative as possible.

QuoteOMG, Amazing airport !

lol, uh did you relize you commented twice?  :D
Thanks again...

sumwonyuno :
QuoteExcellent pictures!  I really like the nicely done the flora, water, mud, and airport!

Thank you alot  :)

QuoteWell, I'm not sure what to say first  You've used all that flora in an awesome way. Buut, maybe you should cut down some of the trees around the runway, they're too close to it and may cause accidents. Other than that, fantastic work! 

Thank you very much! I relised my mistake with the trees, so it wont happen again.  :thumbsup:

Quotereally cool airport my friend   it's really look like those tropical airports, you can feel the ambiance, hot like a humid subtropical climate, well done on the details and realistic airport surrender, your mosaic are also very nice with great mouvement effect 

Thanks alot planetechef. Im realy glad you like it so much.  ;D

QuoteYou have shown some very nice pictures.  I especially like the river ways and how you detailed the shore line, and the dirty water effect looks perfect. 
Very nicely done.


Thank you robin. I will be sure to keep up my standards.  ;)


Going to be interesting to see what comes of this next region!  Looks great already. 


Wow!! Reaally good teaser. Those buildings are also awesome! Where did you find them?


Looking great marsh! It's always great to see your pics, especially after seeing the teasers you've been posting in chat ;D

        Your friend,
                       Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.



Noudhibou.... The "Oasis City". Noudhibou is an arising metropolis on long peninsula. For 200 years it has been a center of trade, a turn-of the century port, and now its becoming a commercial megacenter.

      People call Noudhibou the "Oasis City" for a reason. The original peninsula was a bank of sand stretching into the atlantic. Now, with the help of urbanization and desalination, the city is the second top tourist destination in Africa, with its warm ocean waters brought by the current, strong religious beliefs, quaint hotels, and rich culture, people from all over Europe and the Middle East come to the city to enjoy the lifestyle.

     Noudhibou is in a strange location. On the far-far edge of the Sahara, were the dunes meet the sea. No natural vegitation to be seen away from the small seasonal river, and what else? A small peninsula on which the city sits, protected by the eroding shore. The closest cities? The ancient walled desert city of Atar, and the flourishing megaopolis known as Zukuraai.

     At night the city remains alive, but somewhat dead. Lights everywere, but utterly quiet. People sit in their homes spending time with family, and eating dinner. Mom & Pop stores still are prevelent here. No Wall-Marts in the entire city, mabey even the entire country.

     Noudhibou Central Station... Utterly dead at night. No trains in at the moment. Just a large empty building, with a lone person behind a counter.

     As the sun rises off the ocean, the skys and the oceans turn bright orange, and people wonder... the people wonder... why? The sun rising in the west... A rare site indeed.

     8a.m, The city is already bustling. People walk and drive to work everywere. Small shops, hotels, construction sites, you name it. Tourists still eating breakfast, so the Bordwalk, (although its cement), is dead, and the beach desolate aside from a few Spring Breakers, who passed outin the lifegard tower from drinking too much Vodka.

     Central Station is now awake. A train is due in any minute. People wait inside on the benches and the ticket lines, for the 8:10 to Zukuraai.

Slums... a sad sight to behold in any city. The Inner City slums, (as called by locals), is a large "Shantytown" of the poor. Very few people are actualy homelessin the Royal Gansbaai Kingdoms. Ganssbaai has an extreamly low unemployment rate.

     Islam is the National Religion of Gansbaai, and the largest as well. So ofcorse,  many mosque's exist in Gansbaai. All allowed to built wherever they want. Freedom of religion is not only a right, but a law in the country. The people here respect that. There were not even any protests about the New Catholic Churches being built next to that elementary school playground.

And Ill end part one with a mosaic.   :thumbsup:


Wow, great update Marsh! Stunning mosaic at the end there. Very unique overall.


Those pictures were just fantastic.  I loved the over all feel of low wealth and the mid wealth trying to come to life here and there.
Great work. &apls
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


That's a fine recovery marsh, it's great to see the "Kingdoms" on the move again.
Great pics as usual highlighting an attractive combination of lots.  :thumbsup:
